StarDawg, Grape Ape, DeathStar in Octo’s

We have always had Boxer’s and Rott’s. The tan/sable girl just showed up at our house one day and wouldn’t leave. Fell in love with her. Then my son and I got the two sisters. And he still lives here, so that’s my pack!!


The little one was a freebie? frech|nullxnull One thing’s for sure, you’re in good company… beer3|nullxnull


Dude! You have a boxer? I don’t think I knew that. Love those dogs. Love all dogs.

What exactly is this? I just googled it, watched a quick video on their site. Is it, like, literally Velcro? Can it be re-used?


Yep. He is our third boxer. And yeah, it’s Velcro Garden Tape. I ordered it off of Amazon, but it’s sold in a lot of stores. Even comes in different widths. Makes adjusting tie downs a breeze. It’s reusable, but haven’t had it long enough to know longevity.


Boxer! I had one growing up. A sweet but dopey dog! Would love to have one again!


It’s lasts a whole summer outside holding plants to stakes, sometimes holding wire mesh to stakes for peas and stuff, doesn’t weaken enough to matter. When you pull it off the next spring you still need to undo it from the end, you can’t just yank it off. I wouldn’t reuse because it is fuzzy and stuff sticks to it like… Velcro. And it so cheap I can’t be bothered to wash it. But yeah, it is really good stuff to have in a garden. I also use it to tidy cables.


Yep. All of ours have been dopey!! Our first was my son’s best friend from the age of 3 to 15.


Good to know. A grow buddy turned me on to it. Wish I would have known about it years ago. At that price, I can think of a shit ton of ways to use it.


The girls are just chugging right along. My trellis nets were supposed to be delivered today. No such luck. Hopefully tomorrow. The 2 Grape Ape’s are drinking the most. And the 2 DeathStars may have to be lifted. Going to up their feed on the next rez fill.

Her are some pics before I adjust their tie downs.

The 2 DeathStars

2 Grape Ape’s are in front
2 StarDawg’s in back.

Still hope to flip 5-7 days after I put the trellis up.


Grow is looking great, gonna get tight in there. What size tent would be more suitable for the 6 octopot set up? 4x8 ? How long are you going to veg for?


Yeah, it should be crazy as always. Throw up my trellis net and see what they will do. So, the clones were in the cloner 10 days, solo cups one week, and will be in the Octo’s 21 days when I flip to flower. Have no clue how many days you count for veg in that.

Will start cutting fan leaves first week I flip. You spend a lot of time thinning shit out with the Octo’s. And still have times where 0 light hits the floor.

I have always ran 6 in a 5x5. Once ran 5, because I lost a plant. Depending on how long you want to veg, 4 would easily fill a 5x5.


Hey @Jetdro @ifish and anyone else that’s wants to throw an opinion my way.

Are they trying to tell me they want more nutes?


@schmarmpit I know you grew them in soil. Was the Grape Ape a thirsty girl? And did the DeathStar stay smaller? The Grape Ape and StarDawg are kicking it’s ass.


I dunno anything about your style of growing, but I know that a lot of times on my plants, the new growth will be lighter than the older growth. It eventually darkens up and looks “normal.” Those pics you posted, some of that stuff looks relatively new (although not all of it does haha).


Did they dry out a bit on you by chance? They’ll look similar to that once watered leaf tips tipped down and dark green.


The first 2 weeks in the Octo’s they have to search for water. But these two have found the rez.


I thought that, but then…lol. Probably just overthinking shit!!

And how in the hell have I been here for this long and don’t know how to reply to two people in one post!!!


Nute level looks pretty spot on… looks they are just settling in to the reservoir, from my understanding the roots have to make a change from soil to a hydro root structure. I am not sure how long that takes thou


I’m sure everything is good mine dried out of water for a afternoon in the heat the other day and shriveled a top bud site only one on the whole plant .


The Grape Ape is definitely one of the larger growing plants I’ve run. She was always hungry for more and would get huge. The Death Star stays squatter and isn’t as vigorous in comparison. But she will reward with a bush full of stanky nugs.