South American Guerrilla 2021/22

On flowering plants, I apply alcohol + water every 2 days, they are finishing…
I’m going to look for isopropyl alcohol…

In others, neen oil once a week.

Mites come back fast. But as the plants are small, I’m controlling …

I will spray the entire area …
I think it will be sulfur, but it’s easy to find and cheaper…

Thanks man, hope the high summer humidity will control the pest, and/or a population of predators


yes, to treat these bastards, you have to spray almost every day, break day and spray the next, and mixing uses alcohol one day and sulfur the next.
diatomaceous earth also claims to be good against them.


Some updates…

The Freakshows are having sex in the bush…

There are 4 females to 1 male.

Looks like they liked the place.

Brazilian sativa continues to grow wildly.

6 oaxacan and 4 Maui Mango Haze in the background…

A possible Colombia Gold…


awesome my friend!

i’m growing 6 “possible colombia gold” too, it was a gift from a friend and they have the leafs more larger, appear like that indicas in the early days comparing with the lemons… the yours is looking more sativa leafs like the expected… they are beatifull any way :slight_smile:

mine “possible” colombia gold at yours 20 days of veg.

success in your growing, bud!! :man_farmer: :brazil:


Thanks for the nice words friend…

They were seeds I got from a friend who doesn’t plant, they came from the Colombian herb sold in Brazil… Hopefully, they will be a beautiful couple…

Feel free to post, let’s grow together for comparison…


Same here… my seeds also comes from stuff bough illegally in br… but they grow strengh in comparison with that 12 Critical+ from Trikhoma Sedds what i bought for an expensive price and none of them has popped.

(i’m very frustaded about it, but the fellows here already sent me a lot of beans, so the next cicle is garanteed)

i really appreciate follow your diarys! keep the amazing job!

:man_farmer: :brazil:


BAD!!! THC and the Trichomes are alcohol soluble!!! During flower you NEVER want to use alcohol!!

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Just an FYI, spraying alcohol on plants near finishing will melt the trichomes right off.


@Gugumelo , a fellow grower has indicated one national product what is strememly efficient against insects…

u can spray it once in a week, and stop at least 2 weeks early harvest;

the name is Nexxor…

i did spray it once in the last 15 days on the leafs up and down side and spray on the grow walls, floor and indeed my office window. No more cockroach entering in the house and no insects or something like what i can see around my plants…

just dilute it more than the fabricant recommends because its really stronger, but efficient too.

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Sorry man, my philosophy of life is agroecology, I will never use that.
They are pesticides banned in most countries, banned in Europe…
These bastards don’t lose money, they’re selling this crap while they can…
And they go around saying that we must preserve the Amazon… They are the biggest killers, and for money…últimas-notícias/brasil-agrotóxico-banido-na-euroa-e-ligado-à-morte- de-bees-has-Brazil-as-main-destination/

• Pyrethroid
• Toxicological Classification - III
• Soil half-life 28-84 days

• Health effects:

reproductive toxicity

Nephrotoxicity (kidneys)

Hepatotoxicity (liver)

Formation of free radicals (ROS) - damage to
DNA and respiratory system.

Mechanism of action: disrupts the opening of
calcium channels.


• Neonicotinoid
• Toxicological Classification - III
• Soil half-life 40-300 days
• Health effects:
Developmental neurotoxicity (?)
Reproductive Organ Changes
Nephrotoxicity (kidneys)
Hepatotoxicity (liver)
Liver Cancer in Mice
Possible carcinogen to humans
(USEPA, 2000).
Unlikely carcinogen (USEPA, 2007)

Mechanism of action: receptor agonists
Insect and mammal acetylcholine nicotinic They’re neonicotinoids, they’re killing bees all over the world, and you know, no bees, no pollination, no food…

You can see it at air/ a conflict in the city of Rio Verde / MG.

I know you want to help, thanks for your intention…

Pay attention to the half-life time. These things have a long grace period, they can leave a lot of waste.

Finally, I do not advise the use of this, and I do not advise consumption.
I want you around for a long time, don’t let these miraculous promises convince you, many farmers were and are deceived.


I tottally agree with you. I did Just used by recommendation by other grower when some plagues attack my babies, but i not feel good with the solution. indeed i did used once and stoped.

I really appreciate the information you’ve shared… thanks for it… i will not use it anymore.

I’m on first growing cycle. Infortunnaly sometimes we receive tips from another growers thats not good, but i will validate more the tips first until i put in use.

:heart: :brazil: :man_farmer:

did you’ve tryied that e-citrus recipe ? i’m sending the recipe what i have in DM because its in portugueese.

thanks again for the feedback <3


@Gugumelo keep it up bud! I like how you justify your work. Very good information!


i did translate the recipe i’ve told above.

As our bud @Gugumelo dont now knew it yet, i decide share it here to all my fellows. Hope it helps someone:

E-citrus recipe (fight mites)

  • 2 cups of chopped citrus house (orange, lemon)
  • 4 cups of non-chlorine water
  • 1/2 brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of biological yeast
  • Let it get fermented for 1 and a half to 2 weeks.

Strain, after straining, add a cup of organic apple vinegar or rice vinegar.

use 16ml per liter of water, always in total dark.

It can be used in flora without problems. It can be used daily and fights all types of infestations. I have some grower fellows that use it a long time and tells its really works. And its organic.


Throw a banana peel in there, put in container, and hang on your plants, fruit trees… nice recipe!


More update:

MWCBs are flourishing, about a month. I thought they would grow more, it seems they felt the 6/18 shift even though the days are longer.



Pollination of the last branch of the two MWCB. I hope it works.

Shanti Crossing 1

Shanti Crossing 2

Shanti Crossing 3


@LionsNaughtyBeans , Thanks for posting the recipe, I’ll test it soon…
I didn’t see mites in the guerrillas, they are in another area. I will gazer quarantine before taking new seedlings.


hey brother how are you, from the photos it seems to be going well, the shanti 3 is looking killer, the 1 is very similar to my sk91 by the length shown, for you to have an idea, mine in a 500ml cup reached almost 1.20 it looks like it grows like bamboo.

in relation to the pests that are great that the guerrillas don’t have. But I remembered some other things you can try, I saw in some places that it is possible to make a “pesticide” with castor bean (mamona) leaves the other is andiroba oil I will test this in my vegetable garden to see if it works.
Another thing I do and I think you already do is use soap in my spray mixes, most existing organic IPM recipes use soap.


Love to watch the guerrilla jungle grow!!
Nice work.

I’m loving everything these guys are putting down!! Thanks for sharing:)


@Gugumelo …your grows are looking great…and it’s so good to see a grower with your attitude to nature and insects as well…I try my best here in Panama as well to go full organic…The problem with western growing is there are to many products made to exterminate insects and fertilizers to add growth…

Gradually more organic products are around and people are getting into companion planting.

Ye keep up the good work…you Boys from Brazil are doing it…OG is definitely international.

Feliz Navidad



@Panamajock … Thanks man, not consuming discourages production, a “peaceful guerrilla”.

I’m glad you brought information about companion plants, I’ve already read about intercropping cannabis with corn, so food, cigarette paper and grass would be produced in the same area…

Let’s go ahead…

Thank you for the words…

Merry Christmas everyone…