So what will our plant become for pre rolled pack market?

I think you will see mid size 80 acre farms growing shorter indicas.
Only thing to worry about is the abundance of male pollen may diminish quality.

Won’t hurt my feelings if the profit margins are greatly reduced.
Hobbyist like the ones on this site will still have the best genetics and end products available.
Rescheduling on the federal level is a must. Time for the real criminals (government) to finally end the stupidity of depriving millions of one of God’s or universes greatest plant.
Free the weed.

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@Chieftain "Hobbyist like the ones on this site will still have the best genetics and end products available.
Rescheduling on the federal level is a must. "

and it may make us all the bootleggers of the future

watch out for revenuers :wink:

all the best and be safe


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You are right on that one dequilo. Avoid the hassles.
Peace and be safe.

They’ll grow feminized autoflowers to avoid the lower extract yields caused by pollination.

Pennies per seed.


planted like this


I listed to a podcast the other day and they were talking about sterilized fem seeds. I don’t think they are quite there yet, but working on it.

Wouldn’t worry about changes just yet
We aren’t looking at changes yet to mass production still on the dispensary gold rush and tax cash cows.

Continue as is we have plenty bible humpers who look at marijuana as sin and big pharma afraid of the medicinal benefits going main stream.

This cure all plant will end big pharmaceutical once its realized the benefits in each strain genetic cross.

For time being my advice is keep doing what you all doing your the real pioneers find the rare strains crosses.

Dont worry so much big Gov’t they not going anywhere fast enough. Prob 15yrs before we see anymore changes other than more deregulation until we can justify it as medicine and not recreational it’s at a standstill.

And to be Frank the black market = black projects and supports many things off the books… look around :shushing_face::wink:

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@anon11359186 "nd to be Frank the black market = black projects and supports many things off the books… look around "

Air America in southeast Asia

Iran - Contra and Mena

etc. etc. etc.

so true



Indeed. Plants will likely be multipurpose. Extracted cannabinoids, livestock feed, industrial fiber. Probably still cheaper to extract THC from the field grown hemp crop than to grow high THC varieties and have to baby them.

Planting densities (like the picture) that don’t require herbicides, ground is shaded so water loss is avoided, roots so dense that erosion ceases to be a concern.

Just seems like a more useful/efficient plant in general than much of what we grow.

There will however be pollen contamination everywhere. Won’t be easy to grow a seedless crop anymore with massive fields outside, even if much of the outdoor crop is feminized.


@vernal “Indeed. Plants will likely be multipurpose. Extracted cannabinoids, livestock feed, industrial fiber”

that is why I am trying to get permitted to grow a one acre test field for my

own seed stock to plant forty acres in 2022

I am looking for industrial hemp to use for fiber and seeds

I was watching a talk about using the hurd for make building


you can do so much with our plant


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That is true I guess.I must be worried about keeping their pollen out of my reg photo females outdoors. I mean I just imagine huge fields of dreams.Lol.
Hope it is quality herb.I would buy some only as a last resort.

I heard the government of Texas accidentally decriminalized marijuana…they legalized holding of hemp, and then the state crime lab announced they would never be testing quantities smaller than 30 grams…lol…
Oklahoma is quickly adding quality control regulations but is on course forcing growers to buy the state approved software. Seed to sale…tracing…I doubt the big corporations will be scrutinized tho…and one vendor for software? Seriously? Sounds like a kickback to them.
I’m collecting landrqce sativa seeds and keeping them cool and dry. In thonking of building a grow room in my metal shop. Especially for tall plants…

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Same trash going into prerolls today only on a larger scale of course


I have YET to come across a quality pre-roll from a dispo. Granted I’ve probably only tried 10-15 different brands, I’ve broken a few down to look inside and its just trim+stem. When quality prerolls are widely available, I would consider trying again.

Or if it came from a reputable grower in my area. Also it would be much more appealing if they actually put jar-quality flower into it rather than just sugar leaves.

Double post

I’d usually agree with you, but contrary to what people think, big pharma hates scheduling. It increases distribution and compliance costs exponentially and reduces market opportunities. When the FDA was going to schedule Tramadol, Janssen fought tooth and nail. But, despite this, I somehow agree with your cynicism. The problem is, it is very difficult for me to discern where the perverse moralism of the state ends and where the pharma/politician corruption begins.

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Yeah it’s hard to determine what shit pile your looking at sometimes, power always leads to greed and corruption and when cannabis is projected to be in the billion dollar market range I can gaurentee some shitty people are diving in. I already see it in the demener of the club owners and the general attitude people are taking towards each other. growers and smokers ratting each other out for having a non compliment business, trying to climb to the top at any cost. There is almost non of the original cannabis community values left in the modern commercial recreation scene and the few who are still true to there fellow man get ran over by the rest.


Hard to say I “like” that post but I get what you are saying

Probably a little extreme but that was my before coffee vent for the day.

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Oklahoma has the most permissive medical scene in country…not sure if ing recreational would make much difference at this point. It might allow more Texans to buy here? That would boost sales…but it’s already huge.
Lots of oil and gas men in the marijuana businesses here, some are admittedly clueless. Its the wild west of marketing. The attempt to keep Colorado and Californians out isn’t working. A corporate from Colorado just put a dispensary in a former Mitsubishi car dealership with a huge covered drive up window.
I sheet you not, it’s on mains street just off I-35 in Norman…?