Starting in the Middle

I shucked PAB 5:

Just waiting on the first generation ABC crosses to finish the second generation seeds:

The ABC I was trying to use in my failed fem seed run in the top Left.
Bottom left is (88G13 x SBT) x ABC.
Top Right is (TW x GG4) x ABC.
Middle to bottom right is ABC x DBH

The last plant from my last bud run that I think might be Cheech Wizard, but not sure:

Whatever it is, it turned out nice.

The seedlings I started:

LC = Lifesaver Cookies from @Purple-N-Hairy
GM = Good Medicine from @Swe-can
SW = SpyderWeb from @PineTarBastard
SF = Supafreak from seeds I made. I plan to make some fems from these. Also, I give all my bud away and this is one that people have requested I grow more of.

GP = Giraffe Puncher from @Budderton
PM = Paralyzed Monster from @JohnnyPotseed
ABC in the tray to try the fem seed run again (maybe)


Nice! Thanks for tagging me! I look forward to the show, @middleman.

Just a reminder/word of warning: keep on eye on those LifeSaver Cookies if you get any ladies. Even though their mother is my prized GSC, which has proven to be a stable and killer plant for more than a few years, there’s a chance her offspring might carry the hermie trait. However, if you get a good one (or more), chances are very high that you will have :fire: on your hands!


I’ll watch for it, as I always do, no matter what I’m growing. I’m not planning on breeding with these, so I’m not concerned if they herm.

Either way, thank you for the chance to grow them, and I’ll keep you updated as they come along.


Right on @middleman ! It’s been all positive feedback on the GP so far, I hope you find something you like!:crossed_fingers::v:


Good luck on the grow @middleman and happy growing :pray::pray::v::fire:


Cool projects, Nice job brother :+1:


I’m excited to watch these grow out. Will any of those be going outside for the summer?


I may veg the ABC and Supafreak outside for a bit just for space considerations. I also have 5 “volunteer” Purple Auto Bastards out there from when I would check for seed ripeness on the last run. After I checked the seeds, I just threw them in a planter.

I want to run SpyderWeb outside, but first I want to try to make a few more seeds of it, so I’ll do that indoors.

Everything else is indoor only.


About three more weeks on the ABC crosses:

One of the straight ABC faded to dark purple. First I’ve seen that:

ABC cross seeded buds:

Unfortunately, one of the (88G13xSBT)xABC had a male flower, and all of the ABCxDBHP had at least one male flower. Surprisingly, the (TWxGG4)xABC look clean so far. But the ones I culled showed intersex early.

The “volunteer” Purple Auto Bastards outside:

New ABC to maybe try the fem seed run again:


Paralyzed Monster:

Giraffe Puncher:


Lifesaver Cookies:

Good Medicine:

I dropped about 20 Purple Auto Bastards from mother number 1, but had low germination and then had damping off. This is what’s left:

Actually did pretty poorly with everything this go round. Lower than normal germination, damping off. Helmet head on every seedling. Probably need to take a break for a bit.


Sorry to hear about those seedlings. Your plants, especially the PABs, really seem to like your growing environment.

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I think I’ve just been lucky with the environment so far. Last couple days have been 95 with very high humidity, so we’ll see if that affects them.

Not sure why I’ve had the germination issues, but the damping off is probably because my seedling area gets too cool at night. And because of my schedule, I water too much sometimes. And I probably should use some fresh medium.

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How on earth have I not seen this thread?!

Awesome work!

Here’s some Freakshow X Subterfuge Hybrids


Welcome. Glad you found this thread.

Those are neat. I think it’s interesting that so many people want to cross the mutants to get different variants of mutations.
I really like Supafreak. It’s a great plant with good flower.
The ABC is probably the least conspicuous of all, but the flower needs improvement.
I’m looking forward to see what the SpyderWeb does.




this thread inspires me to grow out them seeds i crossed my drunken bastard and mephisto autos :grin: :grin:


I had plans to cross ABC to some Mephisto. But I’ll never get to it. I hope you grow your crosses out. Please tag me if you do.


A few update pics:

The two SpyderWeb are chugging along. I potted them up today. @PineTarBastard :arrow_down:

Giraffe Puncher also doing well. @Budderton :arrow_down:

Unfortunately only one (of three) Lifesaver Cookies survived. @Purple-N-Hairy :arrow_down:

Kush Mints and Grand Traverse Tart Cherry clones are doing well. These will be mothers for now. Took a cutting from each. Checked Monday at 14 days and no roots. I’ll try again. :arrow_down:


That is a funny name for weed!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Although my feminized ABC seedrun didn’t work completely, it wasn’t a total failure. I had two straggler plants that were from seeds out of the ABCxDBHP. They were ABC leaf type, so they had to be from ABC pollen that got into that tent and hit the ABC mother.

Anyway, I used @PineTarBastard 's method of cutting some of the reversed buds off and letting them dry for a couple days. Then I ground them over a screen over the two female stragglers. It seems to have worked.

These two were small when I put them into flower, so there isn’t going to be a lot of seeds, but it’s a start.

Of the initial seeds I dropped to re-attempt the fem seedrun, 5 are still alive. Last week I dropped 10 more, and it looks like six of those might make it (no picture of the 6 because it seems to have disappeared).


The ABC crosses not looking so great. They got thrips really bad, especially the three (88G13 x SBT) x ABC in the back left. Fortunately, they should be done within a couple weeks, maybe three for the ABC x DBHP.

The Purple Auto Bastard “volunteers” - four females. They all germinated at different times, so they are all at different stages.

Looks like 7 (maybe 8) of the PAB seedlings from Mother #1 made it. (of course focus is on the dirt, not the seedlings)


SpyderWeb just starting to flower:

I’m hardening off the ABC, PAB, Supafreak, and SpyderWeb. I plan to leave them outside for awhile if I can. I might put the SpyderWeb in the ground; not sure yet.

The other seedlings:
Lifesaver Cookies
Paralyzed Monster
Good Medicine (x2)
Giraffe Puncher (x2)