Discussion: Veg. plant maturity

I’m running perpetual 12/12 from seed.
Doesn’t stress them at all.
You save electricity and you get a faster turnaround.
Just sow them more densely.
Great for breeding.

Might get you bigger harvest per year, not sure…

Would be cool if someone with 2 tents can test this over the span of 3-4 years. :+1:
Same size tent, soil batch, soil volume, genetics, input and light.

Also, since they stay very short this way you can have two levels of canopy, one on top of the other, if you place your no-till beds in a rack and use the thin Quantumboard lights.

Wrote a more detailed description here:

Perfect for squatty plants and autoflowers.
Stretchy ones can be supercropped.

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