This guy who was a real turd in high school cut off his wife’s head. He was definitely insane!
GOG god-tier! Can’t wait to calculate the actual percentage. I think I dabbed it all instead, in the first grow.
Great news! 12 Days in and the purple ice water is triggering purple! It’s all purple from here on out. Exciting!
I boosted the conductivity on the purple ice water. Also, I think the OGK and Big bud plants are sliding into home base. Strange report on the stinker plant. I swear it smells like someone took a grapefruit and let it rot in the garbage. hah hah! We’ll see how that goes.
Ahh nothing like the tactile feel of a new computer mouse. Those seedlings are quite large. I think they qualify as full plants, now. I’m gonna be looking for signs of sex! I wonder if the mac1 seeds were fem? Probably not. lol! I made that mistake once, when I was sexing feminized seeds. After all there was only a 1 in 1000 chance of there being a male.
uhh something else too. The banana blast has popped out some kind of sex sign. Gotta go dissect that beast and see what the score is!
You seeing better/different growth with the LED?
So far it’s at least as good, but probably better for the plants. Temperatures are definitely easier to control! I’ll be able to tell for sure after this next round, because I just retired that last HPS in the beginning of the last grow.
Sex sign on the banana blast seedling. Really hard to see! I should give it a couple days and then cut it off for a closer look.
This is the meat breath plant that almost died. It regrew quickly! I’ll use it as my clone mother plant heh heh!
Those roots grew back completely, like it had never happened! Once I remove the damaged leaves, there will be no sign of damage.
Easy to tell which plants are which. The GMOxDBHP is finally growing!
The GOG plants on the other hand…