Steampunk Water Culture

Windows 11 has some strange issues with my second monitor. That’s definitely what is getting all fucked up. If I keep the HDR turned off on the second monitor, things are ok…ish. I can go into sleep and come back without the monitor going crazy until I turn off hdr. The side effect is sometimes it comes up with washed out color, so I have to go into windows display setup and either turn hdr on, turn it off, OR reset the extended display. Definitely seems like some kind of OS software problem, instead of hardware.

Seedling is ready to hit the hydro. I fell asleep instead of putting the other seedling in the incubation chamber. I’ll do that today!


ok well I got 50% from the PCKxICC5, but I’ll go on an investigation routine. Crack the seeds and see WFT is going on. I need to put the radish in a bucket!


you know I did the span and it’s only day 47 on these c99? Strange part is they are almost ready! Oops I had put it was 37 days lol! They went in on December 11, 2021.


Cool pic! :sunglasses: :+1:


Thanks! It’s in the infamous 2 weeks harvest zone. Could be done any time!

seedlings are still alive!


I think I’m going to change out that under-performing clone. It’s just started to grow, meanwhile I have 3 others that are already bigger.


here’s the crazy blooming crop. Day 48, so it says, lol!


ok well here’s a strange observation. Three of the 8 big bud clones I took were still trying to bloom, including the slow one there. So I rifled them into the compost and put a good clone in the bucket.

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ok it’s been tossed. Also, I forgot to mention there’s no action on those other two PCKxICC, even though I scraped the pod open. I’ll chalk 'em up as failures, which is pretty rare. Buuuut… box of chocolates, and all :wink:


well kiss my grits! I was gonna toss the unpopped seeds and bam! One of those seeds I had scraped open was actually alive. So we’re at 75% now! yay!


Hey joe I hope your up! I live in Michigan and my power just went out, what can I do to keep my plant alive. I don’t have a generator or anything.


Stir those buckets vigorously!


I stir the buckets every 24 hours with a stick once the power goes down.


New entry into the garden! This sucker survived the arctic winter to arrive in my clone chamber. After some regeneration, this kush plant will be ready to go!


Seedlings! The radish is growing fast, and the cannabis seedlings are trying to keep up :wink:


I exposed the core of the seedling on the other seed and also examined the first one. It’s not making any leaps and bounds, so these two that didn’t pop are looking like…they are destined for the microscope. I will examine the little unpopped seedling for… who knows. Observation is key lol! I mean, it took 2 days from me physically opening the pod, until now, and it’s still struggling to live. Yet the other seeds popped and shed the pod, grew up and went into hydro already, with a single day between shedding the pod and hitting the open waters for one of them.


Tomorrow I’ll do up this c99 plant! I save a single good cola and toss the rest into hash making. I have a single clone of it that should survive, and I’m probably gonna toss the mother plant. I might even have to finally sock those meat breath plants into buckets lol, I swear they are 15 cm tall already.
This is day 50 for the c99 plant, and the smell seems mature. Like it’s finally transformed into the end product. Sort of a citrus blossom thing as close as I can tell.


floop floopian! I think the seeds could hear me planning their demise. Buggers are still trying to impress me by growing. I guess that means I got 100% germination after cracking open the pod. Later on I’ll have more photos, the lame camera is recharging.


PCKxICC and the radish!

Little triangle kush! Chu chu chu chia! It looked a little desiccated when it showed up, I cut off all the leaves and the top, gave it a good soak. Washed it! Scanned it for parasites! Looks good!!!