StarDawg, Grape Ape, DeathStar in Octo’s

Trimmed both DeathStars hard tonight, getting ready to flip tomorrow. Will finish the other 4 then. All the rez’s will be filled all the way, for the first time.

All plants were topped and LST’d to some degree.

Have clones of Chem91 and Grand Daddy Purp in the cloner for the next tent.
Let the games begin!!


Flipped the tent last night. They all got their first, of many, haircut. I’ve tried nets once before. Worked out ok, but could have been a lot better. The biggest issues I’ve always had with the Octo’s in tents are airflow and light penetration. So this time around I will thin and chop every week through week 5.

So on with the show!!





@schmarmpit Do you remember how much the Grape Ape stretched?


Dam you got that looking good going to be quite the show I’m betting. See poundage in the future some serious branching down below.


Your going to run them on a screen?


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Lowes sell a nice big fan for 45 bucks. Ya take it off the pole and bend pole to fit tent, hang it off down tube of tent. Set at medium or low, mounted high as can, pointed down to middle of tent, set on timer with lights. Will 100% cover your air circ needs.


Im excited to see these flower u thinned them out real nice, i gota thin out mine this weekend im guna throw mine into flower this week too,

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No scrog!! Just there for support!


Absolutely nice work under their skirts man! Really done well, and shows the power of your system.

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Way to fucking low man

Have a box fan at the top of the tent blowing down. Cyclone fan will go under the canopy.

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First of 2.

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Thats plenty, ya keep pucking fans blocking anything your golden! Run run looks great, your going to put up an impressive grow


i hate using two…be interesting to watch you do it. Put 2nd one in now too be easier.

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This was my problem last time I ran screens. The canopy got so dense, no light under it! Had to use a flashlight to see rez level on the Octo’s.


Never ran just one. How high up for just one? It sure in the hell would be easier.

I guess I was using scrog ideas, but not scrogging. Was a pain in the ass!!

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You got it this time. Want to see naked legs down below. Dont go nuts, just remove ones blocking any budsites, or LONG stemmed ones reaching out. I do it like once a week first 3-4 weeks of flip, then stop. I leave ALL non blocking leaf for the plant to have power.

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When you grow big buds, IF you have used LST or topping, had PLENTY of wind, the only thing needing support is the top 1/4 of the bigger buds. They bow over from the top, so support them where you see the bending in the stem. I make my net, in 6 by 6 squares, attached to tent poles and can be slid up or down. I place it early , put it way up under lights. As they come up like week 3 or so, i lower the net over their heads, and feed them into it. Easy to do, if you take your time. I place it maybe 12 inch’s below the bigger tops.

Anything else need support i use yoyo’s, and have like 25 of them hanging in place already. Just reach up . pull one down, support the limb.


Sounds like a plan to me!! Will prob raise the net tomorrow then. I will slide it up just below my lights. That’s what I want it for anyway. I have so damn many yo-yo’s and some branches still will flop because of the weight.

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Much appreciated!