The family car. 0 to 60 never but 0% bad for the environment.
looks like an eyeball
Can’t believe you guys put me in a red cart though with no rust! Tut wankers also when the fuck did my grandaddy get hair on the top!
You may need yours testing if you think it looks like an eye only joking
If he went grey ontop you’d probably try selling it.
Nahh my nanny already did, bless her sole
An noo dats silver
still looks like an eyeball like one of those prosthetics’
Fuck fed already watch my house enough don’t need my coffee giving me the eye
Don’t say a word man, I think the phone is bugged ` cheech & chong
giving me heeby jebbys you! Haha
A sun could possibly mean “power or success” or happiness and possibly strength
A rising sun would mean sudden success.
or 3 and make another pot burn a nice fatty and all will be good with the univ erse
i keep the feds on their toes by moving a soon as they get seettlrd in and im not talking just across town…lol
I do yes I’ve just started reading them myself
I’ve always found solace in nature and the mystical energies around us. It’s like tapping into a deeper connection with the universe. Speaking of connections, I remember when I stumbled upon during one of my late-night explorations of all things spiritual. It felt like discovering a treasure trove of wisdom! Whether it’s astrology, tarot, or embracing the green witch within, it’s all about finding what resonates with you.