Stonedmason’s Organic Grow

Hello OG,
After a bit of a hiatus from the forums I am back with a vengeance. Life has thrown me a few curveballs and I’m now working Mon-Fri 4 hrs away from my tent. However, I’m not about to let that keep me down. My lovely lady is going to take over Mon-Fri operations and I’ll be around on the weekends to have a look and post updates.

Got my fan mounted and working well, but I’ll have to wait until my plants start stinkin to be sure the filter is airtight and working well. Can’t feel any air escaping to the touch so that’s good. My 2 SolRacks were assembled without too much of a headache and I’ve order 8 carabiner ratcheting light hangers to hang them under the filter and adjust the height if necessary. I also ordered a couple of extension cords and a little hurricane fan for circulation so waiting until next weekend for those to show up before I start ziptying everything in it’s (semi) permanent place.

I am in the middle of germinating 4 of @Sebring’s Maui Sunshine, 7 of @deep_rob’s Marshmallow Cookies and 5 of @man-bot’s (Grapefruit x Blueberry) x Tangerine Power. These semi-random amounts of each seed were decided by my girlfriend after a brief telecommute lol. Don’t worry @ReikoX, I haven’t forgotten about you! The plan was to germinate some Girl Scout Crack as well but that was lost in translation. Some of your genetics will definitely be in my next run.

The 15 seeds were soaked in fulvic acid for 24 hours starting Friday am and are already showing signs of popping through the soil which I’m very stoked about! They were transferred to peat pots filled with a batch of 8 cups peat moss, 2 cups perlite and 1 cup worm castings with 1/8 cup kelp meal and 1/8 cup malted barley powder. Now just anxiously awaiting the results. Let the games begin!

Also just wanted to re-thank everyone who helped me out with seeds for my little project, couldn’t have done it without you guys.


Edit: a few amateur pictures


If that’s the seedsman version I’m running the same in mine at the moment so will be interesting to see what yours look like when you do run them. I’ll be watching along be interesting to see what you get crackin :grin:


Update: 7 days from germination


Babies are looking happy and healthy as far as I can see. Only one didn’t germ at all and 2 didn’t make it far out of the seed. So I have 5 (GF X BB) x TP, 4 Maui Sunshine and 4 Marshmallow Cookies.

They were looking stretchy under the fluoro, so after I got my lights wired and hung today I threw them right in the tent on top of the fabric pots.

Shot of the tent complete with SolStrips! I’ll dial in the loose cords as time goes on, and have a dimmer, timer and vortex-style fan on order from amazon.

Pretty exciting stuff, majority of the legwork is done and now it’s time to let these babies do their work!



Fkn rights Stoned…

I love your setup…Keep’er tender Pal…



Looking nice!

Excited to see how this comes along :slight_smile:


Looking good and so e good sounding strain’s


Hello OG,

It’s been a while! Left off in July with seedlings and things were going great but my job and life got in the way of updating, so here you go:

Next time I’ll transplant into big pots earlier, some of the little peat pots dried out from not being able to always be around.

After that they starting vegging like crazy

Thats about a month in

Flowering went well, but had some males and problems with herming maybe due to thirst/heat in the seedling stage from not being in the big pots. Fast forward, and only 5 females remain: 2 Maui sunshine, 1 marshmallow cookies and 1 (gf x bb) x tp.

That’s about 6 weeks from flip. Close up of Maui Sunshine.

Things were going well although 4 of the 5 females ended up concentrated in 2 of the 4 pots.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, they all came down a bit early. Maui Sunshine at 8 weeks and Marshmallow Cookies and (gf x bb) x tp at 9 weeks. Everything could have used another 1-weeks, but was very close.

lighter=ms can=(gf x bb) x tp

3/4 of the yield at least was Maui Sunshine. The marshmallow cookies was only half an ounce at most. Total dry yield wasn’t weighed but estimated at between quarter and half pound. Learned a lot and looking forward to improving with round 2.

The smoke is fantastic! Maui sunshine is suuuper smooth and fruity, kind of like a berry jam and very potent. Racy for a couple hours then bedtime. (Gf x bb) x tp was also beautiful and tastes like lightly overripe grapefruit. A little more sleepy but still not bad day time. The marshmallow cookies was ALSO amazing and very potent. Not the biggest yield but great for nighttime smoke.

So there you have it OG my grow experience for the past several months. Enjoy and I’m happy to answer any questions.



Congrats on the harvest, and good luck going forward. I’m still scratching the surface with this plant of ours, but I’ve heard and read diff things about the herm’ing. Genetics, light leaks, stress, and others are all discussed. A common thing that is said about all of these, is that mistakes in flower are far worse than those in veg. Check your environment closely, learn and adjust accordingly.

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