StarDawg, Grape Ape, DeathStar in Octo’s

@middleman thak you! I am making my own spreadsheet out of it as well.

@Joker so no epsom or anything? just whats on the chart?


I personally have been using cal/mag. I’ve used Silica in the past. Thinking about dropping the cal/mag and switching to Epsom, to be honest.


See @Joker hooked you up .

I only use Urban Farms Vegetable Fertilizer for veg . Will not use anything else . Jacks 20 20 20 is very good , but I much prefer the Urban Farms . I add no cal no mag no silica no nothing . It’s very complete and sets my plants up for a full 11 week run with zero issues .

Ain’t broke I’m not fixing it


Ok, so I’m old and high as hell and May ramble. I almost left OG awhile back. There was just to much drama and most of the guys I interacted with had left for one reason or another.

Then @Jetdro came back and I got interested again. And today has been truly what OG is to me!!

We have a nute schedule developed by @ifish and @Jetdro, typed out by @middleman, and then shared with @SaintAliasKnife.

Meanwhile @Octochris stops by @ifish is making us all THINK about the reason for foreword growing!!

Just want to say thank you everyone for bringing the OG spirit back to me.

Ramble over.

Forgot to thank old friends @BarefootAndBlazed, @Papalag, and @HolyAngel for stopping by today.


@Joker got you man. right there with you. ramble on! and thank you.

@Jetdro yessir he sure did. and I absolutely get it. I’ll kick it around the brainbox for a bit… Seeing I have a rather healthy amount of Jack’s Clone/ TAP/ UV/ and Finish I’ll have to buy all the new nutes.


Place can be very cool and vast knowledge is stored here in the threads .

I’m planning on growing and making friends
No fights no arguments no bullshit .

Glad I met you @Joker you seem like the kind I like to interact with .

Your gonna slay this round. , you have to the owner is now watching you



Well put. Doesn’t seem like a ramble to me.
I just set up my octopots again because of all the activity going on with them here. I stopped using them because I was making seeds (still am) and wanted to run a lot of plants. But I’m back in - just two octopots and two minis to start with. Only problem with them is the plants do so well, they get out of hand and I don’t have enough space.


Grow in Peace Brothers


Awesome information here, thanks to everybody for sharing, will be very helpful when I get my octopots up and running. Even have @Octochris in here sharing…awesome stuff


Great thread and an amazing ramble. So much information and positive feedback. In that same spirit I have a coupla questions.
How would you compare these to sips? @Octochris
What do praying plants outside indicate? 2 much water?



@LivingBlackSoil , Praying is the same indoors as outdoors
High light intensity
If indoors I would say dim lights or raise lights
Outdoors I would say it’s better than low intensity light so no worries
: )
Over watering is droopin curling leafs ( heaavy , look like witches fingers ) starting at top of plant and working its way down as over watering progresses
The fluid / internal pressure is forced by roots to the growing tips first , priority / survival , so then if it over builds it shows at tops first then it works it’s way down rest of plant if not corrected ( the curling of leafs )
: )


Thanks for the response.

I have a Magic Goat outside that wouldn’t pray until we got watering ‘right’. Praying seems to start at the top as well. I am the asshole, I’m sure.


The praaying didn’t show as leafs were too heavy from the overwatering : ) the high light intensity was alwaays there but plant was unable to react and help itself , the effects of overwatering was msasking the effects of the high light intensity , once the watering was fixed the plant could /was able to now show the praaying
The plant tops show praaying first as they are closest to sun and also they are youngest , so not as hardy , plus rest of plant slightly more shaded by/from the exposed tops above them
: )


Thanks for learning me some things. The plant is in a weird double container situation and very happy.
It’s Friday y’all


Happy Friday!

I just purchased the nutrients (Urban and jack’s), should have them in ~ a week, right on time for the next run. a measurement question if I may as I’m not setup/have trust issues with spoon measurements.

the all purpose vegetable fertilizer is liquid, the jacks powders. a teaspoon is ~5ml liquid and ~4gr dry.

That sounds right?
also: how would this apply to automatics?


I think the biggest difference is Octopot has two root environments, soil and hydroponic. This provides buffering between the two as well as two types of roots on one plant.


To my knowledge the Earthbox does the same thing. Maybe these are Sips as well. Thanks for the response and for creating a product to improve the grexperience.

Earthbox does not have a hydro reservoir where a separate root system grows. That is the Octopot difference. One set of roots form in the soil then change cell structure in the environment between soil and water to become hydro roots which gives the system a boost unavailable in plain bottom feeders.


I’ve always wondered on this schedule. What do you guys do for calcium? @ifish @Jetdro
Looking at the labels from Jacks on both those, they don’t list a single source of calcium in either of those bags. If I run just that schedule, jacks 10/30/20 and/or 5/12/26 with nothing else in there, I get overnight massive calcium deficiency. I don’t really understand how this schedule can be run without a source of calcium being listed :thinking:

Looks like joker and ifish are using calmag/calmag+ to add in calcium?

Would gypsum (calcium sulfate) be a good source of calcium instead of the calmag? Since both 10/30/20 & 5/12/26 already supply some magnesium in both those bags and jacks 321 already recommends using epsom when you need more mag… I figure it’d be like maxibloom or megacrop 1part where when you need high amounts of calcium, the added mag in calmag would exacerbate lockouts. The gypsum would allow greater calcium consumption without antagonizing the mag/phos channel? I’m not good with the spreadsheet breakdown for nutes, but it seemed to make sense to me…


@HolyAngel everyones tap is different ,the amount of calmag or other substitutes for calcium and mag required relies on grower discretion
The npk ratios to use and when to use them is basis for forward growing , how you achieve them is up to whaats avail to you
Me I use combination of elixir products or chempak
Jetdro ingredients were what he found available to him to get close to desired ratios for each staage ie spring stretch summer and fall