Start of a new grow

Some seeds doesn’t want to grow. But I always discect the environment that doesn’t pop to see if I did something wrong and I’ll try to fix it next time I pop some seeds.

What you want to see is, tail down and head up. The tail should be white.
If the tails isn’t down, you might have had a bad seed placement.
If the tail isn’t white, you have had problems with either your medium or your water.

Pz :v:t2:

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So i need help guys…
Here it is the landrace i planted 4-5 days…
It is growing well, but i want to understand the humidity game… Should i keep the dome to keep on the humidity, as i am growing in balcony, so i dont have control on temp…temp here is between 25-35° celcius by the day…
I have adjusted the height of humidity dome, because i think that, air circulation must be a need of plant now…
Watered this last night as i saw complete dry soil…
So what to do now… Should i completely airtight the plant… Or this is the correct way to give air circulation to the plant…
And do you guys see anything wrong, which i should keep an eye on…

Medium is coco + perlite( buffered with calmag )
Strain is - ( Landrace )
Location - Outdoor ( Balcony ), it recieves approx 2 hours of direct sun on the plant.


Also, i have pasted an alluminium foil paper on the half side of the bottle, so the plant can recieve proper light and it doesnt bend towards the light
Credit : youtube video ( cause last time my plant bent and fell )

@Rogue @AzSeaindooin420

Need your views guys…


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I’d take the dome off. It looks healthy.

2 hours is pretty short but I’ve done something similar and it was fine.


I agree with @Foreigner, dome is fine to come off

I only dome something when it’s struggling to root, that thing looks perfectly healthy

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Looks fine, I’d leave the dome off, but is the medium really only coco + perlite?
Are you feeding synthetic fertilizer or water only?


Feeding water only for now…
I am ready with synthetics… But i ll wait till 3rd week or whenever you guys recommend… As i ll be updating the growth here

@AzSeaindooin420 @Foreigner @Rogue
Ok bros… I am taking dome off now…

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Regarding the sun bro… I was talking about direct sun facing the plant, extreme heat… Otherwise its sunlight for 12 hours,with 4 hours of max temp… For now, max temp is 35° celcius.
And the weather report suggests, it will be max 32° for next few days.

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That’s not extreme heat, I’ve grown in 50C daily just fine, let it shine on that baby


I have no clue about coco and synthetics, you can tag me if you wanna go fully organic, then I’ll be able to help. :+1:

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@AzSeaindooin420 @Foreigner @Rogue

Update Day 5

After removing dome… Again its bending for the light, so i did a hack :joy:, i hope it gets the job done…



Update Day 7


I guess everything seems alright?


Yeah, just let it take the time it needs. Are you going to do some LST?

Pz :v:t2:

Day 9


Looking good bro

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