Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

Last night I relapsed…. Again… it’s like I can’t control myself. I don’t have money to burn but when I saw the the Purple Hues and Frost I could help myself….
I immediately open the google search bar and type Hella Gas and found a reliable seedbank. My mind was already made up… 48 dollars later and Im back on the seeds… again… time to reset… 12 hours clean… It’s going to be different this time. Stay strong :muscle:t3:


@ottafish… you can get out from the seed addiction.

I was clean almost a week…
And then I buy some of JPS… and if not buyed the Authenthic genetics old school pack was for having trouble with crypto…

It is a hard work stay clean, but is possible… I don’t know how… but it must be.


You know when you slip, you slip hard?
I didn’t buy seeds for almost a year, but in the last month?
Watermelon Hashplant (Stray repro)
Smart Move (Bodhi)
Tropical Boogie (Mahakala)
Acid Beauty (Mahakala)

3 separate purchases too!

Hi I’m Heady, and I’m still a strainaholic.


I mean if you’re gonna slip up, GO HARD!!


This is a great thread​:joy::rofl::joy::rofl: Too freaking funny. It’s an uncontrollable addiction🫣


I appreciate you guys making me feel like my problem is “totally under control” and "I can stop anytime I want":rofl:

I’m not sure if @MonsterDrank is enabling us or not but, damn, what a collection he’s been building. Nice :sunglasses:

LOL I got this thread mixed up with the new seed packs thread and this post What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here - #950 by MonsterDrank


@FieldEffect I used to be a big part of this thread called the “Seed Collectors Thread” over on this forum that’s no longer in existence… now totally defunct called “The Seed Depot” where me and a group of my forum buddies would chit chat about the latest drops, our acquisitions, and all the new packs coming out in general… there was nothing like it… was my favorite thread and I miss it dearly… so that’s why I made this one that you referenced. It just makes me feel a little bit reminiscent of all those old times.

I stopped buying seeds back sometime after 2013 and had some catastrophic health issues… brain surgery and suffered from some serious neurological issues for years but I’m mostly recovered and buying a new home soon… buying seeds again has definitely made me happy and building up my genetic Vault again is just a lot of fun. Huge pheno hunts in the near future await me. The 100+ Bodhi packs I picked up in the last year are going to be a hell of a lot of fun to dig through. Banana Spliff, Field Trip, Black Raspberry for instance are some of the ones I am looking forward to the most… as well as my A11g stash and the A11g crosses… but I’ve also got some oldies like Larry Lotus, Dream Lotus, Tranquil Elephantizer, Nibiru… stuff from Bodhi that I can possibly F2 at some point. Hell there’s a Blackberry Lotus keeper cut that I have going right now that I found in a 12+ year old pack of seeds that I just shared with a fellow overgrow member. I live for this stuff.

I’ve got old original packs from Pisces Genetics, old Alien crosses, original Sin City Blue Power F1s, TGA stuff that Subcool made with his own hands, old Brothers Grimm packs and preservation work by others like Joey Weed and Motarebel, I’ve got old seeds from Lemonhoko, and Jaws, Inkognyto, Elite Genetics, etc… stuff buried in my fridge that I can’t wait to break out… and no none of it is for trade. :rofl:

So yeah… I’m a total addict and love this stuff. No need to be anonymous about it though. I think if my house was burning down I’d leave the family photo albums, my wallet, my keys, my wife if I had one… I’d be running to that fridge and doing whatever possible to save my seed collection from perishing.


I’ve posted this one a few times. The collection has grown a lot since this 2020 photo. Probably have as many or more of great things made by friends and more breeder stuff added over the last few years.

Definitely have slowed down in the collecting and focus now on landraces, old classics, and F2s of collectable strains. But, still need to be in Strainaholics Anonymous!


You guys, I need an intervention. I can’t stop. Oh no.
I just bought a pack of Bodhi Imperial Majesty, and a pack of Bodhi Divine Intervention.
That’s in addi©tion to:

Somebody stop me!


This is what happens when a strainaholic gives up buying seeds. Just throw your money at clones instead!


That is indeed a plot twist. :laughing:


Old alien packs, blue power f1s :fire: hope to see you pop those soon… and that blackberry lotus sounds killer too any threads with pics of that?

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The relapsing continues :joy::joy:


Yeah, I just filled the last refrigerated container that was “going to be my last”.

I’m left with only four choices:

  1. Complete abstinence.
  2. Reorganize the containers to try to make more room.
  3. Start getting rid of some things.
  4. Start another “last” container.

I’ve been told I am already using too much room in the refridgerator so not sure #4 is an option but it would certainly be the easiest! :grinning:


Get your own seed fridge, then you can take up as much room as you like.


We are due for a new fridge so I have thought about keeping the old one for seeds! :joy:


And everyone wins!


I use a large wine fridge for storing my seeds


Nice pickups need to get some MAHAKALA gear sometime his sativa offerings sound and look so good!


I’ve been coveting those strains for at least half a year… it’s hard to choose just a couple!
I got Grandfunk as a freebie!