StarDawg, Grape Ape, DeathStar in Octo’s

That’s what I have done so far. With my tap water, anything over 1 tsp/gal results in tip burn. I just don’t feel I get the results that so many claim to get.

I responded before your last edit.


Every grow envio is different
Your rh and temp dictates how much your plants drink
So someone who happy with 1.5 spoons , while your plant drinks more so less ppm require but same amount of food uptaked either way


You will have to excuse me for rambling. I blame my fever. What you just said makes perfect sense. Except I read where others who grow with Octo’s have plants that drain the rez in 2-3 days in late flower. My plants take at least a week to drain the rez.

Not trying to be a pain in the ass. Just always trying to learn.


Never worry about other peoples find and work yours to your grow situation
Maybe they have 4 octos per 5x5 where you have six , equals more literage for same plant mass
Lots of things affect everything , why it’s best to suit how you grow and your envioment etc
Like instead of filling rezes to 3/4 you just do 1/2 then and see
The quality of the end product is what counts and how you get there is what suits your grow envioment , set up etc ( and learning the associated parameters to stay within etc )


You struggle with high rh so plants can’t drink as much as someone with lower rh
Everyone’s envio is different you just gotta tweek it too yours

Maybe less veg time smaller plants but more in number suits you better etc
A lot of small changes can add up to a big difference
Kiazen : )


So next grow lower ppm through out grow by 50-100
Ppm , see if that stops tip burn
Lower n through out grow too by lowering base feed and top up with more pk and start flower feed sooner , and consider less plant mass , make a plan , if it goes pear shaped then increase feed slightly back to what it was till sweet spot ,
You already doing great grows so tweeking can only make them even better


Hey, @Joker! I realize you’ve already mentioned that you’re sick/have a fever etc etc, but I insist you answer a shitload of questions RIGHT NOW.

I mean, if you don’t mind and all. Ready? Can I ask a bunch of questions? I expect you to answer them immediately! Yes? Sound good???

Jesus Christ…

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I only asked a couple of questions at start , not a shit ton , the rest of the time I was answering jokers questions
I suppose it’s all down to what tone you read it in or the readers state of mind
Was not my intent to come of that way : )

Why I usually use lots of smiley faces

And I never once said answer my questions straight away etc that’s you adding that in @minitiger to make me look bad : )


Agree totally good move I’ve been feeding at 550 ppms

Except for Frankie she a heavy feeder 780 ppms tonight for her lol

Iv heard peeps doing this before
If you give it a go I’ll be watching

It’s a good way to speed things up a bit

I would think


Yes paps workin in ppm is deffo better than teaspoons as it gives more consistent control over the grow , fine tuning so we can push higher but also stay in parameters
All. It takes is 50ppm over parameter to get tip burn etc , best to stay at 50 ppm below , this is hard to do in teaspoons
: )
: )
: )


Haha, I’m just fucking around, dude, talking shit. I would like to get joker a little chicken soup or something, though. The man needs some rest!


It was a nice change!! Been bored out of my mind!!


Yep!! You were answering all my rambles!


I usually mix 5 gallons worth of nutrient solution at once, and use 1 TBSP (= 3tsp) of Jack’s per batch - quite a bit less. Sometimes if I use a heaping scoop I’ll get a little tip burn. I have definitely used up to 1tsp/gallon when mixing a single gallon pitcher’s worth. Some plants are more sensitive than others.

I have 4 Octopots going now. The CannaCheese and Sour Diesel are massive and draining their reservoirs every 4 days. Cavity Crush isn’t small but it’s starting lots of budsites on a lot of branches which requires filling up every 5-6 days. Black Cream is small and barely sips.

Speaking of putting clones directly into the Octopot, that’s what I did with a Sour Diesel and a Cavity Crush. When I grew them before they were always super tall, so I tried to minimize veg time. I went from cloner right into Octopot, vegged for 2 weeks, topped, gave them 1 more week in veg to recover, then put them into flower. They’ve been under 12/12 for 3.5 weeks now and the Sour D has grown into the lights which are set at their maximum height. :astonished: Next time I’ll need to put my bondage skills to the test and mainline her in addition to keeping veg time short.


all ya got to do is post, folk will talk and entertain!

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See you just gave a like…could have said something ifn your bored. Im NOT bored, Im pulling buds off ALL of my hangers, smoking 'em, rating 'em, comparing 'em, pressing EVERY one . Im ultra non bored lol !

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Lol. Must be some damn good samples!! I liked your post, but you replied to barefootandblazed!!


What …no clue what your talking about Willis…but i am STONED…


Day 62

I haven’t updated much lately. Have been sick with Covid and just now feeling up to doing a little maintenance on the mom/clone tent. When you keep moms in Solo cups and don’t trim em up, they tend to fall over.

Grape Ape. I hope to start cutting these 2 this weekend.

DeathStar. Still has a week.

And the StarDawg. Also have a week.



Looking great! I bet the smell is amazing.

Hope you feel back to your regular self real soon.