Some Questions On Male Plants For Breeding

The Dinamed were feminized seeds and they have a low THC but the yield of the plant is not great. The Cherry Wine was good in that behalf. I crossed them because they were what I had. The Cherry Wine was suppose to be a low THC seed and I used pollen from the plant on the Dinamed before the Cherry Wine was harvested and I tried it. I do expect to get plants with higher THC than I want but am hoping to find a few that are not and then to use those plants to continue on. But in the meantime I have these five males.

without using a testing service, how do you figure the level of CBD?? i have a CBD plant growing in the tent, Undertow i got from Sebring’s website, but i’ve not tried CBD before. can you explain what consuming CBD feels like??


It feels like you got ripped off by somebody selling you a bag of weed that does not get you high. That was my first thought when I smoked my first CBD joint. (If I got sold a bag back in the day.) But in a short while my pain subsided. I have a nervous condition which causes my skin to feel like I have Shingles. I judge the level of CBD and THC by how well the pain goes away and how straight I feel. Not the most scientific method but one that is more of a go/no go test. If it works life is good. If it takes away the pain but leaves me a little tipsy then it can be used for an end of the evening relief.


I am not sure what has caused this but it is so far from normal sativa genetics I would toss those males , just my two cents


No sense of adventure? Since I do not have anything to go in my veg tent for now I will wait until I see some males show up in my flower area.


I’m using full spectrum CBD using a Magic Butter machine and 2 cups of 190.
We make a small chocolate edibles, packing maybe 30 mg.

For me I feel the CBD hits in a couple min. It’s like a passing phase transition, there and then gone.
In a couple more min. I can feel the joint tightness loosen and some of the ‘arthritis annoyance’ vanish.

For testing you can do a quick yes/no test using the Beam’s test.
It gives you a color (violet) intensity response using potassium hydroxide.
There’s kits you can order as well.



Think I found a mate for the male. I collected some pollen and trashed the males. I put the other plants in 12:12 and in two days I found this. A little more time needed bu we will see what happens.