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Just makes them a little waxy.

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You think these r old enough to sext out using your method ? They act is if they don’t wanna get any taller …imma raise the lights and make em stretch out a bit


I usually like to wait until they have about 6 nodes. It can’t hurt to try.

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Gonna start messing with alot of regulars in smaller pots just want to get a good rhythm down
2 days 12/12 correct ?

I think I’m gonna send it in the name of Science :rofl:
Enter sid the sloth voice LOL


I do it all the time. I never flip back. I do 12/12 from seed sometimes. Most of the time I veg for just 3 weeks.


How long till maturity
Pre sex …
Usually I let em take their own course but not this time …time to use some beans !
I have them in the smallest of pots but would like to
Transplant but don’t wanna waste my time on a male lol

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About 7 days to 2 weeks. But I have had some take 3 weeks. But usually if they take that long they could be a female. I say 7 days to 14 days.

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Some strains will still get tall at that age. The ones I have now are between 3 to 4 foot tall. Some of @lefthandseeds gifted seeds will still get over 6 foot tall. I still have a good yield. As soon as you seeing signs, you can top. They look great.

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Thanks bro ! I plan on taking clones from each plant just incase I find a keeper …
I have finished plenty of autos in the nursery pots almost 4 ft some of them.
Just need to figure out sext because these ones need to be transplanted and grown in the tent for another month or so …I tried to do perpetual…am now finding out its better to start seeds halfway through flowering …so I’m improvising this round haha


Nothing wrong with that. I try and make a fast turnaround. I try for improvements also. I’m liking the different varieties.

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Check out your ABC
The progressor I call her

I swear the other one hasn’t budged…
I notice they like a pretty good dry spell …
How were they with feed I used some and it seemed to respond in a negative manner


Sometimes, if they’re not taking water like they should, I’ll put a dry towel underneath them.

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I never really feed them. Just what’s in the “super soil” I use.

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It’s crazy like one purple kusk is so small still along with the chocolate trip …
I plan on doing ten strains a rip but I need a quick flip I’m gonna try the 12/12 from here on out


She’s in a cup of straight Peat moss…I showed the ol lady …she’s like wow now you got my attention …She’s sick off the …hey check this out lol


@BudBusterPro works great with this method. I didn’t run it that much this round. They crazy weather. @Rabeats2093 i do like the leaves on the one plant. I run ph perfect. So I cheat. lol


Truth be told I have never bought soil :sweat_smile:
So idk if I’m missing out or I’m missing out

The peat moss I stole from the woman’s succulent garden haha …

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I thinking about water. Sometimes I have to water twice a day. I’ll reuse the happy frog.


That is my problem as well leading to why I mentioned soil my soil drains almost like it’s cocoa choir and has no water retention that is why I think they always look so gloomy and I fail to water them twice a day

I have that fox farm flower kiss foliar spray I have been spraying on them the roots are crazy underneath them and one of my earlier post way back I stacked two small pots and had a root ball growing in the second pot


One thing that I have found out you got to use drain pans. Sitting them straight on the ground is not a very good idea. For several reasons… with drain pans in my opinion, it helps with bugs. That is one thing that I spray regularly. The other thing they don’t have no air flow through the bottom. Also, take some containers and drill holes all up and down the sides. You do very good at what you do. The 3 gallon containers that I use. Have some very nice drain holes in them. I don’t care for the drain holes on the bottom that much. So I’ll add some around on the outside of the bottom.

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