Spencer's Legacy Seeds

I’m hoping this one is female, the last two Spencer’s Bests are showering pollen on my second re-veg Columbian Gold.


Another chance to get the ones you probably don’t have. You can also simply PM me. Take seeds then leave seeds > Pay it Forward - #1806 by Scarlyle

Vvvv 3 of Spencer’s Bud; pre 2005 (Northern Lights x Big Bud) x Euphoria and

3 of Spencer’s Best; 2002 Jordan D x Jordan B and

3 of Spencer’s Jordan G; 2002 Jordan G x Jordan B and

3 of Spencer’s Blueberry; 2002 Jordan E x Jordan B vvvV and

3 of Spencer’s 2001 Euphoria; 2001 (20% germination) and

3 of Spencer’s 2004 Euphoria; vvvV


Vvvv 5 of Spencer’s Blueberry; 2002 Jordan E x Jordan B and

10 of Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 (Northern Lights x Super Crystal) x (Euphoria) and

10 of Spencer’s Gift; 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria) and

10 of Spencer’s Joker A; 2002 Joker A x Jordan B vvvV


My Spencer’s Gifts are coming along and stretching out and firming up from a fan breeze

There’s definitely a leader in the growth so far and there slight yellowing on 1 as well.


I started these because I thought they wouldn’t pop and figured start with the oldest with 20% success rate and make some space in my seed box lol
Guess I’m just too good :crazy_face: now what am I gonna do 2001 euphoria


That’s awesome! Did you have to use external heat?


Lol I did exactly the same thing. Put all three of those 20% germ seeds down a couple of days ago. So far one has broken the surface, will be interesting to see if the others do too.


I used very advanced lazy tech. 14 hour dunk in tap water even though i have ro on Tap literally next to it. Threw it in a wet paper towel. Slid that into a baggy and chucked it on the cold window sill for a day or two. I then tossed it in the hot ass grow room for another day. Boom… 100% of 20% of all the percentages


I’ve got 4/4 on tails, 3 are above ground and the last one just got planted this morning :love_you_gesture:t2: Jordon g x b. I’ll throw pics up when they’re a little bigger.


3/3 of the 20% germ rate Euphoria (2001) above soil, looking very healthy out of the gate.


4/4 grooving. :love_you_gesture:t2::fire: Let’s see what they hold


Dude 🫵 you got a lot going on there. I got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for a successful project with a GR8 return on the efforts! :facepunch::+1::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’ve noticed similar leaf structure on my Spencer’s Gift. Perhaps it’s the Euphoria that links these together. I was looking today with mine (wish I would have taken a picture) but out of the 3 2 are blunt tip and 1 is sharper point similar to yours and the larger of the 3 is also the largest. Could be nothing more than a coincidence but perhaps it’s a linked trait?


I’m super curious to see how they continue on. The one seedling did come out with much fatter, rounder leaves but it seems like they’re headed in similar directions. Still to early for me to tell. I’ll get better shots as they progress. It does look like Euforia is a sativa skunk type deal and Jordons mix has citrus and lemon skunks in there with some nl. I’d imagine yours will end up taller than mine but there will probably be some pretty similar phenos

Man you’re not wrong. Too many good OG genetics!! self control really has become an enemy. Thanks for the well wishes :sunglasses: now if I don’t stay on a schedule, I’m done for.


I’ll come back this afternoon to edit this post and add pictures but I’m really excited about these seeds! I’ll likely end up popping some more in a few weeks. 3/4 seedlings have a weird little leaf curl/wave to them that must be genetic…no other seedlings show it and they’re all on plain water in the same mix. I’ll take that as a plus and the one that started with the fattest leaves has continued to be a fatty and looks very promising. Thanks for passing these out, scarlyle. More will find their way into rotation here soon


I can send ya TEN/10 different REG/Fem Strains/Varieties (THREE/3 each), you send THREE each of what you have pictured, if still available. I’m in USA/Maine. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes, they are. I would love to do that. I’ll split them into two envelopes.


Here I am. Mugshots. One didn’t focus. My b. :love_you_gesture:t2::purple_heart: Back again in a week or two


Back left is Spencer’s joker C back right x2 Spencer’s Gift front 2 are Spencer’s Jordan D


Very different looking plants :slightly_smiling_face: …also vibrant and healthy.


Blueberry Smells - 2002 Jordan E x Jordan B ; all have tails after <24 in water

those are some magical 22 year old beans :wink: