Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients


Rafael Mechoulam rest easy homie did some research with cbda/hu580.

For the research they used hu580 the synthetic version of cbda because it’s perfectly stable versus cbda degrades over time.

They found that hu580 was 1,000 times stronger the CBD for nausea in male rats. Interesting findings were that it wasn’t as powerful in female rats.

I think cbda is probably the best cannabinoid for anxiety. Raphael theorized that we have an endocannabinoid identical in structure to cbda but has yet to be identified.


Rafael Mechoulam was a real one :fist:

I’ve been listening to the audiobook of Dr Peter Grinspoon’s Seeing Through The Smoke and he talks several times about Dr. Mechoulam and the ECS. It is astounding how important the ECS is to all human bodies and yet there is hardly anything known about it. They barley even cover the endocannabinoid system in US medical schools! Basically a mention of “oh yeah that ECS thing exists” and that’s about it.

I highly, highly, highly recommend Dr Peter Grinspoon’s book. It has been eye-opening.


Strain Test Update:

Been testing (Seedsman) Critical Purple Kush on Abuela this week. one takeaway from this:
knocks her out cold. there is no cerebral. it’s lights out. that’s really the only takeaway. so much so that wife asked me to stop giving it to her during the day. she was sleeping thru her therapies in a bad way.
this is the vape equivalent to the Louis XIII oil. knockout meds.
needless to say this wasn’t a good week for testing as there were multiple doctors visits, therapies and a few trips to the ER. i ended up having to switch to blue dream and candyland during the day so she was awake for her visits/therapies.

i might end up making some oil of this to see if it’s a good backup for GDP. so far only Bubba Kush oil has come close to GDP.

From My Perspective:
this is relaxing smoke for me, but it isn’t knockout. it tastes ok, smells ok. nothing really remarkable to it IMO. i had a 3 seed pack, only one popped. the plant was easy to grow and produced some massive donkey dick colas. and i stress MASSIVE (photos in my outdoor thread from last summer if interested)
would i grow it again? meh… not unless i had to. plenty of other stuff out there to check out. i don’t find myself reaching for this jar by choice … ever… more of a necessity so i don’t waste all my good stuff first. the jar i reach for to space things out.
not a really glowing review other than the plants growth. it WAS vigorous and produced mighty colas. just meh on the back end.

Coming Up Next:
planning on circling back to retest something else that made no sense. will be retesting (Seedsman) Northern Lights Auto. last time we tested this in gummies. that was a LONG time ago. she got agro on the gummies. but that was early on after initial diagnosis. she was all over the place with the emotions before the hormone therapy. wife and i discussed and agreed to re-test and see what the vape rig does. crossing fingers it works. on paper it certainly should. we shall see.

til next time


Strain Test Update:
I have been testing (seedsman) Northern Lights auto on Abuela this week. previous tesing with the gummies saw her getting all agro. vape testing was a different story, but once again we had a rough week of testing as she has another bladder infection. they are now going to put a permanent catheter in her. surgery is in 2 weeks. :frowning:
the effects we noticed from her was this was relaxing for her, but also had a cerebral element. being that she was racked with infection and tired from fighting the relaxation was more prevalent. her cognition was all wonky this week. 2 trips to ER. multiple home visits. she was pretty wiped out.
not a really good test week. but at least she didn’t get angry or agro with it this time.

From My Perspective:
this was an easy plant to grow. looked great, smelled great, was a trimming dream. but the smoke is… meh. it tastes ok… kinda reminiscent of the NL of old, but it is just… underwhelming IMO. i hardly ever reach for this jar. i use it to space out the good stuff i reach for a lot.
i have grown this out a few times expecting to come across a good pheno. it’s all been pretty consistent with the meh. i have one pack left. meh. lol

Coming Up Next:
this week, i will be testing (Garden of Green) Blue Dream Auto on Abuela. this may extend to the day of surgery. we will see.

considering she will be on antibiotics now until the surgery in 2 weeks and then after the surgery, wife has asked that we switch gears off testing for a bit and just run her daytime “favorites”. i just finished curing the last batch of blue dream i ran so seems a fitting time to do so.

til next time


Strain Test Update:
i have been testing (Garden of Green) Blue Dream Auto on Abuela. this was another difficult week with testing. more infections, more ER visits. more antibiotics that make her groggy/lethargic.
all that aside, the blue dream did perform admirably despite the challenges. she was more alert (despite the medication induced lethargy) and was generally in a good mood/happy/laughing. more agreeable to therapies. but still the medication lethargy and infections do NOT make for good testing. regardless, i’m quite certain Blue Dream will be moved into the pantheon of keeper strains.

