Spencer's Legacy Seeds

I was gonna say that too. Been 20 years since I’ve even seen one in the wild


so help me understand :

  1. seeds available for sale/donation
  2. want to trade genetics for genetics ?
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  1. Available for trade.
  2. I’m running low on most of the different strains. From now on, just pick which ones you want and we can trade in smaller quantities of three per strain, looking for variety over quantity. I would prefer fems since I can only grow four at a time. My mother always told me “if you want mail, you need to send mail” haha. Just PM me.

Spencer’s Best; (2002 Jordan D) x (Jordan B)

Spencer’s Blueberry; (2002 Jordan E) x (Jordan B)

Spencer’s Gift; 2002 (Marc’s Mistress x Chemo) x (White Widow x Euphoria)

Spencer’s Crystal; pre 2005 (Northern Lights) x (Super Crystal)

Spencer’s Bud; pre 2005 (Northern Lights x Big Bud) x (Euphoria)

Spencer’s Joker A; (2002 Joker A) x (Jordan B)

Spencer’s Joker C; (2002 Joker C) x (Jordan B)

Spencer’s Jordan G; (2002 Jordan G) x (Jordan B)

Spencer’s 2001 Euphoria <20% germination>)

Spencer’s 2004 Euphoria


So from everyone who has popped some seeds who has plants that are starting to show they’re sex?

Of my 3 Marc’s mistress cross the largest of my 3 is a girl. The other 2 are just a little behind but can see them starting to develop just not quite ready. So far no issue from my side with these plants. They’re uniform, strong stem, nodal spacing is good as well and should produce good stacking of flower sites in the process. Will post a pictures tomorrow after I up pot them


Matey they are some fine looking indicas right there :grinning:

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How’s your Spencer’s plants looking ?

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They’re uniform, a slight stretcher in the beginning but that slowed down. Stems are strong and rigid up significantly. As you can see the node spacing once it slowed down on the stretch is good. As for smell nothing to note yet even with a stem rub. Compared to some of the plants I’ve been seeing on here these aren’t broad leaf varieties but I’m liking what I’m seeing so far. The leaves are a lighter green colour compared to either my k4 x Sunshine Daydream x PUCk bcs3 or the Motorbreath 15 x RIL DIESEL.


Love them. Looking really good. I’ve got about 5 of his strains so looking forward to the smoke reports from a few growers on here.


I’m curious as well but we’re all in the same boat on these I believe. I’m keeping them small/root bound for now to slow they’re growth so they can hit a bit of maturity in the process. Of everything that’s in these mixes there isn’t anything I don’t like. Will be good to see how they respond to training, nutrient types while providing im hoping some awesome and unique smell and taste profiles.


Spencer’s best

Stem rubs a musty armpit


Mine need some bigger shoes too but a couple have also shot up. Will see better structure in a week or two as I’ve begun to feed harder. No sexy parts yet for me :love_you_gesture:t2: your guys look fantastic though. Who’s flowering what when

Thinking 4 weeks on mine.

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I have to repot mine and let the roots grow but that sounds like a good time line


One of mine died off from the advanced neglect tech. The other two I potted together and am trying out the new twisty doubled up tech. I honestly never expected them to pop.


Marc’s Mistress X Chemo X WW x euphoria


Spencer’s best


I started some Spencers Crystal in hopes of growing it outdoor, but by the luck of the draw they all ended up male.

Weird year for me, several strains that I started ended up either all male or all female. Would have preferred at least one fem.


I’m curious as to what the Spencer’s Crystal would look like. From what I’ve seen thus far there’s 4 growth patterns. Spencer’s best that seems to be bushy similar to a Afghani hashplant. A broad leaf variety with tighter node spacing. Lastly a midway narrow leaf with both tight node spacing and larger node gap. All look to grow similar in structure. Looking forward to reading on the reports for smells from all involved


Euphoria 2002 or something like that


So far 1 showed as male. I tossed it
Here are two. I’ve yet to grab shots of the third :love_you_gesture:t2: