Someone turn off the deep freeze

-8 F here right now. -29f wind chill. damn pipes are frozen. at least i could take a hot shower. there was a block of ice in the tub, lol.



Not bad here atm, was like -19-20 with windchill early this am.

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Damn bro! That’s nuts

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In NW Florida we are currently at 44F but For the next 5 days they are predicting 20F “Hard Freeze Warning” … What the heck is going on?

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Damn guys I’ll keep my 10 degrees I don’t want anything negative

Yea bud, but what’s that in real degrees?

Just did the conversion, that’s pretty warm bud, was - 12 fake degrees when I let the ducks and chickens out this morning.

Bahaha you Yankees and your “real degrees” yup that’s cold! It’s about that here right now and snowing pretty good . Even my dog doesn’t wanna go out :man_facepalming:t2:

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Yep, started snowing here about an hour ago. Hope it doesn’t snow too much, this cold warm cold warm is fucking with the ice on the lakes. If it’s not at 1400’ or higher it’s realy sketchy.

Currently in the great white North ….


Exactly! Haven’t been on the ice once this year yet!


We’ve been out a couple times, my boy loves it. This week should freeze everything up really good so we can get the big pop up out and invite some friends.

This is my situation. I’ve shovelled 12 inches 4 days in a row. Getting another 8-12 inches today. -17 Celsius feeling like - 30 with wind, first pic of my deck which has been cleared daily for the last 4 days, taking a break and I’ll do it again tomorrow. second pic that snow is waist deep on an average person, 3rd pic is happening right now. Can’t see 10 feet in front of you because white outs are so bad. Roads closed all over the area, worst it’s been in 20 years as I’ve been told by my driveway snow removal guys.


Holy crap bro! Where abouts are you? I hope we don’t get it that bad, my back aches just looking at it

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My water storage containers a couple days back after a little mid storm slow down. Shut is intense

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You South, North, East, West Ontario? Nice piece of property btw

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I’m in the grey highlands just south of Owen sound. Getting pummeled with lake effect from Huron and Goergian bay. Perfect storm type shit lol

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Lol, just checked weather and it’s been updated. We have been getting the high end of the estimate every day so looks like another 24 inches soon come

I’m a dumbass! Haha green highland, I knew you weren’t far! Oh man I used to be up there lots, still come out often to fish. That last pic you took of the snow falling is insane! That really does look like perfect storm shit! I’m about 25 mins from the meeting of Erie /Ontario so unless real bad it misses us, but my dad is in Crystal Beach and is getting it like you

Love it here, the property is a chore to maintain but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Thanks bud

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