Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

Godspeed brother.

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Wow, sorry to hear about the setbacks. Sounds like you are doing all the right things given the circumstances. Stay strong, sending positive energy and good vibes your way. :green_heart:

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it is.
thank you.

thank you

one step forward, 3 steps back.
depressing when you put your best efforts in 24/7 and simple things unravel everything you have worked on for months.
this disease sucks ass. i wish we had caught it earlier. the diagnosis came too damn late.


You need to keep feeding her with fermented foods, as well as pre a pro biotics, all the antibiotics will have nuked her gut bacteria and why she keeps getting re infected.

Good luck it’s a hard cycle to break.


we noticed.

thanks for the tips. we have been giving her pro-biotics for a long time. never tried pre tho.
will discuss it with the wife. thanks.


it’s been a while since i have done any testing, but have done some recently.
Abuela is home from her extended hospital stay. we have (so far so good, knock on wood) kept the infections at bay, she is healthy for the most part. so the extract oil has been re-introduced at her night time feeding. here’s what we have been working on.

Strain Test Update:
I have been working with the last remnants of last year’s crop of OG @Shoreline 's GDP. tested the flower in the vape rig - worked perfectly as expected.
i also made some extract oil for her g-tube feedings. now the she is back out of the hospital and a bit more stable, we decided to give the oil a shot. this also worked perfectly. she slept great and woke up refreshed.

From My Perspective:
i have grown this a few times now. it is an easy grow. not picky. has good vigor (for GDP that’s an issue) and has a bit better production than i have seen from other versions of GDP. i am still looking for a shoreline GDP male to breed with AC GDP. still working through the pack, but have only had females (so far). there is no question i will be growing this again (and again until i find a suitable shoreline gdp male) with more than one purpose.
smoke was smooth, tastes sweet, berry/grape and a touch of fuel. very pleasant. the high is a nice deep head and body indica stone, with enough cerebral effect to keep your brain in higher function. does great with removal of aches and pains. brings on the munchies, so is great for patients with appetite issues. it also has that nice old school feature of lasting more than 30min. i get a good 3-4hrs off a half doob.

Coming Up Next:
i am not certain i am going to push testing at this point, though we have her home and stable, i have really only been running her “favorites list”
strawberry lemonade
super silver haze
blue dream

OG Kush
Purple Kush

however, i did substitute blackberry kush in a few afternoons as the jar was out of storage and the seal was cracked (had been curing 9 months). seemed to work without issue. nothing remarkable as before, but certainly nothing negative.
hopefully things remain stable for abuela for a while. that would be nice.

til next time