Starting in the Middle

the F1 shows ABC leaf type??? :astonished: :astonished:

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That cross would not show ABC leaf type. That’s how I knew the pollen had to be from the ABC male I was running in a separate tent, and not the DBHP as I had intended.


what’s your plan with them supafreaks?? just growing or crossing??


I give all my bud away, and Supafreak has been requested, so I’m gonna do a bud run and also try to make a few fem seeds. No plans to cross it. I have some Berry Freak that I still have not gotten to. But that reminds me; I need to.


a grow comparation between supafreak and berry freak would be awesome. you have all the strains i want. PAB, supafreak. how come no auto supafreak. :eyes: :eyes:


Well, haven’t really had time for another project! Honestly hadn’t even thought of an auto Supafreak. I don’t think I’d run them outdoors, so not sure I’d really need them as an auto anyway. Either way, won’t happen by me any time soon.


Sounds to me like one would be sacrificing a lot of quality to lock in both recessive traits.


I’m not a biology major, and I’m definitely not a “breeder”, but my initial thought is: why would you have to sacrifice quality unless “quality” is linked to one of the dominant traits (regular leaf, photoperiod).?

That’s not to say it wouldn’t take running a large quantity to ensure those traits that define “quality” are present, and then making selection for it once the recessives are locked in, but I think it could be done. Again, I won’t be doing it though. Hell, I might be completely wrong about my understanding of how this all works.


Instead of selecting the plants that grow good, or smell good, the breeder is selecting for the recessive traits. The same reason the early autoflowers were lower quality.

It can be done, but like you said, it’s a numbers game. Only one in 16 plants will have both traits in the F2 generation. So a breeder who grows out 160 plants will only have 10 to select other traits from.


Not necessarily. When i made the P.A.B., i only had to chase 1 recessive trait, as I combined Hyb’s auto-bastard with my auto purple ducksfoot. This allowed me to distinguish the leaf traits very easily. 25% were ducks, 25% were bastards and 50% contained both recessives. I found what i was looking for fairly early in the process, so i never needed to go back and utilize that 50% that contained both recessives.
I am currently working on another auto bastard project using Subterfuge and Spyderweb. Both of these are IBLs, so the offspring should be easier to work with than the PAB, which is a poly-poly hybrid.
When i crossed the photo-bastard leaf with the auto ducksfoot, all of the offspring contained genes for photo/auto and bastard/ducksfoot. In the F2 generation, i remove the 25% of plants that show the ducksfoot leaf, and i work with the remaining 75%, as they all contain the bastard leaf genes. This triples the amount of plants i have to select through(1/16 vs 3/16), and the odds of having bastard leaf offspring in the next generation may increase, depending on what i use for parents.


Chopped the first of the PAB “volunteers”

The other three

The new ones

SpyderWeb in the ground. Getting hit with high temp, high humidity, Powdery Mildew, and bugs, but still trucking along. PM was taken care of with a couple rounds of sulfur.

ABC to redo the fem seedrun


The two ABC that got some fem ABC pollen along with the ABCxDragons Blood HP making F2 seeds

The (TWxGG4RIL) x ABC and (88G13xSBT) x ABC were chopped.
Seeds from one of the (88G13xSBT) x ABC

The “normies”
Paralyzed Monster | Good Medicine | Giraffe Puncher
Lifesaver Cookies | Good Medicine | Giraffe Puncher

Kush Mints and Grand Traverse Tart Cherry


Incredible stuff going on here. Those Supafreaks are truly weird.


Agreed. Supafreak is weird, and a really cool plant.


Been too tired and busy to do much updating. And the wife is sick. Not much new to report anyway.

Just one picture for now though:

The four ABC x Dragons Blood Hashplant are still drying and will be shucked next week.

I think I met my goal in terms of the number of seeds.

One of the (88G13HP x SBT) x ABC got bud rot on the lowers. I cut them early and tested the seeds (about 50). I put them in H2O2 and then added water to soak. It looked like I would get good germination, but less than half came up (maybe 20 or less). Of those, 4 came out with ABC leaf type. So, I guess it worked out close to 25% as expected; a little less, but the sample size is pretty small.

Should be able to chop the two ABC with fem seeds next week. I’ll try to update then.


You do you brother these r the dog days …Congrats on meeting your goal one step closer to success!
Only one pic … at least it’s a good one :crazy_face:


Thanks @Rabeats2093

I ended up with a lot of seeds. I’ll run as many as I can to get as much diversity into the 3rd generation and try to assure as many desirable traits are present as I can, but I’ll never be able to run even a fraction of these. I’ll do what I can though.

One more generation to lock in the ABC leaf type and I’ll pass those seeds around to anyone that wants them. Maybe get some help running larger numbers for better selection.


You are dedicated to your work …idc what you say you’re a BREEDER🤪
Just the way these plants are it wouldn’t be hard to “spill” 50 -75 …

Tbh they hole quite the resemblance to native weeds in my part :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Too bad they couldn’t be bred with some rudaralis


Well, why couldn’t they be? I won’t be doing it any time soon though.


I didn’t say you had to lol you already have a full plate sir and it’s a big plate at that haha …

I tried to fricken pollinate two plants and miserably failed a while back kinda turned me off really …
Maybe eventually when I get enough smoke.