Solar powered grow room for moms/clones and small breeding projects

Title basically says it all I’m trying to get my grow going as soon as possible for my 2023 outdoor and I want to start my plants underneath lights right now even though it’s freezing it doesn’t stay that cold long here since I lost all my girl equipment and supplies when our property got robbed last year I’m having to rebuild from scratch and I’m wondering if anybody knows anything about low power consuming LEDs and could point me in the right direction for some lights on the cheaper side just to keep mothers going and clones and breeding small plants it’ll basically be a greenhouse type tent that I’m doing with the clear ceiling so I’ll get plenty of daylight I just need supplemental light for the winter season hours and for continual vegging…

I’m thinking about just getting some of them solar lights that are for outdoor security lights they have it like Walmart and Home Depot and using them for my supplemental lighting I’m not trying to flower any monsters or anything like that so I don’t need that powerfully penetrating of a light I just need something to keep it from going in the flower and to keep up the vegetative growth…

Well I hope this post makes sense as my screen on my phone’s cracked so I can’t type on it and whenever I use talk to text like this it always makes everything I reply come out incoherent novel that looks like it was written by a 12 year old on Adderall… I’ll do my best to edit it and make it a little more understandable…

Thank ya.

Ps I finslly got a vehicle yesterday and it’s dope, I love astro vans(gmc safari is same vehicle)

It’s got almost 400k miles so I’m not expecting it to last too long, sure is nice being able to bring building materials and equipment home to the property, not to mention groceries n such… haha

1 thing I wanted to clear up so I’m cross posting this in the three different threads were I’m being a beggar…:

One other positive note is that I just got an email from AK Bean brains who had sent $500 for seeds 2 years ago and he got the package back like at the beginning of last year it had gotten lost in the mail for months coming from Alaska… and he told me you can send it to my sister’s address cuz I don’t trust anything going to my property right now… but yeah he told me that a couple weeks ago and I just got the email back from him yesterday saying that it’s in the mail and I thought he was going to have to get payment again cuz he had actually MoneyGrams me my 500 bucks back but he’s just going to let me have them I guess and he kicked in a bunch of free random seeds that are unlabeled that he had laying around so I’m kind of excited about that… so between that and the testers and the freebies that everyone has sent me here I’m f****** set for years to come and I appreciate everybody so much… it’s coming to my attention that I look like a scam or a thief because I did ask for seeds on Z Labs the year before last before everything went to hell and though I posted what happened in my thread I’m realizing that most people didn’t see that and so they just remember me showing up and asking for stuff and then disappearing… and then basically doing the same thing here so I understand that there’s nothing I can do to make people’s minds change except not do what they think that I’m doing and that’s what I intend to do so hopefully I get my growth red started on both the labs and here and be able to show my progress and hopefully get the trust back of the people in the community that I care about a lot… it’s kind of one of the worst feelings to have somebody who’s helped you when you were down think that you were unappreciative or just trying to scam them but I totally understand where they’re coming from…

One thing I do find kind of funny though is that they think I’m trying to like make money off this when there’s no money in weed anymore like when I work to the hydro shop in group plants back in like 2008 I can sell pounds to the east coast for like four grand nowadays people are selling pounds around here for literally $100 there’s absolutely no money in it but it’s just something that I enjoy and I love gardening and I want to be able to grow all kinds of plants and not have to buy my food at the store and stuff but yeah I better put up or shut up so I’ll start my thread here pretty soon and hopefully not look like such a douchebag… this is cross posted in two different threads that I was asking for Stuff in case anyone’s wondering


Good luck rebuilding your garden & life bro.

" Sometimes you’re flush and sometimes you’re bust , and when you’re up , it’s never as good as it seems, and when you’re down, you never think you’ll be up again, but life goes on.""

Just a quote from the movie “Blow” that I love.

Right? Definitely Fuckin feel those words

Luckily she’s been getting better by the daily so I have faith or hope or whatever it’s called that gets us up out of the bed in the morning

I’ve found you just need 1 thing to keep you going. It could be a favorite meal, a comfy bed, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a dog, weed (or some other fun substance), a loved one you care about… or a plan for the future. If you’ve got 1 you’re OK. If you got 2 or 3 on that list…well then you’re made in the shade buddy :+1: :peace_symbol:

I dig that man… I got a three-legged dog that’s been with me all across the country I got him as a puppy after I rode my first train and he stayed with me on the road the entire time he rode Freight across the country he got hit by a car in Georgia and lost his leg and ever since then I felt guilty and basically kind of stop training him so now he’s a little Helly and that walks all over me he still has his balls… he’s got puppies in Tennessee and West Virginia with a black chow in WV

My wife has a wolf coyote border collie mix that is just the best female dog on the world and she’s getting old and her face is turning gray and her hair is hurting gray and it’s so sad watching her get old and I know it’s going to kill my old lady so we’re trying to get a puppy before she passes so that she can help the puppy learn since they learn from their elders and my dog is not going to teach him anything except bad habits… he is an amazing breed though Kelpie which is Australian sheep herding dog that descends from dingo’s so we’re hoping that he knocks up another cool b**** and that we can get a female dog of his to raise correctly and just have an awesome dog not that mine isn’t he’s very awesome he’s just a handful he’s the main reason that I settle down though is why I built a place that slabs and why I got my property it’s cuz I regretted making enough to walk everywhere on the road when I rode freight trains sometimes get kicked off out in the middle of nowhere and have to walk 7 miles and Forest in a three-legged dog to do that’s just not fair so I got the property for his sake but I still haven’t gotten a legit fence up yet so he has to be tied up all the time and that kind of goes against the whole reason I got the place and I feel guilty about that too but I finally got a new drill after getting all my s*** robbed last year and we got the van now

So we’re going to be able to bring materials like pallets up and scrap wood and build the shed and things and finally get a legit fence up luckily the old cartel grows across the street they got abandoned had lots of hog wire fencing that I was able to cut down and surround the majority of my property but the back side of my property ends at a creek and I’m not allowed to build within 25 ft of the creek so I have to make the fence like cut through my property to keep my dog in and that kind of sucks so I really wish he could go down to the creek cuz it’s here around and it’s killer water and the other dog loves going down there so I don’t want to make it to her she can’t… I’m really sorry how incoherent this s*** is I talking to my phone so there’s no punctuation unless I say… and get the little three. Oh look there I said. And it made a period instead of just putting the word

haha oh well
sorry yall

I promise I’m not as terrible as I seem

Probably pretty close though…