Starting a NEW chapter

I’m stoned. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


I believe that the blue purple lights are the best for veg. I got rid of one of my older light. I believe I get a new next round. Sometimes clipping the ends of the leaves will push them through. Even now it wouldn’t hurt. Just a little snip. Just a little small one doesn’t have to be big at all. It gets to chemistry going. It says I need to grow. General hydroponics makes a good one. I just use a little Nirvana or ancient earth. B-52 works great. Good stuff man.


Everything’s going alright …I deff and having a little bit of a struggle with the new soil …believe it or not using the new soil… I think I’m over watering…
The revegs r growing slow but I feel as if the new leafs r dying as fast as they r growing…better water practices …recently I was letting them get to dry …new soil I’m letting the roots get to wet

I took a peak at the revegging roots and the solo cups are almost full so I might just repot all them into 6x6 nursery pots tomorrow

Will get better pictures later on I gotta go water …I think lol they deff r bone dry…

All the icc#5 have been taken down previously and are not almost dry …yea quick I know but it is still so damn stanky and tasty right off the bat


Loved seeing the fridge cuts! This seems like some good info that isn’t talked about much. Grow looks great!!! :ok_hand: :+1:


Thanks for that ! Especially coming from grower as yourself!
I was astounded when I found out about it lol


I will go into more detail later :sweat_smile:
Let’s just say I ordered another light


Everything looking super healthy in there.


Thanks bro !
I appreciate that !
Everything has been recently transplanted into 1/2 happy frog / ocean forest…deff taking to it well compared to that black gold garbage …once I flip to flower I will begin bloom nutrients …I also have to make another area for all my revegging plants and a couple clones …


Looking great and like your overgrown your area :joy:


Living up to the forums standards brother !
The fallen soldiers are almost three months in veg
The 3x3 tent got taken over by vegetables!
I’m about to make a six by six once that light comes in …
Tomorrow I plan on taking out the cloner and moving stuff around if my light gets here…so individual shots shall be exposed


Pheno type A!
On the hunt for pine ! @OriginalDankmaster96

Wedding cake s1
I grew a couple outdoors and phew very dark almost black leafs best outdoor I ever grew ended up being blessed with some more ! @Swe-can

Fallen solders from csi Humboldt @Budderton
Roughly a three month veg root bound just to stall in five gallon pots now .I am deff in trouble with these monsters!

Grape jelly clone
Wow what a beast she has been from the start and not to mention it’s a special one @McKushin

Goji crasher clone
She had a very cold journey but is finally shaping up after a couple weeks ! @Bobgrows

Frankenstein clone
Boy the name will hold true …after facing low temps and frosty tips along with a night I forgot to plug my aerocloner back in I managed to scarf an arm and a limb @JohnnyPotseed

Wedding cake clone
I took a last ditch effort clone let’s see how it goes

Bubble milk reveg
I truly took this one for no purpose at all but I think she’s gonna go outside this spring

Icc#5 reveg @TestOfOath
Tride and true my favorite smoke yet thus far .they r almost back in veg mode

Hopefully the solo shot do justice for the size hah

Come check out the mylar fort lmao
Offers still on the table brother

Finally bought another light !
Tomorrow everything is getting flipped besides clones and reveg they going elsewhere
Thanks for checking out what’s going on


You certainly are living up to the og! Looking great


Thanks brother I appreciate it if I had a warehouse I would try to OG it lmao
The fox farm ocean forest and happy frog 1/2 &1/2 mix really gave the ladies what they were lacking now when I flip to flower the nutrient regimen is on me …almost wish I knew a good topical fertilizer


I’m a big fan of jacks myself.


That one is Goji Crasher @Rabeats2093 :v::green_heart:


Fixed ! Thanks for that

Is it practically a one and done ?

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I’m late to the party


I’m late to the party :partying_face:


Right on @Rabeats2093 , you’ve got everything under control over here! Your plants look like they’re lovin life!:+1: And I agree, the ICC #5 fems are an outstanding batch of seeds!:gem:


This is Goji Crasher lineage…

Its goji which is a Nepalese kush sativa crossed with snow lotus sativa crossed with wedding cake crasher.

It will bet the frostiest in your tent I would bet!