Stonnington blend for autos

Hey guys I was whondering if anyone has used coast of maine stonnington blend supersoil? I bought a bag at local store for $25 1.5 cubic feet and I looked at the reviews and the ingredients it has alot of good ingredients for super soil and my question is,I had read multiple reviews saying its too harsh for autos and will burn seedlings,so if I add some basic peat moss like 1 part perlite one part peat moss and 1 part soil do you think that will work ok? And is there anyway to treat tje soil before I use it for fungus knats just in case and do i need to let it sot outside for a month or is it ready to use out of the bag Stonington Blend is a rich mixture of horticultural grade sphagnum peat, coco fiber (coir) lobster compost, composted dark bark, dehydrated hen manure, perlite, worm castings and a mixture of meals (kelp, alfalfa, fish bone), mycorrhizae and dolomithic limestone to adjust pH.e

Seedlings dont like a lot of extra nutes. I think it is best to go with something a bit more simple at first, and then adjust along the way as needed and repot in to the Stonington mix.

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You’ll be fine, only need to use water. I’ve used ALL of COM’s products, living here in Northern Maine. The only additive I use when using their product is bi-weekly Silica Spray or Drench. They make a fine line of products. They sold out early this year due to Corona upheaval. You’ll have no worries. Good luck, be safe/well.

BTW, when you put your seedling in, scoop out a “three-fist size hole”, fill with “reg mixture”, then place seedling. As with ANY Super Soil, you don’t young plants getting “burned”. As they develop, those roots will be in “heaven”.

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Good call Mister B…

I’d actually cut the strength of the whole mix in half by blending it with ordinary potting soil…

Remember to start seeds right in the pot you intend to finish them in…starting them in a solo cup can stunt them regardless of how good you think your transplant skills are…I’ve mucked up a few this way…

Lastly…you have 3-5 weeks to build your plant structure…20 hours of light is my target…less and harvest size is compromised…just depends on your expectations.



You may want to check out for their natural array of products, especially as you mentioned fungus gnats. I’ve used them for 2+ years with ZERO regrets. I try to eliminate chems in my grows, as much as possible.


That mix in a 3-gallon pot should work well for autos. I would start the seeds in a lighter mix and transplant when they are 4-5 nodes tall. Otherwise, just water and LITFA.


There is a species of bacteria that does a great job of destroying fungas knat larva, it’s called
.Bacillus thuringiensis Var. israelensis , it can be bought specifically for fungas knat controll and can also be aquired from mosequito controll tabs.
Also I use the Sierra natural science brand as mentioned here a few posts up and it is really great stuff. rosemaric acid is a natural sytemic pest deterrent.