Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

FINAL Auction over…won the following: Mango Widow, Neville’s Skunk, The Stones, Nordle, Early Queen, Dreamtime, Spice, G13 X Widow, Devil, Shit, Critical Mass, La Nina, NL5 X Haze and, Medicine Man, averaging $18.95 per, as if that makes it better!!! When the FIRST Order of 11 Strains arrive, I’ll then pay for these. Then…I promise I’m off to Therapy!!! All, stay safe/be well.


sounds like you need something Misterbee


I have been studying the Mr. Nice auction site for awhile and it seems that some strains go for €12.50 in one auction and for €20.00 or more in another. I understand that many of the strains always go for more than that, but I have seen strains such as Nordle sell for €12.50 in one auction and for €22.50 in another auction on the same day. Their policy is you have 60 days to pay for your auctions, so it seems to me that the best plan of attack would be to bid only €12.50 on auctions for the first month or so, and then for seeds you really want you can then up your minumum a bit for the second month. By doing that collectively, we would lower the average price of auctions on that site it seems. Just a stoned thought while dreaming about auctions for seeds I really dont need with money I dont have lol. :monkey_face:


The Auctions actually only run for 2 or three days. You have TWO MONTHS after you win to PAY. Unless you message them explaining why you may need MORE time, they MIGHT suspend your ability to Bid. What I do is wait until there’s about 6 or 7 hours left on a strain I want, put in my MAX amount. You WON’T be charged that amount unless some one starts bidding against you. If they go beyond my MAX, I let it go and wait for it to be listed again. Unless they feature something Special, most are in the rotation. You never really know. Like, I just won 12 Auctions, averaging $18.96 each. I won’t pay for these UNTIL the others I won arrive (shipped w/Tracking 26 August). Stay safe/be well.


Is that why I can’t bid no more :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::+1: trying to put a bid on medicine man but it won’t let me

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yes that is what I was saying, so effectively you have 2 months to gather all of the best prices for auctions, so why put your max bid down at first? that seems to just drive the price up. Instead I think the best option would be to put your MIN bid and see what auctions you win, and then reconsider your bidding minimum after a couple of weeks of watching the auctions, since as you said they are in rotation

I DON’T bid during the week. Try to time your Bids maybe to start on Fri/end Sat or Sun. MOST people will be out doing other things, not hovering over a computer. Timing is EVERYTHING!!! SS/BW.


So did any of you win that 1997 SSH shanti posted up a while ago?

Sure didn’t, wasn’t aware. I’ll keep my antenna up. Thanks…stay safe/be well.

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Yeah, I know…the wife shared some Bonus $'s she received. What better way to spend it (on my end)? Man of few vices!!! Stay safe/be well.


Hi. I’m SHANTI-RI and I’m a strainaholic.

It started when I made an account on OG. I came here to learn more about growing and was confronted with so many strains, crazy community seed runs and people offering seeds to random people out of niceness. Now I want them all. This can’t be right. Please help.

I was forced to copy all of that, it was really the same with me, but if it’s not enough cannabis seeds now in my fridge, I have to make room for other types of seeds:

My wife’s luck is that no official bodhi distributor sends it to my country and that I don’t know anyone who can send it to me, because otherwise I would spend about 1000 dollars in seeds in the year. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:


My name is badger, and I’ve been lurking this thread a bit. This really sums up how I feel. Here try this, try that and they all sound so damn good. I… I have a hard time saying no. :confounded:
I’ve even asked about some seeds that were being given away.

What do I do?

I have beans in pots for a week, and my tent isn’t even set up yet. Whatever it is, it’s catching, and it’s not the wu flu.


a friend hmu & asked if I wanted any seeds - what do you think ??


Nice looking exotic bird seed!
(But dont let the birds get to it!) Lol


That’s badass man.

Remember how scrooge mcduck swam in his money? You give me an idea! :joy:


nice haul of seeds. Store them away properly and they should serve you well.


I need some friends, just like that :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_monocle:
Not sure how many orders of beans I have coming, somehow I convinced my wife that we had to panic buy. LMMFAO :shushing_face:
So I hit up Mark, got his today, went in with @Hugh_Glass for some BOG"s beans, used code that @Hugh_Glass gave me at GPS, ordered some shit from GLG for a bunch of freebies, waiting on JOTI"s stuff sent out last week, and something from the site.
I fukn fell way the fuk off!!! And I like it!!!
My new name is Indoorpopesian


We have another 50% off if you need it.


I better chill 4 a bit, that 27 dollars wouldn’t hurt either…lol


I couldn’t sleep right knowing I passed up this offer!
PM me the code please @Hugh_Glass