Sour Diesel Thread

Actually smoking some in real time, while reading the post. Bottom-Larf buds sampled. Kind of luxury somehow. It taste better in reading the SD thread ^^`

“old comment : SD being not the most potent chem stuff”

I totally agree. And i’m worried by the rumors that pass it for something competitive with the last standards of high potency. Even the old anyway, take a sensi star or a black domina by example … not really a fair battle with the SD.

BUT, it’s a lot about the terps in discussions but this fucking high is unique too. Warmfull like a good skunk, make you pseudo-drunk like a bubbegum, just enough racy to keep you creative and active but without excess or blowback. Also not specially strong, but not really capped as well. It’s fucking complicated to describe even in real time lol

The devastating aspect of this weed, is the whole standard that it set. Not really an isolated point. The singularity start with the plant and end in the smoke, both in potency and flavors. Now i’m just getting out from a fews oz of Jack Herer binge-rolled, and she resist very well to the transition. On potency it stay on decency, don’t get me wrong. But not top score.

Here, for a top grade it’s 20-25/grammer. atm i mean.

as fuck, it’s too pyramidal atm
harass him the fuck, too busy to make videos i guess lol

Not launching a polemic but i always considered TD as a chem breeder and good at it. Not as a SD player. The difference can appear silly but if you say chem i think about skunkVA and if you say SD i think about karma (because i’m EU) or a dozen of US labels with decent stuff ^^ In the same group.

I respect the ICM solidarity club, one more time, but i swear that the horizon is less polarized around ^^ Well, we are discussing here at OG, right ? lol

I sincerely prefered your first offer : growing it aside any release claimed to be a top notch SD work. I found it kewl as fuck. It’s less sexy when the players are designated against the challenger, and that they are playing in the same team ^^

It’s just not the most potent weed around, that’s all. He just balanced some excessive qualifiers, he’s not really saying that it suck in a dedicated thread ^^. But that it’s easy to find more potent, i mean it’s not an Illuminati secret in 2024 i think.

I hope you will laught but … i disagree. I find the high quite interesting and not very easy to find, as a global experience. Now it’s totally normal i guess : NL5H vs JH receptor’s type ^^ I don’t know if you pushed or smoked this one, but last week we found with a friend a crazy parralel between the SD and the Green Crack weed. Both have flooded the streets in the same territory, and i don’t find the comparison so crazy. You know i’m talking about the chemotype only. The GC is way more racy but the style of weed isn’t so distant. Well this was our stoned theory about why the twos were quite popular a long time : active weed.

Now i agree that in old and modern hazes, there is sharper and longer high. But not “this one a bit funky” that work in bonus with a major portion of people.

Here we go … buddy you have to integrate something fast. Here, it’s raining seeds and clones for free. At a massive scale and without even talking about the pure trades.

It’s very different from a place where the only persons able to trade are the sponsors. You can eventually be temp-banned if you post to much call-to-action per minutes i guess ^^ Better to invest your space with a more oriented show maybe.

Document, not really answering. I told you, this place is a bit different.

With you own blood, this hungry bitch just eat whatever you give without burning lol
I must confess that it’s a trait i’m liking. But you can screw the yield and eventually the potency under bad conditions. It’s not necessary a difficult cut, to obtain a good grade without being the most skilled of the pack.

Better i don’t know, it’s always the same polemic like cuts. But yes there is some decent options beside Karma, mostly in US. Look, even at home : we have also CG as an alternative ^^

A bunch were already quoted in this thread i think, i don’t like to throw free publicity. As well. I wish this thread will stay on sharing tips and tricks on SD, and cuts more documented that talked.

I don’t know if i will take a rain of stone for this but, if you go Top Dawg … the hell try the Stardawg if you can. I don’t like chem hybrids usually, but the SD and this one ^^

Different experience, it’s more narco but with a nice and neat curve. Not a messy psycho-activity, quite sharp. On terps the usual musky/smokey tones.

It’s how you get the most of it, yes. It’s not so about the yield but about a complete profile in term of high and terps. If you cut 10 days before, you get a totally different weed from the same thema.

Outside drastic worries ofc.

Fucking genius, you just writed what i have in the mouth and how is tasting the fresh water i’m just drinking lmao I’ll copy/paste the fuck lollayer

He’s a lord at this, even with just the (exhaustive) memory of a smoke he can tell you which layer of diesel you’re really hunting ^^ On chems too. Actually validating one of his theory, he don’t throw shit.

It’s the second fat blunt and zero citrus. Not even the weird one like the JH.
But a very similar acidity in mouth with the amnezia haze by example. Or the terpy SSH Nice phenos. No one will understand again but you lmao i don’t care

Not my poison but it wasn’t a bad idea at all, initially. The outcross make sense i mean, now the most important is what happens later in stabilization … it’s where teeths are broken generally ^^

I personnally choosed a skunk/nl to outcross it, instead. I find it more simple and fast to BX, not saying it’s the best way. At worse you have always cool hybrids if the counterpart is rockstable sexually.

cocky, i like it ^^ Can’t turn bad lol
I bet you will get a chainsaw stone well agressive ^^

Totally agreed. I prefered 100 times his Amnezia. Even his Rockbud (an alt Big Bud).

The Sensi one, but only the hazey phenos. Sannie done the job well since the F5 iteration, he bred out the hybrids forms and mostly favored the hazey phenos. His line is known to carry the lemoney tone appreciated and favored in dutch coffeeshops. It’s a bit optimistic to compare the intensity of the JH of the Dampkring with the average of his release but a major portion produced these tones (in the F5 i grown at least). In the original release, it’s a ~12% occurence and a good half for the most intense phenos.
I prefer the sensi just because i don’t favor these terps on this line, so i prefer to have a starting point more in accordance with my taste.

Fuck i committed a wall again, i cull the SD this night. I kill time lol
I will return to some shots, not unhappy on the grade.