Starting a NEW chapter

Man you had me at mango hichew!


Yep I feel that! The one time I grew 6 plants same strain I was upset with myself I definitely like some variety in my smoke which is why I’m never growing more than 1 of the same plant usually


Here we go here we go .

Pretend this is a PowerPoint presentation
Anybody remember those In school ?

Okay good evening!! Let’s start with uhhh shit what am I doing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:uhh the veg tent oh yeah that’s right.

Here we have sub species of many assortments that litter the tent floor Come around the corner
OOP LOOK !! here’s 2 mountain temptrillians looking to be content in their environment I’d say 2.5 gallons old …Caught this pic using recharge powder as bait

Okay let’s keep moving gotta climb a couple WC vines here look to be a little over grown

Now up ahead you’ll see a freshly transplanted wedding cake s1 and boy is she crinkly …

Okay folks thanks for keeping up!
Now here’s a real treat … the best looking specimen we have UTD
The mother temptrillian crickey she’s a thick midgey she’s gonna be a giver !

Wait look over the horizon !!
What you see happening is nothing unordinary it’s extravagant been happening here for 89 years it’s the northern lights …

you can stay here and watch the show or follow me for more adventures

Let’s get a snack first anybody like cheese
The ol BOOZER of the town brought this down it’s been aging for a while now !
Plenty of slices help yourself

Now that the norther light show has started to fade out it’s going to build up better for its next appearance

We gotta go back something happened how did we miss it…we can’t speak of this spot because of current drama in the company maybe soon

Holy shit !?! A white rhino folks quick run!

Hurry !!hide behind this massive sequoia tree

OH NO !!

We lost little jimmy :slightly_frowning_face:

Wow wait this isn’t real NOPE
It was all just a sweet dream in Santa Cruz !!



if you have the plant count id say u could fit more than that if you trimmed the side branches and just kept all the nice tops. prob double your yeild and quality.

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@204medismoke Plant what count is that new ?? … deff working on that room tomorrow I prolly will clip off all them lowers and what not going on a defoliation mission as well thanks for the words of advice bro !


haha so no plant count for you i assume lol. some ppl can only grow so many! np keep up the great work bro!


Outta likes but loved the update man it had me laughing! Your plants are looking amazing brother keep it up!


Haha glad you enjoyed it :joy:I never usually do an update like that …but I must say I was chuckling as I wrote it
A lot got transplanted today out of solo cups … even did my first root pruning and boy was it weird


Of course! So update on my mountain temple cure, so I get tropical fruit, chlorophyll lol ( my doing), and ends with like a purple type flavor.


@AmnioticBaptism WOW !! deff interested in the profile you are describing !
She’s going into flip prolly next week gonna try to pump them up a little


Well that was relaxing


Decided to start up some snips opened the box in fridge !!!@Budderton 36 clones down the mold got them !! That was dec 7th they went in
Ones that ended up survinving 55 days were a Baklava clone @Papalag and a Frankenstein clone and they did not look healthy I shoulda took pics but I was more overwhelmed then anything lmao …is what it is for science

Just moved them out of direct light


I’m flipping my MT tomorrow night or thursday night. Not even giving her a chance to grow because i threw her in with 2 diesel and odd that just grow like crazy. Transplanted Monday and I’ll flip after they have a short recovery period. What all are you running with your MT?

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Wow that long I’m amazed

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Unkind results @Rabeats2093 . Those snips that did survive would benefit from being in a humidity dome for a bit, if you can swing it. How many snips did you have in each zip lock?


@Budderton I had 5 strains prolly five medium cuts in each …
The ones that survived I just threw them in the fridge no dunking or nothing :face_with_monocle:
At this point no extra steps if they make it they make it lol

Yeah so was ! Gotta be a way for longer

I’m gonna wait and veg out the mt for another 2 weeks possibly so I get a chance to clean up flower room and then from there no plants big enough to follow suit…
Damn I thought I was gonna flower her before you haha


I got g13 haze, lavender jack, and Albany sour, I flipped my MT last night actually lol. Next round I won’t be running her though, I have some others that need to go before I can run it again.

I’ll post pictures finally over in my thread. My plants have looked like shit due to a wild expirence I had mixed with extreme depression so I gave up on them for awhile but they’re bouncing back thankfully but I really fucked up with popping that pack of purple columbian chem haze lol I have no space and am desperate to get rid of some plants but I got no one to give them to unfortunately. The one person I did give some plants to killed half of them within 5 days somehow so they aren’t getting anymore from me.


Sounds to me you are as well :slight_smile: just gotta get out of the fog !

I think that’s a good choice :sweat_smile:5days


That’s what I’m saying! I told the person to just water them as they were pretty happy but for some reason they are just the type of person that you try and help but do the literal opposite of the advice you give them.

Thank you :heart:, yeah I’ve been doing better since my point of actualization and coming to terms with the burdens I’ve been carrying for so long now. But life is all about the ups and downs and it’s one hell of a ride!


Fuck it is bro sometimes you get buried deeper then before but just gotta keep on rolling…bro the one person that always tries to help but seems to be in the way or mess it up …every time gotta love em though :rofl:! Have a good morning man !