SOG SHOW purple haze, dosi do, purple punch

Hury Up and Wait, lol. Where did I hear that before…
I pretend its legal to grow. Keeps the stress down. Maybe next year. That sucks you got raided man. Especially if your a family man. You catch time? You don’t have to answer that. What do you think might be the thing that got you caught up?
I could go on about how ridiculous it is that this plant is illegal. But I’m sure everyone here gets it.
Thats interesting about the max nitrogen stunting plants. I guess cause the plant feels like it doesn’t have to go any further. It has what it needs? I got this plant I dont know who the parents are but the nodes are so tight it ls a pain in @ss especially if your planning on lolipoping. Looking forward to seeing your work.

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Was outdoor no arrests were made but lost everything and decided to stop had to payback debts financed myself the year off.

Excessive nitrogen stunts plant root growth and induces the leaves to Increase growth.

Weak plants can die but usually it will stress the plants to show pre flowers quicker but will also shorten height.

For me i found it reduces chances of hermies later in flower.

Probably not the best way with plants weak to diseases or pests so that has to be dialed in.

I dont do it every time but wanted to keep these low 3-4 feet max. picked it up along time ago with chicken poop. Rabbit poop is much better too use.

Only one died and another had balls so total loss 2 from doing this.


You got my attention.

So looking at this for sog as the setup progresses.

After I run the dwc totes

This would allow flooding fabric pots with coco
And ease of ability.


Next week will be taking clones very tiny ones and trimming the bottoms/side growth to form single bud canopy.

Anyone interested should I post ?


Do it up! Would be nice to see how someone else does it.

Did this fill up already? Sounds killer!

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Will have a few testers going out when viable
I’m still pheno hunting for the right male.

Currently selecting mothers that exhibit exceptional traits or close to original strains to cross with.

Will reveg those mothers for clones and crossing for seeds.

I do have quite a backlog of strains to run and recently acquired a few more. So should stay interesting if I can get 4 cycles a year.

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Effin, eh! Please keep me in mind when you need those testers…lol.

Will be following your adventures here!!! Best of luck to you and your hunt!!!


This just happend

Purple Lamborghini: Purple Urkel x Triple OG (Rare/discontinued)

Didnt get to update pics but everything trimmed underneath. And week3 flower started clones taken of each 1-3" very small in aeroponics.


… quick update


Week5 flower tomorrow
Temps were at 95f

Brought temps 75f

Added more air circulation and trimmed up

So far the purple punch reeks of grapes

Dosi do is stretchy

Purple haze more green earthy smell


Dosi do stretcher placed in corner probably will run 12 weeks.


Silica and co2 builds strong stems up the middle buds growing uniform xmas trees. Removing unneeded foliage helps air flow and you don’t need as many fan leaves in sog.


Guess the power went out some clones came back some wilted. Like 2 had roots starting in aeroponics sprayer. Leave them for 2 weeks see what happens.

2 of these purple punch one is grape the other like fruit punch are definitely gonna get reveged moms for hydro sog clones.

Dosi do probably wont make the cut, purple haze as well not meeting the parameters.

Next run I’m doing bog sour blu tooth, and GDP, lemon haze unknown origin.


Update pics





Week 8 start


Identified 4 plants worth revegging for clones
They seem to be the purple punch for fist size single colas. Dosi do making pretty colors small hard but nothing uniform even with training. The purple haze seemed to make rippling colas not fully filling in.

From seed Next run changed up a bit bog blutooth reg, bbg 60days reg, GDP reg, misc scrap clones and Brucebanner x strawberry banana reg / identifying mothers if any.

Then purple punch clone run possibly in the dwc totes which need to be dialed in.

Cloning method aero sprayer to dwc small/deep veg totes 2 weeks then to larger tubs straight into flower.