Sprinklememaynee's Silly Grow Adventures

Okay, back on track for the new year! Not that I have not been growing, but my documentation has suffered. Recently switched lights to allow for me to care for them in the daytime, and free up my nights to hang with my family and do other things. A little bit of an adjustment period, but do enjoy working with them with a nice cup of tea during the day.

Aphids were a let down, but I didnt let that stop me. Have been jamming plants into my veg tent, and hoping to get them ready to go for flower. Finally got a couple candidates and sent them into flower and gave them a haircut.

A Chocolope x Black Candyland from @Fitzera, wondering what the stretch will be like on this plant, excited to see what comes from this, it has been a treat to grow, thirsty and growing really nice structure wise.

An obligatory WMBK from @THCeed, this one got a 1 gallon, and filled it out super quick, Such vigour and once again nothing less than expected from the monster grower himself.

A couple Purple Kush from JOTI

Several Coral Kush from @Andrane! Look at the huge fans on this plant

Orange Zkittlez

I have a bunch of stuff getting close to flower in the veg tent, and will post those as they make the switch over to Flower. Thanks for popping in


Hell yeah bro! And wow that coral kush leaf is prehistoric!

I dont think the stretch will be too much, both parents were about double in height. I think where this will shine is the flavour…at least I suspect it’ll kick ass. Until the cookies terps disappear at least haha. But that chocolope had a very nice flavour.

Best of luck!


Here we go with a little month update. Been slacking hard on updating, but busy keeping up with the garden.

Several Coral Kush from @Andrane 95C8296F-032D-4A8B-8FA9-29ABC05BF84B_1_105_c|375x500

Used the accidental lollipop method on this Gojigum to keep space and even(ish) canopy in the flowering area

Gorilla Zkittlez x Northern Berry @Fitzera
very branchy pheno of this, responded well to being staked hard, hoping for some fun stuff to come from this girl

Another one

A short and squat Lavender Frosting, very excited for this one

Some JOTI Purple Kush that I cut off in the photos (just realizing now lolol)

@Fitzera Chocolope x Black Candyland, this one is so stinky already, cant put my nose on what it smells like but my wife told me it stinks like rotting compost which I took as a positive XD


Mmmnnnn, rotting compost…take snips.


The stretch looks crazy on that first gz x nb…and that stalk…is it fasciated or just really fat?

Ooh that sounds really interesting on the chocolope candyland! I’m eager to find out how the terps develope!!

Awesome buddy, just awesome!


Thanks brother! The stalk is just really fat haha, tried to train her to grow up the stake but she had other plans once we hit flower. The stretch is so crazy on this one.

As always, love playing around with your work!


A little flower update, lots of new growth!

Chem 91 x Sour Bubble

A little Gorilla Zkittlez x NorthernBerry @Fitzera

A Lavender Frosting

The other Gorilla Zkittlez x NorthernBerry, I ended up bending this one really bad while moving it, luckily it kept growing just with a really lateral branch.

A really vigorous Coral Kush @Andrane

The other Chem 91 x Sour Bubble

A Purple Kush from JOTI, surprised with how much purpling is in this pheno, wish I had taken some cuts, hoping to maybe hit it with the reveg.

A GojiGum Girl

Another coral kush @Andrane

The third Gorilla Zkittlez x NorthernBerry @Fitzera


Beautiful plants! Also digging your finished basement. Is your whole house wood finish or just the basement?


The whole house is wood finish! The previous owner was a carpenter, and worked on the house for 25 years, so much detail and wonderful craftsmanship.


Looking great dude!!


Nice, Now you get to enjoy the fruits of his labor… :smiley:


Got down to it last night and ended up turning all the fresh frozen I had into bubble before my wife figured out how full the deep freezer was lmao.

I had watched the Frenchy documentary earlier in the week and felt especially in tune with the process and did some tweaks that I found really helpful in terms of yield. These three upgrades to my set up really helped out.

  1. An additional 5 gal bucket for the ability to soak the material as I sifted the preceding run. Bringing my total buckets to 4 which made the process much less stressful.

  2. A Spray bottle with cold water. This is for spraying the bag to get all the resin down to the bottom and making it easy to collect.

  3. A heavy wood handled whisk, much easier for me than the paddle I had been using before.

About 200 grams of outdoor trim and bud

Will take some pics of the end result once it is dried.


This looks awesome. I’ve been wanting to do this for some time, but never put any plans in place. Each harvest I notice the scissor hash building up during trim sessions and after the first toke, I’m always going omg about it. :rofl:


Haha, I have some external motivation to get my plant material out of the freezer and into the bubble bags, a little bit of my wife going into the deep freeze and wondering why everything stinks like bud haha.


Is due to Loud strains? My wife had few skunk encounters growing up in NW Ontario. I have to chop anything I grow with more than a hint of that smell. :laughing:


Yeah, I have been really stinking out the house with my plants, and I have to invest in a vac sealer for storage because they go right through the tupperware and ziploc I am currently using for long storage.



Long time no post, things have been busy, patiently awaiting the arrival of child #2 early next month, so been busy on dad patrol getting the house ready while getting to enjoy as much time as possible with my toddler!
That being said, lots going on over here, upgraded to a new 3.3x3.3 and got a new viparspectra light for flower, so had to do a little bit of set up.

Current Flower Lineup

A beautiful blueberry candy pheno of SSDD

Couldnt resist popping one of the OGKB2.0 x Oreoz Fems from @SHSC-1, had to get it in a 1 gallon, but going to run the rest in bigger pots, this one has such an amazing scent and has purpled up so nicely.

A Lavender Frosting

One of the Chem 91 x Sour Bubble from Tony Green :slight_smile:

Finally got a female from my Purple Urkle pop, I have popped three of these beans twice, and each time was rewarded with only males, happy to get a girl XD

NYCD Strawberry Banana x Bubblegum BX from @Oldtimerunderground
This is a stinky chunky beast! Going to run these again, this thing brings some funk to the room.

Lavender x Neroli 91!

Another wild chunky beast, lots of winners in the tent right now! Wish I had got my new light sooner, but hey another excuse to run these again!

I have a veg tent full of the Froot Punch by @santero as well as a bunch of sweet tooth. Really excited to let them fully experience the full blast of my new led.

This will also be the last soil run indoors for me, I am transitioning slowly over to coco, so going to document that a little bit.


great variety you have there. completed my first led grow during winter season. the one led at no more than 70 % crushed what my two 600hps did. such an improvement at half the wattage.

hope you have a great outdoor season!


Wanted to pop in here and provide a bit of an update across the board. Things have been busy, we recently welcomed our second child so been very preoccupied with that, but still taking time to take care of my grows.

I had transitioned my veg tent to coco for a run, and was really jazzed on it, but slowly realized about halfway through, that I really do miss the organic soil growing and will be phasing out the coco after this current run. I find that the volume of nutrients being pumped into the grow is somewhat offputting, and just generally not for me.

That being said, I have been battling with some lockout and deficiencies in my flower tent but coming out on the other side with some ideal new growth and what appears to be good ph and nutrient uptake.

I recently was gifted an opportunity to test some Insect Frass from a neighbour who runs a company with a high output, so took some time this morning to mix up some organic soil to cook before my next run.

107 Liters of Promix HP, 30 Liters of Coco, 30 Liters of Perlite, Gaia Green All Purpose mixed to volume, 5lbs of EWC, as well as 1kg of Insect Frass549F8D91-EFF9-4523-9F3C-BCA759884B20_4_5005_c

Will post an outdoor update this week :slight_smile:


congrats on the new baby! boy or girl?