Star Dogs grow moving forward

Hey Fella!

So when you say here “you take a clone from each plant”. Those clones are now taken 4 weeks into flower, rather than right up front (pre flower).

Obvious question.
Does that then kill one of your cola’s? Or are you taking the cutting from a lower branch (or training just gave you enough branches to pick from)?

Makes alot of sense.
A longer period without needing to home doubles of everything.
Clones that don’t run rampant before their time is ready.

I’ve heard some breeders talk of trashing the seed plant and growing the clone for testing (as seed plants and clones grow differently and its the clone vitality those breeders care about). I guess that is the only minor drawback to this approach.

Given the crazy spinach type growth they do kick out. Do you have a hands on trimming task before they are ready to go into full veg?

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Also. Am I right in guessing that you leave the bud on whilst it re-veg’s?
I have read some people speak of lopping the bud off so as to save energy for the re-veg (but it risks taking alot of the remaining leaves with it).

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Yep that’s the one mate 4 weeks into flower i take the cuttings from the lower growth.

I don’t put them back into flower I just clone them, I’ve re vegged and flowered but I didn’t like it, maybe if I’d trimmed more branches off I’d have got on better.

I can’t find a puc from the top but it wasn’t anything remarkable.

Loping the buds off might help in one sense but we’d lose the funky growth slow period, it would depend on the individual situation, if i wanted to get them flowering again I’d take them pre flower but in the circumstances these are ideal.


What are you looking for in the Pheno hunt? Any particular traits? Just a female or a breeding pair?

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Ideally some original cheese, blueberry and some cat pee skunk would be a great start, I’ve found a nice cheese plant, I’ve got a glukie pie that’s slightly cat pee, I’ve a gelato that’s different and I’ve blueberry in just now that smells promising, also flowering I’ve 2x Swiss skunk, 2x blueberry twist, 2x cheese dipz (harvested), 1x og kush and 1 called star doggie hopefully there’s a keeper in there.

Eta… I’ve also a gg#4 ready to flower and I’m preparing Dinafem cbd amnesia.

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I will keep an eye out if anything interesting along those expressions pop out in any of my grows. Just finishing the last bits of my ebb and flood system and then I will be doing a mother hunt through a few different lines.


It’s damn cold out there, check out the humidity for the temperature!

I need to wind down for the winter it’s too expensive keeping a 5x5 in this weather.

I got home early today so I harvested my remaining plants.

I keep a net attached at the back of my tent it’s a permanent fixture it’s used to support plants and hang them from.

I had to get the light out 1st?
A put another ratchet holder at this side of the filter then let my end down white pulling the back one forward.

I got the net fixed and was ready to start.

I cut them, strip them of leafs and hang them above me, it’s really convenient for hanging buds.

I cut them off with a piece of stem then split it so I’ve a crook left on the buds for hanging with.

It’s just the drying and trimming now.


very nicely timed for Christmas!
Whats your main challenge at the mo? Keeping temps up or humidity down?

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Hey buddy, when i left it last night the temp/humid was 14c 64% I haven’t had a chance to check it today, i might need to put in another heater or bigger dehumidifier it’s absolutely freezing outside.

The flame on my lighter froze through the night lol.

Try not to let temp get too low 16c is perfect , lower than that curing slows down and at 12 it stops and can’t be restarted they say

I went to check on my plants the next morning lol

It’s a lump of ice.

I’ve a 20ltr dehumidifier?
I think it’s 20ltr it’s 430w does that sound about right for a 20ltr?

Anyhow I’ve a 12ltr (160 or 180w) and a 20ltr + a 150w tube heater placed in front of the 12ltr dehumidifier (5x5 tent)

Between the two dehumidifiers humidity is going between 58/63% the 12ltr stays on 24hrs it supplies some heat and it slows the rise of humidity, after it hits 63% the 20ltr kicks in and lowers it to 58%, there’s constant ventilation the fan is just ticking over and returning the scrubbed air back into the room to conserve heat, it’s working well, the 20ltr won’t come on after the initial free water is gone, I’ll keep an eye on it and adjust it accordingly.

@ifish hey buddy, i think you’re mixed up with humidity and re starting curing, cold curing is a method employed by some people, it done in a fridge.

Can you tell me more about curing in the fridge / freezer ? I don’t know any facts on it and it intrigues me
I was taught 16 c perfect and lower it slows and at 12 it stops
And rh it stops at 55 I think or maybe 52 ?
Both irreversible , at that rh and or temp to restart curing

It’s not something I’ve tried mate, I’ve only read bits and pieces about it.

Like you i try to aim for 60/60 or as close as possible, depending on the season we have to make the best of what’s available to us unless we have air-conditioned drying facilities lol.

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If it were me I would fire it all in the freezer now and make ice hash like joe Crowe does : )

I take it you like hash?
ive 90g of ice hash but I’ve not smoked any yet, as long as there’s bud available I’ll not smoke anything else.

I do enjoy making it though, I’m I’m building a dry sift catcher atm it’s only on paper just now I’m going to order the bits and pieces i need tomorrow or Monday.


when you get it right it can top the bud, especially as a nice mix up.
That frozen pot is crazy. Are you sure you’re on the same island as me! :face_with_monocle:

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Hey buddy, it’s my dehumidifier lol.

I’ve never seen that beforehand tbh, I’ve stopped pulling air from outside and moved my tube heater to in front of the dehumidifier, it’s working out great giving me 15c/60% +/-3% rh

I’m playing silly buggars at the moment with a leaking IWS brain pot system.
Trying to get him zoned in before I make the switch over from soil. Last 2 sensi Skunk#1 clones are in the flower tent with about 4 weeks to go.

First run will most likely be a few more clones a super lemon haze thats just popped and hopefully a Jack Herrer (though looks like that seed may be a dud).
Once they survive and I have it all worked out. Then I can start cycling my seed packs for a keeper or two.

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Well that was a failure?

The graft and the joint section was dried, i think i didn’t get the alignment right or i didn’t get the cut right or a bit of both?

I’ll try it again soon using something to bind or pull the joint together squarely.