Strain like red wine?

Hi guys, approx 6 years ago I was sent half a pack of seeds and from memory they were bred by BOG. For some reason I think the name started with m or had the word magic in it? I could be wrong as my memory is not too good after the accident but this strain was the most unique thing I had ever had, it had this beautiful smell, and the taste was truly incredible, the best I could describe it was it tasted like how red wine smells (and I hate wine :laughing:) but I had never had anything like it before or since. Iā€™d love to know what it was and if itā€™s still out there? It was a very relaxing smoke great for conversation and being creative. Iā€™ll never forget that smell though, hopefully one of you Legends will know it! Thanks guys, peace :v:


Moonrocks maybe?


That doesnā€™t ring any bells but it quite possibly could be it. Iā€™m just hoping someone here also grew it as itā€™s smell &taste was truly unforgettable. Iā€™m not saying it was the best or anything It was so unique! Itā€™s not often thereā€™s a truly unique profile as so many related strains they all become very similar in certain traits but this really stood alone so Iā€™d be really interested to hear that someone preserved it as it would be a loss for sure if it was gone.


Itā€™s just the only BOG I can remember with an M in the name :+1:


I kind of remember seeing red wine as a descriptor for one of Bogā€™s strains, maybe sour grape? has a ton of threads you could look through in the BOG section, might spur your memory.


Thanks mate I was j[quote=ā€œramblinrose, post:5, topic:81346, full:trueā€]
I kind of remember seeing red wine as a descriptor for one of Bogā€™s strains, maybe sour grape? has a ton of threads you could look through in the BOG section, might spur your memory.

Thanks mate I was just looking at an old strain list and saw the description for sour grape so yeah Iā€™ll go read through the bog section as it would be sensational to find out.
I wonder if anyone has sour grape around :thinking: Thanks for the heads up on ic mag brother :facepunch:


You bet - Icmag is a great resource! BOG seeds are still being released on seedsherenow, not sure if they have any in stock now but sour grape has been available - I think all his sour bubble crosses have been restocked semi regularly there.


Fair dinkum mate I didnā€™t know that, thatā€™s awesome thanks for the heads up man Iā€™ll have to check it out, that would be pretty awesome if it is the sour grape that Iā€™m remembering! Peace brother


Here are all of BOGs strains. Click each name and it will take you to info on that strain. Good luck in your search.

|Name of the strain|Indica or Sativa?10x14|Indoor or Outdoor?10x14|Flowering time in days10x14|Female seeds?10x14|Buy-Bar: Shop-Checker10x14|User-Votings10x14|
| ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” | ā€” |
|BOGBubble|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|48|12x14||14x14|
|Blue Kush|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|52|12x14||14x14|
|Blue Moon Rocks|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|53|12x14||14x14|
|Bogglegum|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|42|12x14||14x14|
|Grape Punch|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|48|12x14||14x14|
|L.S.D.|mostly sativa20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|50|12x14||14x14|
|LifeSaver|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|48|12x14||14x14|
|Lifestar|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|50|12x14||14x14|
|Sour BluTooth|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|60|12x14||14x14|
|Sour Boggle|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|49|12x14||14x14|
|Sour Bubble|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|52|12x14||14x14|
|Sour Dubble|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|58|12x14||14x14|
|Sour Grape|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|55|12x14||14x14|
|Sour LSD|indica/sativa20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|63|12x14||14x14|
|Sour LifeSaver|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|51|12x14||14x14|
|Sour Strawberry|indica/sativa20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|55|12x14||14x14|
|SweetCindy 99|indica/sativa20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|53|12x14||14x14|
|SweetCindy ā€˜05|mostly indica20x14|Indoor, Outdoor13x14|49|12x14||14x14|


hmm, Merlot og from Ocean Grown Seeds? White grape vine from Bodhi?


White grape vine huh? I thought I at least knew of every released Bodhi strain and many unreleased as well. This Iā€™m unfamiliar with and will have to go research. Thanks for that @herojuana.tom :pray:t2:


@Cranio that sounds like Sour Grape, going by BOGs notes from the 2013 seed catalog:

ā€œSour Grape a new and very exciting version of Grape Punch. This Sour Bubble X with Grape Punch really adds some great flavor to a very potent Grape Punch. The taste is very grape and can smell like a fine red wine when cured. Does well indoors or outdoors and flowers fast.ā€


Thereā€™s a fruity pheno in the Sour Strawberry that could possibly be what your looking for. :thinking:

but Iā€™m inclined to go with Dirt_Wizard with the Sour Grape firstā€¦


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[quote=ā€œDougDawson, post:9, topic:81346, full:trueā€]
Here are all of BOGs strains. Click each name and it will take you to info on that strain. Good luck in your search.

Thankyou brother! Thatā€™s such a great help Iā€™ll be busy reading up now, youā€™re a legend mate, peace :v:


Thanks heaps guys! Iā€™m thinking it must be Sour grape too &for whatever reason my memory threw in a random strain starting with m :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I had no idea so many strains had these wine like qualities, something Iā€™ll definitely look at getting down the track once I have my medicine sorted, Iā€™m limited to just having the one going at the time as my wife is pretty worried Iā€™ll get in trouble and I understand her concerns so like I say once Iā€™ve got a good stash of medicine I can then look at growing something to really just enjoy and for something different. I appreciate all your input guys you are a great bunch of people, I really enjoy og! Peace :v:


Any time bud, happy hunting.


The strain your looking for is bog LSD itā€™s made using nycd thatā€™s where the flavour is coming from you seek for.


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I know @SamwellBB at Baked Beanz has a Port Wine Cheese. I havenā€™t grown it yet but itā€™s popular. Iā€™m not 100% on the wine taste.


Cheers guys! That port wine cheese sounds killer. I love cheese so should be enjoyable either way!
And yeah Iā€™ll definitely look into that bog lsd
Um a massive fan of bog genetics so always a pleasure to "research " his strains lol :laughing: his strains never disappoint!


Try Baked Beanz, as well. Youā€™ll be glad you did.! :sunglasses:

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