Does AJ’s Sour Diesel herm? Predominant smell?

Does the real AJ’s Sour Diesel herm? I heard from one source it’s known to. And I heard from another source the real one doesn’t :man_shrugging: Both legit sources


I think we will find out with the @Jinglepot seed run.


Well I suppose we will get another opinion at least

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Yes AJ’s sour diesel is known to herm. Top Dawgs Sour diesel is not known to herm


Oh my bad I thought A.J was top dawg. Is he JJ? :crazy_face:

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Yeah JJ is top dawg. AJ allegedly had the original cut of sour diesel that was prone to herm.


& I’ve known AJ’s to smell like gasoline. But someone who I know well said the real one smells earthy. he’s a legit source too. So what does the real Asshole Joe Sour Diesel smell like. Another source said it’s both gassy and earthy tho :man_shrugging:

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So I learned something about AJ’s Sour Diesel. The cut that was passed 20 years ago by Asshole Joe is not the same one that he came back to the scene with. There are two real AJ Sour Diesels. The first one didn’t variegate almost at all except for if something is off then barely. The one that he came back to the scene with variegates. They are two different and both real AJ Sour Diesels. The one Purple City Genetics carries is the 2003 cut. It was sourced by the boss of Purple City Genetics. His friend is a black market grower who is in NYC and had the cut since 2003. Back then there was only one AJ’s Sour Diesel. And that’s it. Then there’s the one that Green Dragon holds that he gave to Mass Medical Strains who gave it to Boston Clones to sell for $50 each + shipping. That is the one Asshole Joe came back to the scene with and gives out today. That’s the current Asshole Joe version.

& The black market NYC grower gets off his AJ’s lbs for 4k

Updated because I got the price wrong at first about how much Boston Clones sells it 4


I get 4 for my sour too

Sour boiz
I’ve been saying that about the AJ for a few years
Wasn’t the same cut.

just grew a bunch of diff sours myself


The Cannabis scene isn’t developed enough to answer these basic questions.
I know exactly what flavors I want, but no one can say where to find them. I do not get the point of all these strains if it’s all random and means noting.

From the outside viewpoint, the flavor aspect of Marijuana seems 100% random, amounting to nothing more than deceptive marketing. It’s make believe. It’s called Sour Diesel, you’d think it smelled like a carboxylic acid crossed with an alkene. Makes sense. But I’ve realized the cannabis market doesn’t have the passion of other flavor based industries. If I want to grow a flavor of hops, I choose one available to me and expectations are met. Same with wine. I can pick a flavor and buy it. With Cannabis, you’re sold a name and description that probably match each other, but the product itself never will. I don’t think any of the people releasing strains really have a clue. You’re better off starting your own brand, like every other self important psychopathic presidential grade management material fraud has done.


I wrote and deleted something several times
Yes a lot of strains are named poorly but that’s a side effect of marketing
Quit buying shit called “funnel cakes” in a holographic Mylar bag from the
Dispo and expecting to taste funnel cake
Go smoke some fake terp carts if you so love how astute laffy taffy’s rendition of banana is.

You wouldn’t be such a negative Nancy if you were hitting this joint of sour I’m smoking rn


You’ve clearly never smoked any solid examples of

Lemon g
Indiana bubblegum
Various blueberries
Banana OG
Sour grape
Strawberry cough
Idk I’m not even gonna take the time to write every true to name same strain up lol

It’s not even a bad thing if you haven’t a lot of these are relatively rare but don’t go shitting on a whole industry because some people make up names before they try the herb.
hell I do that but it’s never anything about flavor or smell lol


So how close are each of them to each other in other aspects ?? Is there a clear preferred cut or are they close. I just got one simply because I had to pick another for a two clone minimum from a strainly dealer based in New England.

Long way to say you don’t have a good connect.

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I haven’t grown both in the same way & method yet to know what’s better. But I think the original is where it’s at because it’s the “realer” one to me because it’s the original. I grew the original in my indoor garden all organic with Sohum and it was suuuuuper great. So great it inspired me to cross it to the other best clone of that run Grandi Guava and gave birth to my new cross dubbed Dessert Delight which is Grandi Guava with the original AJs Sour Diesel reversed onto it, and its the plant that’s the #2 pheno I dubbed that name. I’m growing the 2nd real AJs outside now and it reaks of gas. They’re both obviously fire. The 2nd real one is growing and stinking outside really good. I’m also growing the 2nd real one in my indoor grow growing it all organic in sohum living soil right now in flower so I will report back a real answer in a few months of which I think is better.


Just an update on this thread.

The sour mass medical gave me isn’t as loud or as good plus we fed it too much at my homies outdoor place (also comparing indoor to outdoor cali sour) So it didn’t impress at all I didn’t like it. I know a few other friends who ran that one from Mass Medical and they said it’s not all that either . Not sure what happened there because it’s a big story of how mass medical got that originally from Jay plantspeaker that Jay never wanted him to have and got hella mad. was told it’s aj by the person I got it from, Mass medical, but this doesn’t seem like aj. Seems like original diesel my friend said. With that said it’s unverifiable.

However the one from pcg is verifiable to be the original. My homie Discord user GMO seems to have the authentic second cutting as I saw pics and his variegates and he’s a great seller with authentic goods.

I don’t like that Mass Medical bred and let out this aj he did but it is what it is. He’s working with the real deal Skunktek cut now.

All in all I don’t know how the one GMO has grows-smokes-performs- or smells and tastes. I know how the one mass medical had does which is probably why there is the other aj cuts other than the 2 real ones because of these situations. And I know how the original is. And this is why I choose Purple City Genetics AJ , because I know it’s the original- and it’s verifiable.

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Ah the real deal bunktek cut.

Skunktek is preserved chaco
Plantspeaker is chaco

Gmos aj is from pnwstrainhunter its not the original. Very finicky and weird. Not gonna knock it by any means but it’s not the original I believe. People grow it out and like it but its a very odd plant as far as sours go, easy to overfeed


Also chaco is a rez sour d ibl seedpop i believe (ecsd)

That’s why people say rez and chaco are so similar cause they’re from the same line (ecsd)


Sadness on that info :cry:

Any idea where the original is then?

I got gmo’s AJ to see, but always on the lookout for the real deal :wink: supposed to be trading for the Albany at some point here…