Stacked Mother Lode . 2022 . The Genesis

Harvested the Cherry Festival couple before the male could splurge, making tea with them.

I wrote a bunch of nonsense here about why I harvested, but I changed my mind.
Every plant deserves a chance, gonna let it all happen now, what the fuck do I know…

Let’s see about the two sprouts…

Pollinated everything again with the pollen from the paper bag.

Crème de la Chem:
Stemrub gives rubber, plastic, paint… sure explains the Chem part of the name.


“The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month.”

“It’s life that matters, nothing but life—the process of discovering, the everlasting and perpetual process, not the discovery itself, at all.”

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot


The strange smelling one, bottom left, did a bit of an upwards stride.
Holds the greatest amount of white hairs of the three.
The scent is very faint… milkchocolate, and kind of acrid.
This is the one that smelled like Afghan hash earlier.

From now on I let every female mature.
Harvesting the males after they released some of their pollen.

I’ve been harsh with the Cherry Festivals…
It’s all about the effects, who cares what they look like.
There’s abundance here! It’s one after the other that rises!
It doesn’t make sense to discriminate.
Natural selection just happens.

Bunch of leaves are showing bite marks of hungry insects.

And that’s how we deal with that.


I just measured the vertical space I’m using, happens to be 111 centimeter.

So one can easily create a double decker rack.

222 centimeter is just a little less than most ceilings.
The standard is 240 cm.
So add a few centimeters for the rack and you can have an array of no-till beds stacked in a double decker rack, in just about any regular house or small warehouse or garage.

A bench can be placed on each side, the length of the double decker rack, wide enough to comfortably stand on, to be able to easily harvest the upper level.
Can be used as a seat while harvesting the pots or beds on the floor level.

Perpetual 12/12 lighting keeps them small enough.

It’s ideal for auto’s and non-stretchy cultivars.

Perpetual harvesting.

Can be run entirely on kitchenscraps and water.
Add grassclippings, nettles, dandelion leaves, horse manure, etc at will.
Or don’t.
Kitchenscraps alone should do the trick.
Worm towers in no-till beds being the ideal.
The towers fitted with a very fine mesh lid so it can breathe but keep any gnats out.
They can also be connected with some hoses to a watering system, so the water solely goes into the worm towers, spreading the nutrients while keeping the topsoil around them dry enough so the gnats don’t lay eggs.
And even if you do get gnats inside the worm tower, they will stay localized inside the worm tower anyway (the larvae would help break down the kitchenscraps) since the topsoil everywhere else will be dry.

And then you can cultivate the discipline to only harvest half of what grows (and chop and drop half of the cover crop), only watering on rare occasions, harvesting half of the males to dry and sell as tea, and harvesting and processing half of the females.

Regarding the nitrogen fixing covercrops, you chop and drop half when they start flowering,
and you let the rest mature to return seeds and beans to the soil.
Again, the only work that is required is harvesting (chopping and dropping).

So really the only work that is involved in the actual growing of the cannabis (or vegetables), after the initial setting up is chopping and dropping, and harvesting and processing the harvest. Plus topping up the worm towers now and then.

Always keeping one rule in mind: Harvest only half of what you get.

And watering, which can be automated to be as easy as pressing a button or turning a valve.


The burnt sprout perked up its leaves and is looking healthier! :muscle:

Must be happy with its new friend!

The spirulina tablets are encapsulated with mycelium from the bottom.
The fungi probably have the breakdown under control now, feeding the nitrogen from the tablets to the bacteria in a more controlled manner to facilitate growth.

Something like that, perhaps…

Feeding the fungi sweet fruit scraps helps them take care of your plants!
But they’ll eat the weak sprouts too, so you only get the best!
How kind of them!


Survival of the fittest, should call it Darweedism :joy:


Today marks me being here for a year and on the same day my blurple LED died.
It’s like the grow gods is saying, “You can upgrade now.” :joy:
Ordered a ProFlux Quantum Board. :+1:
No more fan noise!!!

The container is chilling on my bed now under the room light.
Let’s call it a very cloudy day.

Taking the backup blurple from storage tomorrow until the Quantumboard arrives.


^ Mr. Nice NL5xAfghan

^ The weird smelling one, packing it on!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen quite a bunch of pistils like that, this early in flower.
Slow in veg but making up for it in bloom it seems.
Very happy with this one!
May it pass on this flowering vigor to the seeds. :+1:

^ The bright green ones are the blueberry cultivars.
Excited to see how they’ll do in bloom!

Crème de la Chem doing great in the back.

The oldest one, to the left of Babushka has some leaftips that are starting to shrivel up and the trichromes are turning white. Will let it go on until my jar is almost empty.
It definitely may fatten up some more.

It is well my soul.
Very happy with all of this.


^ The weird smelling one.

^ Cherry Festival

^ Crème de la Chems

Beautiful how the topped one slows down to let the other one do the thing.

Always such a tremendous joy when the stash is really flowering…


Loving the various shades of green my friend.
Thanks for sharing!


It’s all bursting at the seams with seeds. :rofl:

Feels like winning the lottery!

Gonna give away a bunch to people who also want to carpet bomb the seeds unto a living soil no-till bed for open pollination under perpetual 12/12 light to make F2’s.



The Quantumboard arrived.

Holy shit, it feels like it’s the middle of summer in my room.
Beautiful warm soft light.
No hard shadows.
Very wide spread.
Much better light penetration.
The difference is enormous.

I’m so fucking happy!!!

Maybe I’ll start topping a bit more now. :thinking:


That’s awesome @Rogue what QB did you get?


ProFlux Quantum Board 100W QB-1000

Samsung LM301B Led Diodes

It has a dimmer too!
From all the way off to full.
Still gets hot but you can still touch it briefly without burning your hand.
Feels really solid.

Give it a couple more years and they’ll make ones that run at room temperature.

AND they’re waterproof.
Wouldn’t submerge it in a bath but looks like you could hose it down a bit without a problem.

140 EUR incl. shipping


Very cool! Looks kinda similar to the spider farmers I have in my veg tent, I love em, especially for the price, I hope that thing serves you well!


^ The weird smelling one, milky acrid pine…?
I have the feeling it’s an auto… slow starting but really hauls ass once flowering.
Seems to be typical for the auto’s I’ve grown.
I see a pattern…
Very cool.

^ Mr. Nice NL5xAfghan, topped once.
Vegged longer than all the others.

^ The Crème de la Chem in the back, pineapple one in the front, perfume is very faint now, bit of straw scent from the shriveled leaves. No sign of amber trichromes yet, so it might as well have a second flowering burst…

Go for it girl!

Let your hair down!

Show me whatchu got!


For my outside pots I ordered peppermint, sage, purple basil, cilantro and an edible flower mix. :sun_with_face: :herb:

Gonna open all the packs, mix them all in a jar, shake them up, then sow.

And also add some VETCH ofcourse.


^ There’s a new sprout that popped up, making its way to the light, this one is showing a lust for life!

Best I could do after a full teaspoon of Sourblutooth…

Very happy with the Quantumboard, the plants didn’t even blink, they love it!
Budgrowth is speeding up!


A new sprout has risen!
On this day 4/20 2022.

I must be doing something right. :smile:


Yup, you are :slight_smile:
Happy 4/20 @Rogue !!