So third tent in a row seems pollinated, I have no males at all anywhere, I’ve cleaned and sprayed countless times through these tents, fans, ducts

If you’re at all like me, something always needs cleaning.

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The fan that’s outside of all the tents pushes towards an open vent for the pollinated 5X5 that keeps getting pollinated.


That’s sucks mate but at least you know what’s going on now :grinning:

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Yea I’m like pissed off beyond belief that another tent is pollinated but happy I figured out the mystery and it was a simple one cuz It’s messed up a lot for me now, and I’m like goin crazy tryna find light leaks or pollen sacs and cleaning the insides of the tents lol


I wouldn’t fret…I often see a few pistils shriveling after sprays of pretty much anything.

Often in early flower I see the preflowers turning brown as they pass their fertility window spray or not.

Both of which usually send me looking for a stamen cluster. Interestingly I don’t think I’ve ever had a serious amount of seeds come harvest even with the odd stamen here or there. And I’ve grown a lot of seed plants. Maybe a few beans here and there but never like…a real problem situation.


Cool, I was worried about my catahoula and grand master chem when I pulled out the one hermi a little over a month ago, and thought I saw seeds forming but it in the end as the buds break apart you can’t see at all and I’m not seeing any seeds not even underdeveloped stuff. As a grower there may be a nug or two where you can tell maybe a seed was almost about to form but not even like actual seed material just kind of a small pocket inside of a nug here and there.


I’ve seen that too. As if the pollen grains were enough to “start the process” and the pistil wilts but not viable to actually make a real seed. Reverse pollen seems to just not be as potent in general.


Exactly and that makes sense cuz I feel like I’ve had plants in the past where I’ve seen a nanner sticking out of a bud in the end but never actually see any type of pollination, not even a full sacs like this hermi just those little ones sticking out in a random spot or two.


In chem’s that’s pretty common, especially chem d leaners. The chem d cut itself puts out late nanners that are known to be sterile.

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The one I remember showing some banners a couple times but never showing any seeds, was sun kissed (tangie & cream X layer cake). Layer cake has tk and chem d in it. Both which I believe are hard to get to pollinate themselves like that, from what I hear. I ran sun kissed a good amount of times and one time I actually saw a bunch of pollen sacs at the bottom because I realized my cheap tent had a light leak even when it’s closed. I picked off the pollen sacs and I have some seeds from that saved but it was still such a small amount. Which was crazy cuz the corner plant where the like leak was had a bunch of sacs at the bottom to pick off. But I never saw a seed or a pollen sac with it besides that just bananas with no seeds a few times

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Yeah I’m pretty positive the TK is sterile too. I’ve only had her throw one banana in all the times I’ve grown her and got zero seeds. I then reversed her with STS, got balls everywhere; I got a gram or two of pollen off of her, all said and done, and… all of it was sterile. Not a single bean from the other clone of her nor anything else I hit with it. Need something stronger than stress and/or STS to have a hope of viable pollen off her.


Wow that’s crazy! I remember hearing nspecta say tk was hard to reverse and get viable pollen as well but I would’ve thought you’d get some seeds in that situation. Makes me wonder if I shouldn’t have chopped my plants mid flower that got pollinated I wonder if I get would’ve had as many seeds as my brain pictured. I’m pretty sure it was master kush X chem91bx3 pollen