Stardawg f2 testers from Greenpoint

Who got the stardawg f2 testers? I was on there site 2 minutes after the start and they were already gone

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Idk… but I think gu just pissed some folks off. Lol

Piss off who you want. Everyone will get offended by something :joy:. I’ve got some purple Badlands f2’s if you’re interested


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@anon58740919 I have a problem so of course I’m interested lol


It’s cool mate I’ve got a plethora of problems don’t worry. Pm your safe address I’ll send some out


I’ve gotten rid of a hundred of SD f2’s easy.
Farmer Joe and elmaniaco both did a f2 run there’s plenty about, ask around.
Greenpoint ahck phooey.

I’ll be running both v1 and V2 a bit layer, they’ll be plenty around.

And f2’s of what version?


It says a 2009 x 2011

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I got an invite for his legend og x sd tester. Soon as I refreshed at that time. Site froze up for a good min on me.

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GPS website is trash. Trying to be a tester is more aggravating than anything. Amazing if you go to other forums the GPS threads all turn into a shitshow about how horrible GPS is yet those same accts will smash gps servers for freebies or new drops. What gives?


I tried to place an order with them last month next day I get a credit card hold so I searched around read a lot about fraudulent charges and shit then emailed them still wanting the order 4 days later I got a email back they were out…I understand the cc middle man shit I don’t understand the slow response I almost feel like it was to screw me out of the deals I lucked upon…if you’re business is to sell seeds my order was around 200 dollars and I know you are a one man show why not answer my email before 4 days a one man show with the overhead of a cc company plus other companies seeds should be on it I would imagine he gets no more than a 100 emails a day for real maybe I’m just a tightwad but I would be crushing through those emails to get paid…with all of that said I signed up to be a tester just to try his product before I attempt the nightmare of buying from them again


Seems I missed another lol

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You have no luck do you mate :joy:

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I got them thou!! Recieved a mail my order came thrue

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Well now I know I need to check my email at 959 am every day LMAO

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What interests me the most is that this cross doesn’t involve stardawg which seems to be his bull in the corral to keep with his use of Western themes lol

Not really about luck as much as logging on 30 minutes early with a literal zero ping connection (1 up 1 down) then refreshing like a nutter hoping his server doesn’t shit the bed. (No shade just facts)

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Nice work. For the love of god, you received them as a tester, grow them out. Capital punishment should apply to bean hoarding ‘testers’


I Will gift them to a friend of mine to grow… dont have any room in my tent… but hopefully he finds something good