Spotted Lime auto F2s for trading and passing around

I am two weeks out from starting my auto seed project among my creations will be LimeGorillaRyder,LimeCake,GrapeFruitLime,LimeRedLebPurpleKush,LimeGum and BlueLime,after i make more fem auto CandyDawg and fem auto Alien Rift,i will be making auto LimeCandyDawg and LimeAlienRift.Ofcourse @JBow918 @monkeyman @Molto_Mota will be receiving a batch of each Lime cross as well as each of the other auto runs i do for the awesome collaberation and gift they gave us all


Hey guys just wanna say hello and thanks to everyone and I hope you all had a great turkey day!
For anyone that hasn’t received their seeds yet I’m very sorry for the delay. I have all envelopes addressed just need to make it to post office for more stamps. My granddad passed away and I’ve been dealing with a lot of family stuff so I do apologize and promise to get them to you early this coming week.


Sorry for your loss JBow, in these days it’s even worse to lose anyone, my condolences.
Take your time brother, FAMILY FIRST!


Dam bro,sorry for your loss…Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


@SmknCanuck That’s alot of plants and crosses dang. Lol
The lime cake sounds good.


Its a long winter i have the time space and seeds to do it :wink:


I need to figure out or build a diy male flowering box that will be inside my only 3x3 tent while growing others… without pollinating the whole tent lol


Me too man. I’ve seen some nice builds for some on here.


@TerpSneeze is building something cool around the same idea. I’m following that thread as I’m really interested in his unique idea to not allow pollen to spread openly… I may actually build same idea on a smaller scale if possible.


@JBow918 sorry to hear about the pasing of your Grandfather bro, my sympathies are with you, I know that is never easy to lose a family member, esepcially around the holidays. Take care and stay extra safe.


good luck with that, i just pollinated one tent and the other flowering tent apparently got hit with some pollen too. It made it past 2 carbon filters to get in to the second tent.


@JBow918 sorry about your loved one bro, totally sucks. Remember him and talk about the things he did that made people love him. It helps. I can relate bro.

@monkeyman check out what @TerpSneeze thread is doing. Seems like a good idea and would stop exactly what you described from happening.


Thanks guys! It’s all good. He was pretty sick so I’m glad hes not suffering. Crazy how fast cancer can take em away from us. Sucks he was in Kansas and totally anti cannabis so he didnt really have anything to ease the suffering until hospice started the morphine. He was a cool dude and I’ll miss him dearly. No worries as I’ll see him again when it’s my time.


Lost my pops to cancer in '12, it’s an ugly monster. It was before medical in Mo. I hope all is well and I hope your family is doing as well as expected.


@JBow918 so sorry for your loss. Saying a prayer for your family to get thru this hard time. Much love! If u need anything, please reach out. :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand::heart:


Lost my mom to cancer in 2010.It when through her bones super fast.Was happy to see her go and not suffer anymore.We are sll here for you bro.

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Sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks ass. It took 3 of my immediate family. Wild how it can progress so fast. Good vibes sent your way.

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Hey man, I’m very sorry for your loss. I lost my grandfather 20yrs ago and I still miss him everyday. Sometimes, right before a good bone-headed maneuver, hear his advice, “think before you do!”…then I do the thing. But sometimes it even works!


Thanks guys for the prayers and kind words. Life is getting back on track and I’m planning on crushing 2021!!!


@JBow918 My condolences, stay strong and healthy. Cancer is very often in my family, it’s just crap … I have blood cancer myself, but live happily. :slight_smile:

In my country (Germany) the dismantling is illegal but doesn’t matter :rofl: Would like to swap with you if you still have a pack.