Sour Boggle by BOG Preservation Run

That depends on the bank, who you are, relationship etc.
Cant speak for BOG but I haven’t done consignment in several years.


Thank you, Tony - that makes total sense. Quality breeders with a solid reputation, like you, are paid up front.

One might assume BOG also didn’t (need to) sell his beans on consignment.

So…should we move forward on preserving BOG’s retired lines? If so, I’ll run one strain if someone can provide it. I just got a new LED and just prepped a space for breeding, so I’m ready TODAY!


I just want to say…BOG had a plan. BOG didn’t get this far winging it. He was smart and efficient. Didn’t complicate. Any creator of great genetics would consider how their seeds and legacy could live on. I’m sure he has plenty of friends in the industry that may also like to carry it out his legacy.


If you want to preserve or make seeds of something you bought you are within your rights as far as general accepted practice I reckon.


There are definetly ways to go about it with out treading on any toes, for example I’m working with some of DJs grape Krush and vanilluna, I plan to make more with the best ones I find to preserve the lines but I have no intention of selling them or giving many away. I’m doing it to creat a stash for the fridge in case I want to breed with it later or his family decides to walk away from it.
What I would consider doing if you have a pack you want to make sure is preserved is grow them out sooner then later, make more and tuck them away untill we have more information on what the future holds.


My thoughts are the same. Well said. I true spirit of OG. Overseed the world. I only have 4 BOG strains, really had to fight the urge to pop all 4. Working with SWEET CINDY and LIFESAVER first.


Really glad I’m reading this. I was in a real dilemma with myself about this exact topic. I was in on the BOG group buy. When I received my beans I was in between grows. So I popped a single Sour Blu Tooth. It’s a little man now and I refuse to chop it.


yall grow that shit! You have a totally valid point but I think you are being overly cautious. I cant see why any breeder would have a problem with preservation runs like yall state. because if anything its just gonna get word around and provide free advertisement for their new work!
I mean if all they plan on doing is sitting back on a body of work, they arent really in it to win it anymore.


I agree 100% with the waiting . Not because I don’t want BOGs family to be pissed off but entirely out of a respect thing. BOG has earned and deserves that respect.


Agree with waiting as well. Have BOG Sour Bluetooth and BOG LSD going right now, with enough left over seed of both to create babies in the future. Also have Sweet Cindy and Sour Bubble.

The males from this go-around will be saved, but going for flower run this time around!


Ummm…you do know that BOG just passed away, right? :thinking:


I am a little shocked myself. Kinda makes me wanna vault my shit.

I won 200$ worth of gift certificates to glg and envirobrite. Here is where I asked them to go. Bog didn’t get enough respect when he was alive.


BOG and I had discussed me getting some of his sour bubble soon, and I had planned on ordering some at the first of this month, and in fact I had been messaging him through strainly, and I had put in a request there for some Sour Bubble just before he passed. Today I got a notice in my e-mail that said that someone at BOG had rejected my offer and I saw that they had added a note that said “Not this time.” I also see that the strainly listing is still active for BOG seeds. So, someone is still dealing with the business end of things there, but it appears to be on hold for now.


I totally get that, and the need to be sensitive.

What would BOG say if he were here in this debate? I have a feeling that I know what he would say, from the things he has told people through the years.


Yeah, and I know how much he cared about you guys running his gear. It’s not like yall are scheming up a run and sale of his stuff. Yall are talking about taking one of his classics and preserving it. I can’t think of a much greater honor as far as seed goes. Now, if yall were just gonna start copying and distributing freely or selling that would be horrible. I wasn’t referencing BOG or his family when saying someone not in it to win it etc. I was talking about any breeder not making new seeds of a strain and expecting it to not be reproduced. I look at it like music.
Sorry for any confusion, no disrespect meant whatsoever and RIP to a trippy dude and bless his sweet wife he loved so much. Their story is really an amazing love story, im so sorry for her. If anyone is in the ether communicating with spirits and aliens it would be bushy ole grower.


Oh is Sour Boggle not retired? I figured thats the only reason yall were thinking bout doing this.


Happened to me on his sour strawberry listing


BOG seeds have been being auctioned off left and right, his genetics are more than likely being kept by true growers, idk how it could be viewed or taken disrespectful in anyway. The bog family has already gotten what they wanted out of the seeds, if the preservation run isn’t for monetary gain there should be no issue with doing it,

How else do you pay homage to a grower that has passed other than keeping his hard work and effort going.

You can’t expect to get the same results from anyone other than BOG because BOG he knew what he wanted in each cross, this should happen because of all the effort and time he had put into making the crosses, why let all that love and time put forth vanish?


What is even going on here?
Grow them and share them. Shouldnt even be a question.