Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

you’re saying you can re-use the flower just vaped?
i have been clearing the bowl after her sessions and looking at it. some looks cooked some doesn’t. but i toss it anyways.

lower temp. ok. i can try that out.

i was checking out the replacement bowls as one fell of the table 1st day and smashed on the floor. :frowning:
i see one has a smaller air gap to produce more vapor. i was thinking this might be better considering the size of the oxygen tubing.


Do a quick search for AVB (already vaped bud). Mostly used for tinctures and edibles, but you’ll be amazed at what you can do with it. Whole new rabbit hole… :hole:


the vape thing is new(er) for me. i can’t really tell if the bowl is spent or not. some looks cooked, a lot does not.

i HAD been considering using the spent stuff to make oil/edibles.
will have to follow your suggestion and check it out.


It has already been decarbed - ready to add to alcohol for tincture or add to butter, oil, or what ever you choose to make edibles.


interesting. so you can skip the whole decarb process.

i guess the only question becomes how much is actually left (potency) so you don’t have issues with dosing.

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If you haven’t spent some time over at this thread, you really should.
Hope all the best of all of you. :heart:


i was reading someone’s thread recently where they had a recipe for salves. not sure if it was reikos thread or not. (i’ve got to find it again… i didn’t bookmark it :worried: )

i have not made tincture (yet). though i’m thinking some salves might help out abuela’s hips and knees.
will check it out, thank you.

appreciate you adding more information to the conversation. thanks.


Excellent smoke reports on the Purple Kush and Candyland!
I appreciate knowing the “high” effects as well as reading your in-depth analysis of your MIL’s medical benefits from each strain.


This is about a 10 minute read,and will give you some good starting points. Have fun!!


thank you. i appreciate the compliment.

seems silly not to add both perspectives when they are readily available (and one of us is a willing participant… lol)

i just hope some of this info is helping out. i know there are several people keeping track of this thread as they have relatives afflicted with the disease as well. any ammo in this fight is good. i hope it saves them some time. we have had to go through a lot of trial and error and a lot of time has lapsed for us, and abuela’s condition always progresses. we are doing our best to slow it down and to at least provide some kind of comfort. we know she has lots of pain but still cant articulate what or where. makes things very difficult. affects morale as well.

lol… i’m glad candyland made the cut… i won’t complain “having” to grow it again (will have to take one for the team on that… )

i have two more purple kush cuts to test. i’m hoping the kannabia makes the cut. of the 3 PKs i would say it was hands down the best.


thank you. i will.

Salve and tincture making is great for leftovers and damn useful in its own right. We froze some of our last crop specifically for it. I’ll have to ask JTT if you want an exact recipe we use- ours is dead simple, but the additions others make are just as logical, if there’s a bit more to deal with as far as handling during prep, and the like.

Rhai had a bit to say here, recently. And a few others notably chimed in.
Great work all around as usual in here, bro, and glad that Candyland has been showing promise.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


yeah man. i’ll take a look at your recipe. hadn’t realy considered making salves till recently - abuela’s knees are getting real bad. something topical just makes sense.

i think you’re right. it was rhai’s thread i was reading. recipe seemed real simple and ingredients readily avail.

appreciate your compliments. thanks man.

i’m glad candyland made the cut too as it was beneficial to both of us. just makes it all the more sweet knowing it is on the “grow again” list … already thinking of ways to increase the yield next time… lol :smiley:
too bad they were fem seeds. might be worthwhile trying to find some regs? does anyone still work with this?


Candyland F2 reg seeds were made by Alter Ego. And sold by SoCal Seed Vault. They don’t have any now, but i will ask “B” the guy i’ve spoken to there.

Here’s search results for the Alter Ego strains they DO have:


thanks man. i appreciate your continued support with my project.

some many cool and helpful people in this place.


looks like that “alter-ego” breeder has a BUNCH of stuff on abuela’s list. good prices too.

thanks for the tip!


Sure thing! I haven’t grown any of his beans yet but plan to.

You mentioned GDP. I think you’ll like it a lot. Depending how amber the trichs are when harvested, the effects can be a lot like Candyland (functional and happy) or with a later harvest with more amber, it can be like Purple Kush (narcotic and very relaxing).


oh yeah. we DO like GDP a lot.

i have a GDP clone mom i’ve been running for almost 3yrs now. it was the 2nd strain we found worked for abuela. (after acapulco gold)
i kept a selected female that had the best of everything from the pack and coincidentally seemed to worked best for abuela. 1 clone survived the spidermite scourge of '22 (lucky!). it is now the active clone mom. i call it “abuela’s cut” GDP.

yes. i find that 8 week finish (that’s recommended) is too short. i typically harvest at 9 weeks. i have gone longer. i find it gets a bit TOO narcotic and just becomes knockout sleep ganj. 9 seems the best mix for active brain up front / drooling brain in back / body aches gone.
despite the fact GDP aint gunna win any “highest THC” or “biggest buds” contests, it has fantastic medicinal effects.

gotta give credit where credit is due and say ken did the cannabis community a solid coming up with GDP.

