SativaIndica's Grow Gallery

I was gonna share a video but it’s not in the right format I guess so it wouldn’t let me. Here’s a few pics from a couple weeks ago. Notice the huge plant on the right (because I’m afraid to prune :joy::sob:)


Using general hydro’s waterfarm buckets


It’s not perfect, but I’m still proud of my very first attempt :grin::grin:


Hola Sativandica

Your doing Great

Keep on doing what your doing



Gracias. Hopefully it’ll get better and better :grin:


Looking good! Maybe start a grow log?

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Def going to with my next grow. I was just so excited to get started on this first one so I decided to wing it lol… I just chopped some branches off of the super tall plant I have. I know that might not be the best idea since it’s in flowing stage, but it was just all over the place. I’m having some sort of issue too. These pics I’m gonna post are from the same plant but the upper buds are dark and the lower buds are a light green. Also pretty sure none of them were ready for harvest but I’m gonna dry/cure/smoke them anyway lol


Welcome @Sativaindica and it’s great to have you. . .you should start a thread of your very own to post pics in, instead of here🖒:v::grin: thanks brother can’t wait to assist in anyway


Hey @Hoodini, I’ll try to figure it out Lol.


Moved to separate topic.


I don’t think anything is wrong with those flowers, sistah. :smile: - it’s just the strain, it has some purple in it. A lot of purple strains show color at the tops and are green lower down. looks good to me - btw what is the book you refer to in the other thread? just curious


Thanks! I’m not quite getting the hang of navigating this site yet lol

The book is Marijuana Horticulture the Indoor/Outdoor Mesical Grower’s Bible by Jorge Cervantes


that’s cool, when I first started growing there was no internet so it began with a Jorge Cervantes book from the local record shop. The Dark Ages :smile:


Gotta start somewhere!

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Product from my very first grow ever pats self on back


Looks good! Tell us about your first journey, was it an easy one, what did you use to achieve this bud before us.


Vivosun tent, General hydro waterfarm drip buckets with pumps, phlizon 1200w led light, four extra led bulbs, gen hydro nutes, only an outtake fan and carbon filter, ph kit, ppm meter, ro water, timer, temp/humidity gauge… I think that’s mostly it. I researched for weeks and spent my entire tax refund check for my set up. I wanted to find cost-effective but good quality items. The tent and cabinets that are already set up that u can buy actually kinda suck according to my research so that’s why I pieced it all together myself. That phlizon light, even tho it’s cheap is actually really awesome. For my next grow I have already ordered an Air pump with eight outlets so I can run all four buckets on the one pump, including four air stones that I just got. I want to buy another big light. I am going to try advanced nutrients this time instead of General hydroponics. I am going to try rock wool plugs instead of a rapid rooter plugs this time. I got a couple small fans for my second grow. I still don’t want to use an intake fan, it seems to keep the tent cleaner if I don’t use it. For future grows my goal is to find a better way to grow hydroponically. I’m in a wheelchair so changing water once a week is difficult if I don’t have help. I can do it but it suuuuuuucks. I have to brag now and say I’m super proud of what I produced in my first ever grow. The one other time I tried to grow weed I was a kid and it died in a week :joy:


Regarding your part-purple / part-green plant, check out this video. At exactly 24:00 in, there are three plants under four different spectrums, some got color some stayed green, and in your case, my best guess is the buds that were shaded stayed green.


You’re right! Or at least the buds that were too close to the lamp changed in color. The buds off of that plant were off of a super tall plant. I didn’t really do any pruning and just kinda let everything do want it wanted to do for this first grow, I will not be making that same mistake again!