Spider mites maybe?

just got over to look at the girls and one of them has a real thin stem just a little bit below the dirt. it looks like it narrows down to about a quarter or less of the rest of the stem. it also looks like something is attached to it. i showed a picture to someone and she said spider mites, but what i am reading is they work on the leaves not the stems. here is a pic, one close up the other hard to tell anything.

asking for a friend…
edit: how about some details, huh? feminized seeds, purple grizzley kush, popped on 25 feb, put in dirt from the yard that i baked a half inch at a time on a cookie sheet at 200 f for 20 minutes. friend added some miracle grow he had for the other seedlings. inside under a grow light on the table waiting on spring thaw.

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Honestly I can’t see a parasite. Definitely wouldn’t be a spider mite there, though. Looks like the plant may be struggling with the soil, just 'cause the thin root. The soil looks pretty rough for a seedling but it could be too dense or overwatered or something entirely else.
Edit: If it’s not a parasite, I’d try some fluffy soil, light nutrients. Don’t bake any more dirt. :slightly_smiling_face:

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it’s really weird to me, never seen anything like it before. like the stem just started withering away at ground level. the brown thing looks to be a chunk of dirt. the other one is fine in same environment just a different cup.

Chunky dirt like that, seedlings sometimes hit a rock, or stick, or chunk of perlite. Usually just costs a few days.
Good luck!

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The thinning of the seedling could be pythium. Many times from the soil being kept too wet.


yep, that would be me with too much water. looks like it’s going anyway… thanx all.


i have a farm and refuse to buy dirt. i also live 40 miles from the farm so had to just get something going so they didn’t die, the 4 p’s got me. piss poor prior planning.


New soil for seeds. It’s low costs and helps ensure they fully germinate.

Looks root bound why it’s thinning maybe.

Did you use hydrogen peroxide to germinate the seeds? :thinking:

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Hit them babies with some Bacillus Subtilis like Serenade Garden to stop that damping off/botrytis, or copper sulfate or really any biofungicide. I have had ok luck with my PureCrop1 fighting it off but I decided to say fuck it and use Serenade on my seedlings from now on, it works great from what I can tell so far.


That’s the consumer version of this big dog for organic farmers:



Been wanting to try PureCrop1 indoors. Currently fermenting Neem seed meal and top dressing Meal worm frass for pest control.

Over time it will become a good maintenance routine for your indoor growing.

Wiping down under leaves with diluted Alcohol helps too.

I use a Gauze Sponge to apply lightly, it worked until I got the 2 products going to control long term spider mite prevention.

Gassing Co2 to 10,000 PPM for 2 to 3 hours will kill anything pest.
I’ll be building sealed growing chambers soon to utilize a Co2 kill if pest appear. :dove:


I dream of the ability to do that C02 flush but that’s far in my future, for now I just spray the heck out of everything with PC1 from sprout to a week or two before harvest and it’s been great for me. No taste or smell on the buds and while it doesn’t knock most pests out on the first round, it definitely wears them down. And it’s super effective for molds and fungus. I started using frass in compost teas and some Microbe-Lift BTI and that definitely helps, I think the Serenade is probably the last component of indoor IPM for me other than getting back to LABS foliars too.


The 50/50 alcohol spray is suppose to work to kill. I haven’t tried it yet. It’s on the list to test.

The test on wiping fan leaves showed no damage.

Dr earth’s, Maggie’s ruined leaves.
No essential oils for me anymore, seems like a failure using them too.

Also heard and will test 7 to 10% hydrogen peroxide will kill pest too.
3% can help slow them down, but with seeds it’s not good to spray it.

Maybe neem oil If you don’t smoke the bud and you need the seeds and don’t want Spider mites spreading while it’s maturing its seeds.

That I just tested, I’ll compare damage on seed hull from neem oil and I recently seen what hydrogen peroxide did to seeds maturing.

It was scuffed a bit from hydrogen peroxide.


i figured they get the same dirt they’re gonna be in when they get bigger, if they make it past cloning. these girls are going outside to finish, just getting more of them than i had seeds for this way. 2 of them are going inside to reproduce. if i still had the tent i gave away and i am replacing soon i’d have started them a couple of months ago and had the clones ready to go outside. i lose a little time starting late but i have a place to put them now. when i set the tent up it’s gonna be straight hydro, i hate dirt inside, way too much work. i was pretty good at that back in the day, but that was hps time, hope i can adjust to the led way. one thing i learned a long time ago about growing pot: it’s real hard to screw up since it grows like a weed.


That doesn’t look like spider mite damage to me either. Probably to much water.
Hey @GregOG and @Dirt_Wizard, y’all seen this by @JohnnyPotseed ?



as it turns out, growing weed runs in the family. my daughter used to grow and that’s who i asked originally what it was and she said spider mites. i was high and the speck of dirt in the picture looked like it may be something, but i had kept the dirt moist when they were sprouting, and that may also account for the extra time it took to come up. one poor girl didn’t make it unfortunately.

my daughter also lived in the bedroom right above the grow i documented from back in the day. she didn’t know we grew until after she stopped and told me she used to. she gave me her tent that she had kept around for a while. i


@GregOG and everyone else who had an opinion on them, turns out my daughter was right, they were spider mites. my buddy hit them with a spray of water and a touch of dawn. got rid of them, but one didn’t make it. good thing they’re fem seeds. thanx for the advice all. i just learned an important lesson on listening to my daughter, who happens to almost have a masters in botany and several successful outlaw grows under her belt.

Could be…

nah, was. my buddy looked at them with a loupe and saw them. i couldn’t see them in the picture when i blew it up but he saw them crawling around. said they infested his other cuttings he had when i brought them over and didn’t know it. had to treat everything and lost a couple of other cuttings.

update for anyone who wants to look at a sad plant. at least it made it, my buddy just put it outside last week. had it been in a bigger pot and outside a lot earlier we may have gotten more, but it looks like it’s gonna be about 2-3 oz. not me in the pic.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: yeah, i guess i spoke way too soon on this one…

at least one made it. not bad considering i didn’t have a hand in it past putting them in the dirt and almost killing them both overwatering. i bet this one is so root bound there’s no dirt in there.