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Strain Test Update:

i have been testing OG Kush on abuela this week. this has been a difficult week for testing so somewhat a disappointing report. at the beginning of the week the arizer was knocked over and the last glass bowl shattered on the floor. ordered replacements. they arrived in 2 days. restarted testing and found out she has another urine infection. (sigh)
continued with testing as we caught it early and got her on treatment, but know the testing results may be skewed and require a retest.
that all being said…
overall, i would say OG Kush is effective, but not as pointed as some of the others tested. it didn’t display any adverse side effects. her mood was good, although very relaxed. her cognitive was affected positively. she was making sense when talking and was having some good anomalous memory episodes. not as much as others, but still good enough to be noteworthy. she did smile and laugh a bit, but not quite as talkative as others. it seemed to handle a lot of her standard pain issues quite well. we did try to keep an eye on her tremors. OG Kush helped with the hand tremors, but did not stop them completely. i would say overall takeaways for this round of testing was a pleasant strain for her mood, pain free and VERY relaxed. better for afternoon, but could certainly be used during day. she wasn’t so relaxed to be sleepy or lethargic for her therapies. relatively agreeable for her therapies.

i think i would need to retest when no infection is present to tell whether or not OG Kush would remain on the pantheon of strains or not.

From My Perspective:
i LIKE OG Kush. a lot. it’s a good go to. i don’t reach for the jar as much as others, but it’s a great “pallet cleanse” type strain to fall back on every now and then. i like the flavors and the effects.
flavors earth and fuel with a slight hint of sweet. smelled of heavy fuel during grow and flower.
effects for me are a really HARD indica stone. back of head and body jelly. the stone also starts to invade the front of the head, not overwhelming, but in a pleasant way. euphoric way. it’s quite nice IMO.
as far as the grow, i had seed from Humboldt Seed Company. F5s. the plant was an easy grow. very spindly in veg. but amazing transformation in flower. not the biggest colas, but LOTS of them. would grow again…
curious what the definitive OG Kush cut is. it’s another strain that has been crossed/outcrossed/backcrossed and every breeder has their own version of it. which is purest? so many versions to weed through.
bottom line, i would and will grow again. it works for abuela, it works for me. it seems a really good classic stand-by kind of strain worthy of being maintained.

is HSC cut good by connoisseur standards, or is there something better out there?

Coming Up Next:

this week, i will be testing Amnesia (Haze) Fast from seedsman. this one should be more sat leaning and be more of an upbeat strain. personally, i think it lives up to it’s namesake. i get pretty ripped off it and forget stuff when i walk from room to room. lol.
will see how it works on abuela. i thought it would be counterproductive to someone with memory issues, but hey stranger and more counterintuitive strains/things have worked out for her in the past.

til next time


Strain Test Update:

whelp… that didn’t take long. i tested Amnesia (Haze) Fast on abuela. within 10 minutes of her vaping, she had HIGH anxiety.
frightened, anxious, crying, mild hallucinations - didn’t want to be alone.
very negative side effects. we brought her back down to ground level with some CBD oil under her tongue. she was calm again about 30min later.

i am not going to try and test it again. to prove or disprove. she had nothing else new. no meds, no therapies. this was all the vape.

i always questioned the wisdom of giving people with mental problems strains that have anxiety as a side effect, but amnesia had made the list. there were/are a few more on the list that don’t make sense. but not all people get the same effects, so we grow them out and test them.
she had unexpected negative side effects from northern lights as well. got all agro/angry. might have been the knock off genetics, but i am wary about testing it again. i have better cuts now (thanks @JustANobody ) so will see about getting to them in the fall.

i realized i never put my perspective on Amnesia (Haze) Fast. so here it is.

My Perspective:

Amnesia Fast from Seedsman is predominantly sat leaning. vigorous and healthy growth for entire grow. very easy grow in my opinion. give it good soil and nutes and it will do the rest. just keep it watered. it got pretty thirsty in flower. pretty good stretch. it had lots of flower nodes, close together. excellent leaf to bud ratio. trim was a breeze. the flowers weren’t big, but very plentiful.
had some odd odors coming off it in flower. seemed to switch a lot. i kept rubbing it trying to figure out what it really smelled like. i honestly can’t give you a good answer. some days it smelled sweet. some days it smelled like vics vapo rub. i also can’t really give you a good flavor report for this other than “overall pleasant”. the high is pretty strong. and in my opinion lives up to it’s namesake. i will smoke this stuff, get stupid high, have a great idea, get up to go do it, but by the time i get to where i’m going, i have forgotten what the hell i was doing and have to retrace my steps to catch the thought again. it’s an upbeat high, you want to do something if you could remember what it was. this effect lasts a while. other than that little issue, the high is pleasant. hits front, back and body. it does have pretty good painkill properties. thankfully it doesn’t have any of the racy sativa effects i dislike. but it certainly spun abuela’s world up.
i don’t reach for this jar often - despite it being nice and strong, it does make me completely retarded. i need to function most of the day. i can’t smoke this and be truly functional (i know my limitations… lol) this would be a great strain to take fishing… baked out of your gourd, casting, reeling and casting again. drinking beer. catching fish. nothing else to do and no need for higher brain function(s). (God that sounds like a good day doesn’t it?)

anyways, parting thoughts - this is a strong strain. it probably doesn’t have the highest THC on the planet, but it’s effects are more debilitating IMO and best suited for recreational use. it IS good for pain, i will give it that, so i suppose there is that excuse… lol.

Coming Up Next:

going to change gears and roll back to Purple Kush. this time will test the Kannabia cut from spain. of the 3 purple kush cuts i grew last summer, i would consider this one the best. will see how it works on abuela.