Star Dogs grow moving forward

I often cut up plants for the bin, pruned stems and shoots then think damn that would’ve been ideal for grafting, I’m going to try and ear mark some shoots and root stock so I don’t make the same mistake again.

Afaik the important part is good contact between the two stems and getting similar diameters of stem?

Hey @Star_Dog , from experience do you find trouble with taking cuttings from a flowering plant (and getting it to take)?
I know when I’ve re-vegged a full plant after harvest it can take an age to recover. Likewise it seems once in heavy flower, there aren’t many prime sites for taking cuttings (not once the bud has been stripped from the cutting too).
Just curious as to whether that is what then led you to trying the air cloning.

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Hey buddy, getting them to root isn’t normally a problem up 4-5 weeks, after that like you say most of the cloning material is gone but it’s still doable.

you’re spot on, that’s mostly the reason I’m trying to air layer it, re vegging the plant wouldn’t be convenient with the space i have.

Id taken a cutting from it around the 4-5th week but it got some kind of mould, i taken another and it got the same mould, by this time there was nothing left to clone without removing a decent sized bud, i thought if i air layer it it’ll let the buds grow on then at the end i can cut it and re pot it, unfortunately it didn’t root as i expected so I’ve taken the gamble of cutting it off to try and root it, worst case i can re veg it but it’s a last resort.

This one went 70 days rooted but not growing.

After re potting it, it come away fine
All in it was months to re veg, I’ll have the luxury of testing this one before I waste my time.



For anyone looking to keep a mother plant or pheno hunting taking clones in flower can be advantageous.

If we take clones before flipping we’ve got the duration of flowering to feed, light and maintain them, that can be like a forest in 12/14 weeks!

If we take them in flower the time frame to re veg can suit us, it gives us time to flower, harvest dry and test the mother before they get growing and we waste our time on them.
I’ll be harvesting the mothers in the next week or so.

If they’re good I’ve got a nice compact mother albeit with a bit pruning.

Apparently it’s called monster cloning?

I’ve embraced it lol

The heart of my operation the Star Dog team.


Would be interesting to know whether an air rooting would be counted as an extra plant before it is removed from the main plant.

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Would you ? A bit of wood doesn’t become two bits of wood till it’s sawin in half : )


That too would be my logic too.
Though we have blue clothed people over here who may argue otherwise :slight_smile:

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If you have a big mum plant and a bottle of clonex beside it does that become 50 plant count
Cuttings on floor from defol are they plants too
They just regular people
Plant in container equals one plant they can’t count something that hasn’t happened yet

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A few pics from the weekend,

They’re around 80 days since flipping.
This one isn’t looking great?

I’ve checked the ec, ph and it’s all fine, it seems to have went down hill over the last week getting the same feed etc as the others?



My reservoir outside the tent is starting to get down to 14-15c at nights.

I have a small pump running constantly that’s good for a couple of degrees c rise but it’s not enough now.

So, I got a heat matt and strapped it around the reservoir then covered it with some bubble mylar for insulation.

I plugged the heat matt into a controller and put the probe from it under the strap and set it to 18c, that’s warm enough to feed plants directly and cool enough that it can raise a few 0.C if it sits in the tent overnight without any problem, I’ve separate autofill reservoir inside the tent with the pump etc and it heats through the night.

The original idea is to heat the nutrient but I’m feeding too many plants for the volume size to be effective now.

On a totally different subject it made me think about lst?

If my nutrient is cold it’s got to have some effect on the leaf surface temperature in comparison to warmer nutrients, maybe not and probably doesn’t matter… But it might?

Take it easy folks.


I’m f&d once every two days , my Rez I’m sure goes lower than that with no probs : ) once it mixes with warm media it’s higher than the Rez and then it doesn’t take long to equalate with room temp

I like your temp controllers , I use them too , the dimming one is the best ( max 600w ) , it dims to steady temp , not of on off on etc : )
I use them on my growroom rads at nite : ) so temp probe at canopy and not down low in rad ( more precise growroom reading )

Habistat is great make they last forever so can be had cheap secondhand on ebay without worry : )


I’ve been meaning to try grafting for ages, I’m looking to make a couple of tri pheno mothers it’s always handy to have more than one prize mother.

