Steampunk Water Culture

Hydroponic root crops anyone? The root has been going through expansion cracks that quickly buff up into a thick ass daikon radish. I don’t even know where I got the idea root crops wouldn’t be viable in DWC since I had never tried it. OH! wait! It was a study using carrots! No wonder they claimed it wouldn’t work, some of those carrot strains are… shit. You have to definitely pick the right strain when it comes to those vegetables.


I got two more buckets prepped for the radish and the TK clone! Those two plants can’t occupy clone/seedling chambers forever! I will sex the two PCKxICC5 in that small rubbermaid like usual, but this time I’ll keep popping until I have a female. Things are looking good in that regard, as I have the seedlings that were struggling in intensive care. They will definitely live and grow under hardcore TLC scenario…
So here’s my resurrection technique for those little seedlings. I get a small pot with some mix in it and I dose it with a few drops of organic derived nutrients. I keep trickling in the water until the whole thing is like a bog and let it drain. I put that under the far dim glow of floros and let it slowly slowly start to manufacture energy. Once they are good, I can just toss 'em in a bucket in hydro. hah I bet you never expected that coddling tech from me!


I think the harvest is imminent. Ferrets have been scratching at the door for a week. 5 More days!!!


Bam and done! I think I put the TK at EC 2 and the radish should be up like 1.7! We’ll see how they react!


Yah it looks like the plants really enjoyed an upgrade to their living conditions.


I need to dose the big bud plants and probably the meat breath as well. It’s hopefully going to be the last dose before they hit bloom.


fuck me, I got a call from Gal she’s headed to the hospital! I 'spose she won the race, now. Gonna have to get the kid some scissors, they can help me trim.


Things are moving and grooving! I am going to cut off the remaining frosted leaves on the TK clone, and I will probably shove it into bloom along with the production plants. I have three crazy plants there… an FLC-BX1, meat breath, and TK. Now that would make for a crazy crop!


I think today I’m going to move on that gas smelling plant with the terrible trichome yield. It’s SENSIxNL5 or some weird shit.


Oh I almost forgot! It seems one of the seedlings is going to make it out of the ICU. Ironically it’s the one that wouldn’t grow roots! The other seedling was coated in penicillium, so it was a goner. White mold only grows on dead plants. This one has no mold, so it’s still kickin’!


hacking down SENSI A plant. The stem growth is fucking weird man! I am saving the broken stalk, it’s at a 90 degree angle and healed over. That’ll make a nice something-or-other once I sand and polish it! I also scrubbed a bucket, so I just need one more and I’ve got a complete crop for the next round. Might give everything a good scrubbing between rounds this time!


hah hah here’s the hydro radish. If someone claims you can’t grow root crops in water culture, tell 'em they actually grow way faster in water culture. BAM!


yah yah, been busy! And I’ll have to kick it up a notch, as well. For reasons unknown, the ferrets are off grid. It actually kind of worries me. They’ve never been off-grid for a week!


Alright, listen to this! I am busy looking at the PCKxICC seedlings and I think they are both female. Now… Time will tell, but I am making the guess based on a pattern of growth I’ve observed with photo plants. We’ll see if these ones break the mold.
Edit: The pattern is that the outer bark on the stalk sheds, yet there is no sign of the plants sex, even though it has reached maturity.

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ok I’ve been chopping down the SENSI B plant and bagging that sucker as well. It didn’t produce as much bud as the SENSI A plant… strange shit. On the other hand, the meat breath plants have gone craaaaZy! I think it’s going to be a record harvest!


One was a Sensi Star leaning pheno and the other was a Haze leaning pheno. Which one do you like the best?



Ach! They’re terrible! Mutants, both of them. The heavier yielding one has hardly any trichomes, and they both are scab branches. lol! I’ll get a photo.


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here’s the veg room!


Day 70! It’s definitely harvest time.


That scab shit is only on those two SENSI plants. I haven’t even scanned it to see what it is, really. Should go and do that. Warning! What I learn now, can’t be unlearned. :crazy_face:

well… I suppose the scab is some kind of expansion marks. That’s my best guess after looking at it. Top image is the inner bark and the bottom image is the exterior of the plant.