SOG SHOW purple haze, dosi do, purple punch

Im about to try similar. 5.5" pots in trays with clones like

under 600w hps w new bulb but in 5.5 pots not 3" whats your average yield per pot flipping at that size? I got a home depot sprayer to feed by hand. Was looking at blumat but im no lab coat man im in ghetto.


Grabbed a 2x4 flood tray to bottom feed in fabric 1 gals pro mix gh 3 part flora grow flower add black strap mollasses. Average ppm was growth 800 in flower boosted to 1200-1400 ph 5.5-6 rang. They swelled up nice

For moms I went 3gal fabric pots and flowered out to identify traits.

The 3 gals I top feed by hand 2x a week

Once mothers reveg will be taking clones for dwc totes for perpetual
And will slide in 1 gal bags on sides also grabbed a bigger tent to do half hydro half soil under leds.

Right now running 600hps to control temps at night in flower. Days r chilly bringing out nice colors.

The veg tent is ready to flip will probably harvest some on start week 9 and center any on corners need to finish along with new recruits from veg on sides.

I’m very happy with this run and am 100% dialed in for flower tent #1 veg tent still needs improvement but is running slow which gives me time. But later on I will need to dial in for quicker turn over.


Havent weighed yet but looking at a zip on some plants
Will update

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Nice. I been threatening to try an sog for a while now i have probably 5 strains i keep in clones. Gonna multiply em n try it out. I been getting weak yields with bigger plants just too much space wasted and cant position em tight. Then i tried scrog that resulted in bunch of popcorn i want to try getting that wall of main colas. So you trim all side growth right to focus on one cola? Im going to try coco perlite with azos and mykos. Got gallons of tps nutrients i been running in soil a while so ill try them first.

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Yes I trim heavy week 2 of flower everything below top and week 4-5 lower branches and fan leaves below canopy I found tight nodes stack. Make them look like xmas trees anything below that gets no light has to go.


Sog is the only way I’ll grow unless I have a mother plant training for screens.

Gives you barrier of numbers variety and if you keep good air flow and trim seems to love it. No issues keep neem on hand just incase but havent needed it yet on sog.

Also you can easily move or remove plants or add… and trim time what’s that?

I’d say if you can go for it… if you dont mind the labor of watering more over trimming. But I only water 2x week so it’s nothing.


Yeah i agree. Hate trimming long branches of scattered bud. It seems this is more work up front but much easier after setup.

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I’m new to indoor been outdoor mostly other than starting indoors under fluorescents.

But seems to be what I’m used to veg numbers and you lose half. But in sog you dont seem to lose you have the option of culling if needed or packing them in. Unlike larger plants training and trying to fill gaps.

Indoors has been much easier I used alot of lifta unless they ask for help. 2 things like said air flow and clearing out lower canopy.

I’ll be making some s1 off my mothers if your looking for my SOG keepers. I got all the exotic genetics sog seeds to burn through. My whole setup will remain SOG oriented.


Yeah im going for it. Those clones are a strain i made. TiramisuV2 x e pupil. Momma of them looks promising but havent harvested her yet.

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Any advice on when to flower @ week 9

Updates / bud porn


confused. Theyre on week 9 ? what about flower ? For week 9 lotta white pistils still

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9 weeks from flip ya keeps throwing on the growth on top bottoms starting to color on smaller buds.

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Do they take longer to flip running em no veg really? Most the strains i kept cuts of finish in 60 or less days. Is it going to add a week or 2 to that?

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These were 2 weeks from seed planted if you scroll up you can see what they started flower at. Tbh anything past 2 weeks you wont get the tight nodes for single colas and less yield unless you scrog.

2weeks + flower stretch the plants will stretch until what they need.

In this case for sog less is more you just have to push your nutes and sugars in flower. I was running 1200-1600ppm last few weeks and flushing with blackstrap/ honey @300-400ppm mid week.


Yeah i never check ppm. Just ph. I underfeed until i find what they want. Ive got like 4 different nute lines i just go by numbers n figure my own feeds. I know what they want when n all. I read plants real good too like plant whisperer shit. I need to scroll back n see how tall they were cause im taking close to 6" cuts but i can beat em with light to try limit stretch.

So here they got flipped to 12/12?

These here are max 2 weeks out cloner. Taking cuts 4-6"

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6-8 inches those were flowered/transplanted from solo cups no nutes at 2 weeks from seed plain water only go heavy on nutes one time per week in flower first 2 weeks go gro micro bloom magnesium cut excess leaves that die flush one time per week. I get my colors this way not by temps. 2x watering only
Flush with blackstrap. And water nutes bloom micro and magnesium if you see needed mag.

Mine leak syrup at night and smells are sweet n sour based on phenos some reek of pine

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I also go very heavy on grow nutes during first 4 weeks of stretch flower. Then bud production when growing stretch stops stack on the sugars when buds are growing and last 2 weeks just sugars n water pull all nutes from leaves. These aren’t finishing fast still packing buds but I cut the nutes out so hopefully will finish up soon.

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Yeah i think im going to start running with the tps nutes i already have with thier calmag complete. But yeah i use molasses all through and i put microbes in even in coco. Im gonna charge coco with mykos and azos and bottle feed as they say theyre hungry. But yeah usually my clean waters are either molasses or epsom. I run on the low end of nutes n let microbes eat sugars (molasses)and they feed.

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