Alani Skunk by TechnicalCultivatorsGenetics

Gonna be treating these plants rough, rugged, and raw to see how they do.

Popped 6 beans a few days ago with tap water. The first 4 popped no problem. The paper towel wasn’t wet enough so I re wet and put back on the heat mat. One of them popped and on its way to the rooter I broke the tap root. That hasn’t seemed to phase the seed as it’s above ground with it’s cotyledon showing. The last seed I ended up shaving it’s edges down with a razor knife. Very lightly, gave her a little squeeze until I heard a crack. Put her back into the wet paper towel and the next day we had a tap root.

6 for 6.

They are alive


Alani Skunk

Alani Skunk is our top shelf house strain that has an amazing orange sweet smell and taste that erupts from the jar and smoke! This is not a taste you go looking for, it smacks you in your face until the very last rip, all the way through your bowl, joint or blunt! When it comes to dabs, a low temp press will exceed your expectations and Alani Skunk taste is even more prevalent when it is made into concentrates.

Expect an amazing hybrid plant that grows with vigor and is super easy to clone. She has a strong citrus orange skunky smell and taste that is amazingly intense. You can find more info at Alani Skunk - Phylos Bioscience


Here we are on day 12 or so. There was a rocky start to the seedlings where half of them started to do some weirdo shit. I contacted the breeder and showed him some pictures wondering if it was a pheno related issue. He said that they shouldn’t be doing that and I told him that it might have been an operator error of some sort. Without any hesitation he sent me a replacement pack.

While waiting on the new seeds, I made some major adjustments to the environment and upped their feeding.

Here they are pushing forward


I suppose it’s time for an update. I just heard the pumps click on an remembered I was even growing weed right now.


Looks like the back row is doing great. Good job ladies.


The front row stunters

You gals are doing okay. There’s still at least another 3 weeks left for you to go hard.


And finally po lil tink tink

Curious to see what ends up happening with this one. I had a little issue getting this seed to germinate. I used a razor knife to shave down it’s sides to help it along. Then when it sprouted, she didnt have any true leaves pop out. What a weirdo.


I have a healthy dose of skepticism about the varietal, but you growing dwc and showing the good and not so good make me want to watch regardless.

The odd funky ones do show up in my skunk line in early life too. I like it. :+1:

This one started all twisted and is coming along fine. Alright, maybe the side shoot taking over is making it still look weird haha


@Mithridate I’ve never grown skunks before. Is this weirdo shit just part of the genetics?


In my humble experience, once you venture outside the skunk1 realm and enter local or privately preserved lines these funky plants can be a good sign. As long as it’s the odd one, 19/20 growing weird is somewhat of a problem…

It’s often nutrient related…


Hah that’s cool. I was kinda looking at them a little earlier and thinking to myself “what are y’all doin? This is no time to goof off.”

The back row is all working on pushing out that 6th node. They should be ready to get topped in another day or two. Maybe another 4 days for the front row.

Quasimodo is just gonna rock.


Hey look at that. Quasimodo is finally straightening out around day 23.


Looks like the plants are getting into a groove now.


maybe be you got some “bad” genetics ? leaf development like that - could be a “trnt” - Hope these grow out for you


Thanks @HumblePie420. Tomorrow’s update will be a side by side shocker. I feel like watching the plants day to day, I wanna poke em with a stick like “c’mon, do a thing already.” :joy:

@hawkman It’s not over til the buds cured. I’m just trying to give an honest representation of the plant, the good the bad and the ugly.

What is “trnt”


sorry meant “runt” (small plant) and I agree It’ not over till the cure. Have had some very difficult plants that seemed lost but they came around. Your plants look OK sure do like that indica style of plants


@hawkman gotcha. I was up in the air on whether you meant runt or trait or there was some new acronym the kids were using that I didn’t know😂


Here we are a week later. These plants are squat to the max. I’m loving this structure on them. With 2 and a half more weeks on veg, I’m gonna need a bigger tent.


Yea !! bigger tent wluld help - BUT you could run all those - it would be a lot of defoliation along with a specific growning method, healthy looking plants ~~

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There’s no way I’m making it another 2 weeks. I tried bending some branches around a little bit and snapped a main branch clean off. Super hollow stems. I took the broken branch and stuck it in a rooter soaked in the veg solution. We’ll see what happens.

I’ll be moving these to flower next Sunday a full week ahead of schedule.