So Pretty I Had to Share

Very nice, I liked the semetry shot but the last pics fade close to harvest are my favorites. Good job and happy harvest.


Today Sunny had her final photoshoot before harvest…

Here are her last “glamor shots” before going to be snipped. Sorry to see her go… I have no other plant with such symmetry.

She’s not quite as pretty or symmetrical as she was at the beginning (partly my fault for cutting two clones instead of four), but she was fun to grow and gave me a surprise pop of bright yellow for a couple of days… gotta tell ya, I was feeling a little low and seeing that was really a nice surprise and finally answered the question about why someone gave her that name.

I have a couple of her clones… looking forward to seeing if they grow the same way. :lemon::fire: = :sunflower: = :grin:


look forward to hearing the final yield :slight_smile: beautiful plant

This picture is not Lemon Fire… it’s a 420 Carat that I named Whoopi (Goldberg) cuz everyone knows she enjoys a little green now and then…

Anyway, I like the title, “So Pretty I Had to Share” and I think you can see why I decided to share this topic with a second plant that I just harvested. I think it fits here… not bad for a newbie, right?

I put the scissors in the pictures for height comparison.




Lemon Fire has been harvested and after about a week of drying time, the yield is almost 2 ounces.

I picked it pretty clean, cuz I didn’t know any better, so I also had a nice pile of sugar leaves too. We’ll put them in the Levo machine and infuse some oil… there is enough to fill both pods. It will be nice to find out if it makes some good tasting gummies!

Your plant is looking good!

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This will be my last entry in this growing diary… (unless one of Sunny’s clones grows up to be as symmetrical and beautiful as her mother, then I may add a footnote, but so far her “daughters” just look “average”).

Sunny has been a lot of fun to raise and watch.

Final pictures:

Two weeks of curing next… can’t wait to find out how it will turn out! (It sure smells good!)



Re: the song, “Fade Away”

You may have seen this posted elsewhere, but my cat died a few days ago. My heart is broken and my life feels so empty. I kinda figured your song would make me sentimental, so I waited until today to listen to it…

Thank you so much for sending it!! If a cat could sing human lyrics, I believe this is what she would have said. I loved her so much… and I really believe she loved me back. Some cats are so aloof… treat you like you’re their employee or something… not Candy.

I miss her so much.

I know you were referring to the plants fading, but it was the right song for this moment too. Thank you for the song.


Oh my friend! :sob:

I’m so sorry!

My heart breaks with you.

I hate that you must feel the pain of your beautiful cat passing.

Candy loved you and lived a great life, to an old age. There for you in your moments of joy and sadness both. There is no way I can say anything that will heal your heart. Only time can do that.

However, your love and heartache show you that Candy is part of you. Candy may have passed from the physical world, but the spirit lives on! Candy will always be part of this world, and your world. You must live on, and grieving is part of this life.

I hope you are able to find some solace today, and in the coming weeks. Perhaps making a plaque or getting a tattoo or whatever yoi can think of to memorialize her will help you to transition.

RIP to a great friend, and loyal partner, we miss you Candy and won’t forget you. :peace_symbol:


Sorry for your loss man as a cat owner it must be a really dificult time. Congrats on the beatiful plants