Snowhigh Seeds

DMSO is a very interesting one! I’m gonna dig into that

Thanks for your help, Dirt Wizard

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Old seeds are tough. One key is to keep them moist enough for weeks without drowning them. The Coco method is promising. If you can get the real coco( unprocessed), even better. @Guitarzan has gotten into many more methods than i have. For me, I have a worm farm now so i can use fresh castings. I plan on using the castings( always peroxide first) in between paper towels like normal, but with a small amount of fresh castings/ vermicompost in there and seeds on top of the castings. A castings taco with seeds for toppings😁


The aloe contains gibberellic acid and other growth hormones. In lieu of fresh castings I’d add an aloe soak ( put seeds in a chunk of aloe plant) for 12 hrs and then plant into living soil.


Here’s a link to something called the germination bomb:

Germination Bomb For Old Or Difficult Seeds

You put blackstrap molasses, Superthrive, H2O2, and DMSO in a cup of water. You make a little pressure vessel from a pint mason jar, an aquarium pump, some air line, and an airstone. The seeds and solution go into the jar, put the lid on it, hook the hose to the pump, and turn it on. The idea is to soften the shell and force the carbs, vitamins, and growth hormones into the embryo. The link has a lot more info. :v:


Couldn’t you just crack the seed and let those goodies seep in the seed rather than making a contraption to force it in? Just seems like an overkill way to get past the shell


Thanks everyone for the tips. I let John know of my germ rates with the older stock and he sent this info below. Also, Looks like one quicksilver just popped up today; hopefully more to follow so I can make some f2’s

“I would say use 50/50 h2o2 3% and tap water soaking for 30 mins you can use a air stone or not. After 30 mins Pat dry and use paper towel method. Using heating pad for 24 hours then turn off or it invites mold and fungi. after 3 days help remove shells and sow in sterilized soil. Use turkey bag or oven bags. Sterilize soil in microwave 3 times 3 minutes with the last 3 minutes with twist tie applied. The idea is enough moisture in soil to steam and sterilize the harmful pathogens. Avoid rooters or cubes, place soil on particle board soil starter trays which you fill with sterilized soil. Slightly moisten after sowing seeds. Place in well lit window or under T5 fluorescent lights with small fan blowing over trays so mold and pests don’t get established and you avoid damn off.”


Yes. You can crack the shell woth your teeth.
I soak seeds in a paper towel.
If after a week they dont sprout, i crack em with my fingers (but teeth are more sensitive to pressure than fingers)


Very excited to give this a shot.

May be a few weeks, but I’ll post results!


Which strain is that MrRevolution?


Im pretty sure its black raspberry haze


Yup. Black Raspberry Haze ( Maduro × Neviles Haze × Purple Thai).


That Maduro is interesting. Its from RC Colas. I think its a Mexi/Thai (purple thai) pheno from Blue Moonshine.


All I hear is “UM UH you know”. Half the recording is him saying Uh. Brutal to listen to these potcasts. Excellent information but I could not finish it. No offense really the guy is smart.

The host?
Yeah, he is brutal. Still, better than Mitch, Adam, and the Kid on Adam Dunn Show.


Heart of Darkness all transplanted into 3 gallons and getting ready for the flip. Choose 4 females (including the narrow leaf mutant) and 3 males. Some of the other selections going into the project are 72’ Colombian Gold, Highland Ethopian (pictured below - love the purple that has been showing since first germiantion), Congolese IX from Snowhigh, Bandaid Haze, Purple Haze, El Primo Mexicano, Bean String Nepali, Cuban Black Haze x Panama Red and some other Skunks / Afghans / Breeder Cuts. Going to be a WILD RIDE!!!

Pardon the Sulfur. My IPM for anyone interested before flip is 15mL Microdispress Sulfur (Powder) + 30 mL Regalia / 1 Gallon H20.


Did anyone preorder snowhighs J’s wacky Colombian seeds and get them already?


Hey pagoda that sounds like you are planning a jungle; one I’d love to get lost in :joy:

Are you planning to hit the other selections you mention with the heart of darkness pollen or are they separate projects all together?

Sounds like some winners to be had in the mix; best of luck!

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Im liking the looks of that; something about a foxtail on haze just looks right to me


Really looking forward to having my space smell like church incense lol. All the of the mentioned plants above are all going to be pollinated by the HOD males and trust I will get a decent amount of seeds from the project.


Seed Cellar is clearing out old stock at 70% off. They got a bunch of Snowhigh listed. Gotta message or call them to see what they still have. First price is normal price, 2nd is sale price, 3rd number is # of packs