I grafted a stem from the plant in black pot to the plant in the red pot.

I stuck it in place with self amalgamating tape, it’s kind of rubbery and only needs a pinch to make a rubber seal around the join.

The finished job

I’ve put a bag over the plant to raise humidity and let it do its thing.

Let’s see what happens, fingers crossed?

Eta… I removed the bag earlier today (9th Dec) that wasn’t a good idea, in the afternoon it looked a bit wilty, I’ve put the bag back over it, fingers crossed.


I originally set it up with a B1 proportional controller but I read that they have a minimum wattage, idk so changed it to the habistat.

F&d cold nutrient onece every 2 days is a bit different to 3-5 feeds daily, cold nutrient wouldn’t be conductive to my set up, horses for courses.

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I agree : ) why I mentioned my set up first
Hoping your graft takes , fun times : )
Same with certain habistat controllers you got to check the min as well as the max watts ( min just as inportant as max )

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Yeah hey!!!
Its day #90 and ready to chop 1st opportunity.

I was running a little test or experiment in an attempt to keep them compact/short, some plants were vegged longer than others, then before re potting i let them get past the worst of the stretch phase then i re potted them into 5ltr pots between wk 2,3 and 4 after flip.

(ignore the plants in the green tray they’re not part of the crop)

Flip to 12-12 day #1

Surprisingly the plants vegged longest and re potted 1st are not the best/biggest/heaviest plants, as a matter of fact two of the longer vegged plants yielded the least, obviously I’ve not harvested these but one of the longer vegged plants only yielded 52g and another 108g.

I’m fairly certain they’ll yeild more than 52g or 108g?

I’ve been pheno hunting for 2+ years i really wish I’d started this way, i could’ve saved myself lots of time time and expense.

I absolutely love growing it’s like fishing, it’s so varied you’d need two lifetime’s to try it all.

Take it easy folks!


What was your biggest yielder and what were its summary conditions? (i.e. Pot size, veg time, flower time, special training or feeding).

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Killin it man, love that heating pad solution.

What do you mean by pheno hunting, like popping seeds vs getting cuts?
What other tips would you give a new grower to bypass all the b.s. & time wasting @Star_Dog

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Hey buddy, I’ve had some mixed weights, I’ve had plants yeild 250/275g and right next to they plants I’ve yeilded 88g from different strains.

Before I tried the above a normal run would consist of 4-5 weeks veg from seed (30 days)
In flower gradually increasing light over the 1st 4-5 weeks aiming for 60/65k lux over the canopy, I’m feeding 2-5 times a day to run off, the ec varies over the 1st 4-5 weeks, starting at 1.2ec and gradually raising it to 1.8ec for a short period then maintain 1.5ec until nearer the end around wk 9 I’ll start to lower the ec roughly 0.2ec a week… Actually I use the run off as a guide to feed strength in general that basically keeps me right.

Temps are as good as i can get them but most often they’re a bit on the low side circa 25/26c, humidity i just make the best i can aiming for the best vpd figures, later in flower I’ve no chance of getting remotely near ideal vpd.
A example of my local climate.

If I’ve missed anything bud just ask I’d be happy to help if you ignore the grammar and typos lol.

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Hey buddy, by pheno hunting i sprout either a variation of seeds or a 10 pk, take a clone from each plant then flower them.

At the end i dry and taste/smoke them and decide which ones i like best, i keep the selected clones as mums and bin the others.

The best tip i could possibly give you is to take advantage of flowering clones, they’re so much easier to look after.

The following pictures all happened in the last 8-9 weeks, I’ve not had vigorous growing clones to maintain.
4wks 12-12 I take clones.

By the time they revert back to vegging growth I’ve got the mum flowered, dried and tasted before its out of a 3" pot
One of the above clones today

Mum today.

As you can see I’ve had minimal work to put in but I’ve a mother and clones ready to roll after I harvest in the next day or two.

If I’ve missed anything just ask I’ll be glad to help.

Edit Jfc the clone today is on the right, it’s daughter is on the left i cut that a couple of weeks ago.


There’s no repeat buds they’re all different strains


Using the method outlined above.