Spotting on leaves towards mid flower…

I was told not to worry about leaves at this point but they have to be an indication of something. Everyone says cal-mag but I tripled the Sensi cal dose to see no if it corrects it and it doesn’t. It’s happened on all three of my harvests so far. I’m at a loss because my ph is good and it shouldn’t be lockout. This is a purple haze auto so the purple is genetic but the spots are not


Do you have any pests?? Look at is really good and check underneath leafs

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What are you feeding? Have you checked your ph?

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Using phPefect Micro Grow and Bloom, along with Big Bud and Sensi-cal. Ph is 6.2. Ppm is at about 1150.

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If you dont have bugs you might need some P


I’m thinking it’s calcium deficiency going by the spotting and leafs tacoing like it is. Too much calcium will lock out magnesium and potassium.


If I remember right there was another thread were their ph was off?
If its leaf damage from that then they wont recover from what I’ve seen

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Yep they will dry up and self defoliated. :+1:

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Canoeing can be caused by alot of stuff


Yeah I know. Thing is it’s no good just throwing more calmag at the plant. Calcium excess will lock out other elements and cause further issues. Personally I’d flush with pH water and reset. I’d also be checking and re configuring my pH meter if it’s needed. I don’t trust this phPerfect bullshit. As the plant feeds and uptakes the elements it requires there is no way possible the pH will sit stable. You NEED a slight swing up and down within a range so all elements are useable by the plant. Calcium uptake is a requirement for the uptake of magnesium and potassium. If calcium is locked out so will mag and potassium.


I see the problem. Apparently there are lizards in my plant🦎 ! Nah it was only like 4 or 5 leaves that did it I just reset everything an my ppm is at 1150 ph at 6.2. And you’re right I still ph my ph perfect because it doesn’t always go stay where I want it.

Where should my ph be ag this point in flower? image|375x500


In flower I aim for 6 to 6.2 in my rdwc to ensure optimal bud growth.
Just remember. Cannabis likes it slightly acidic. 6.5ph is neutral. :v: