Someone turn off the deep freeze

It wasn’t that miami was playing on basically half a team right?!

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Or that Kc’s major scorer was the field goal kicker? It only takes a split second for Tyreek to turn a game around. I certainly wasn’t bragging, we needed the help on that win.


I am old enough to know better but too young to resist. Ha ha ha 🫣


About the same here, but I’m headed to Oklahoma the day after tomorrow to experience some actual cold weather!


It’s so cold here even the snow men are wearing coats.


That what it looks like in Columbus this morning


I dont know about snow in Columbus but I think a few thousand households have lost electricity in Columbus.


After reading all this I find myself submitting to the fact that I am now happy that it is only 28°F here.

Finally had to relocate the outdoor grow to a indoor grow!

That wind don’t help though… :dash:

And you :arrow_up: just have to rub it in. :wink:
I grew up in SoCal.
Just checked the weather for the ol barrio and it looks like they are having a cold spell at 64° and sunny today… I have to admit I do miss that weather!

Stay warm y’all… :call_me_hand:


we got down to -38C this past few days. High on friday was -32.
Today it is a balmy -20 right now.
I don’t know about you all but I love winter. No bugs outside, air is fresh and clean (where I live LOL) and the lakes are frozen and fit to play on. I love ice fishing as one of life’s simple pleasures and getting to fish on hard ice for 3 or 4 months of the year is kinda paradise for me hehe.
I could do without the cold temps in the -30’s and colder… that part sucks and makes life a bit difficult as far as going anywhere. Its so hard on the vehicles. Otherwise… my favorite seasons are fall and winter and anything over +25C and I start melting.


Just so happens I’ll be hitting Florida for 10 days in Feb and going to the Daytona 500! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’ll think of ya lol

But yeah I’m kinda over this -50°C…thankfully I don’t work winters anymore

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I haven’t seen much news today but I had electricity in over by Cosi area.

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It’s so cold that students can’t even eat


This one hit me in my neuropathy, @Mithridate ! Hahahah. Damn, reminds me of a bunch of us making naked snow angels back in the day.

Cold as hell here in the Big River Valley. Nothing new, but damn it gets later and longer every year it seems like. Used to be a slope to it, you know?

Hope everyone is staying warm and plenty stocked up on the vitals.
Stay up, be safe
:ghost: :raccoon:


Yeah western Oklahoma here it’s been a balmy 5 all day and the fukin pipes froze all over the neighborhood oh well …I’m moving on Tuesday so I guess I’ll buy a couple of Fallon’s of water

Here ya go buddy!
image image


The river decided to freeze.


I take it that’s not normal?

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F’in colder than a witch’s tit for sure out there. Will be colder over the next few days before a warm up. Where is global warming when we need it?!


It is normal for it to freeze in the winter time in certain parts. It is still quite something to see though.
I hope the Sturgeon fish stay warm. :cold_face:


No snow except on the mountains we were snow free up in till a week or 2 back . Stay warm.