Steampunk Water Culture

ok! I got errr Meatbreath, C99 and SENSI. The SENSI plants are definitely bulking up, now. Still kind of fluffy, but, I will enjoy them!


I have a hilarious story! I got pulled over by the cops right, for having some ice still in the back window of my car. Hey, it’s cold, what can I say? Anyways the cop says he can smell something. I said yah my sack of weed is right there. told him it was medical grade grown under health canada rules. He asked my possession limit I said it was 150, he says yah and plus thirty. Asked if I had my growing license which is a silly ass question hah hah I told him it wasn’t like that, I had a print out from the government at home. Incredulous, he asks if he looks at the sack I have, will it be over 180 grams? I told him no chance and asked if he wanted to see. Yep! So I pull out my meat breath sack and he was shocked by the smell from the tiny sack of weed I had.
As far as I know it was less than 7 grams. He thought I was holdin’ a kilo or something hilarious! Cannabis being legal is really strange still when you see the cops. And then you stack on a license for it and you’re basically immune to harassment. Friends of mine got harassed for having an open government weed container in the vehicle. That kind of shit…I’m not even smoking government weed.


TK is growing nicely! You would never even know I was sketched out when it got here. Had frost damage from transport! Then, I protocol 0-ed it, and like Frankenstein’s monster, it’s alive! I also scanned it for parasites, and didn’t find any.


Triploid and 'co. The other seedlings are bulking up still, and are probably the females. :wink:

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holy! And the bloom room. It’s gone crazy, of course. Hah and I’m half-assing the SENSI plant growth like a lazy…fucker. Not studying it’s sensitivities or feeding rate at all, just phoning it in. waves his hand around I’m sure it’ll be fine though. I never noticed a single pollen sack on the SENSI, so I can’t be going too hardcore in it’s neglect.


Sometimes neglect is a blessing.


Extreme LITFA… often followed by remorse, and extreme TLC! :wink: Ahhh time to go harvest more C99! I bagged up part of it already.

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seedlings! I took a photo of the radish as well as the triploid seedling root.


The big bud clones are doing great, and the TK is regenerating like a champion!



The word you are looking for is “whorled phylotaxy”.
A triploid would have three sets of chromosomes, not leaves. :wink:


lol, yah for sure this is just a three leafed wierdo not a triploid. I just keep calling seedlings that when they get the three leaf thing going. It’s not genetic though because the clone never gets it.


ok I tossed that other clone machine, it was loaded with decomposing root balls. I had just left them there hah hah! mmmm stinky! On the other hand the acariform mites were LOVING that feast! You can’t see them with your eyes because they are so small.


Still waiting for the water to warm up a bit. Even though cannabis plants are tough, I won’t subject them to temps like that. Until they are larger, that is :wink:
A tomato plant would wilt if it went into a bucket at this temperature.


I’ll call her tripod. I have one more seedling almost ready to go into hydro. The fourth seedling is a non-viable thingamajig. I’ll take photos later under the microscope to show why.

Just a normal seedling heh heh they are at EC .9

TK has grown her first real leaf since arriving here! Joy! I’ll be able to clone this beast before too long.


It’s got what I call a “bunkroot” where there is no root growth on the tip of the seedling.


ok things are definitely ready for planting hah hah! Just got to move those meat breath over. Instead of doing that yesterday, I went and did a sample run with the C99 on the guinea pigs. I plopped a sack of c99 on the table next to a sack of meat breath and they knew the different right away, and which was the meat breath and c99. So we smoked it and it smelled lemony and tasted sort of like lemony peaches with an exhale of sesame. Next is the hash test! Which I am stoked for! yum!

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We got tripod, and regular seedling. I should increase the EC perhaps! The radish is bulking up now. It’s quite amazing, if you ask me!


obligatory meat breath bud glory shot :wink:


ok! I went buck wild and planted those plants. How’s that for living dangerously? You can see the cutting tools on the floor there. Gotta use those to hack through the plant’s main stalk.


do you typically let the plants drink the buckets dry before you put some more nutes in? Also i assume that you just take the lid off and place the plant in a new bucket full of nutes?