From My Perspective:
this is an easy plant to grow. it has impressive yields for an auto. looks good, smells good, tastes good. veteran smokers all love the effects and all are surprised it’s an auto. it’s a GREAT plant to grow and smoke. garden of green did a magnificent job with this one. grown it 3 times, very little phenolytic variation (so far) each time has been a great yield of great tasting, pleasant high smoke. would most CERTAINLY grow again… and soon.

Coming Up Next:
this coming week, i will be testing (Seedsman) Gelat.OG. a cross between Gelato and OG Kush. Abuela has shown positive effects/results with both of those strains individually. let’s see what the cross will do.

til next time


Thanks for doing another update here @Til_Valhalla. I’m sorry that your abuela has been going through a more difficult time with the infections and hospital visits. It sounds like the Blue Dream is showing some promise, even with all that has been happening recently. And for an auto too - that would make it very easy to continue growing the strain!

Best of luck to you and abuela over the upcoming weeks. You both have people here who are rooting for your success and for her health!


thanks. appreciate that.

she’s got an upcoming surgery. hopefully this puts and end to the UTIs.


Strain Test Update:
i have been testing (Seedsman) Gelat.OG on Abuela this last week. this was another difficult week with testing. she had surgery this week. and has been slowly recovering. lots of discomfort/pain. more antibiotics that make her groggy/lethargic.
all that aside, the Gelat.OG seemed to do well with helping abuela deal with some of her pain as well as keeping her mentally alert. it seemed to have some positive effect on her cognition, but between the surgery pain and antibiotic lethargy it was fighting to be there.
i’m pretty sure this one will get a re-test at some point down the line. it seemed positive and helpful overall.

From My Perspective:
i have grown this strain out 3 times before. i like it. easy grow. healthy and vigorous. very pretty color display in flower. smells amazing. sweet, cream and fuel. tastes amazing - very much like it smells. the high is nicely balanced. front of head is up for higher function, back of head and body are nicely relaxed. definitely a daytime smoke. you want to go get stuff done. i find this one works pretty good for taking away aches and pains and allows me to get work done. will certainly grow again

Coming Up Next:
this coming week, mrs.valhalla and i decided it would be best to assist her in healing and not be concerned with testing. going to run her daytime favorites (super silver haze, blue dream, candyland, lemon haze) to keep her alert and pain free and run her afternoon favorites for rest and good sleep.
will resume testing when she is healed up and infection free.

til next time


Strain testing will be on hold until abuela heals up properly from her surgery.

currently utilizing strains that have tested positively for daytime use. she needs to be awake and alert for her daytime therapies, nurse visits etc.
will be using the following:

blue dream
super silver haze
lemon haze

og kush
(kannabia) purple kush
bubba kush

will be making a test batch of critical purple kush oil to see if it’s a good backup for GDP oil. that strain completely knocked her out. the immediate response like louis13 but not with the extra groggy.

that’s about all for the time being.

til next time


From my experience weed has destroyed my short term memory, how it can be of any good for altimeters or amnesia or dementia when we want there memories to come back or the person themselves to hold onto more information.

because THC removes the amyloid plaques that build up in the brain.


So do I need to smoke more to see an improvement?

do you have alzheimers, dementia or parkinsons?


I could, you never know. I have not been tested for anything like that, I just see it as destroying ur short term for maybe something but nothing guaranteed.

well, there are about 4 decades of university and medical studies that show results that differ from your insights, so i’m going to go with them.

like you (before i started research) i thought THC was counterintuitive as well, but it is not in those conditions.
with these diseases a lot of things you think would work do not. and things you would never think to try do.

if you are concerned about your brain health, one of the easiest things you can do is cut processed sugars out of your diet. it exacerbates many problems.


Suggested reading material “The Medical Powers of Cannabis” by John Hicks M.D.

I’m not sure how I got to this thread, I’m so high right now.
Please have a google into “Alzheimer’s carnivore diet” there’s a lot happening in that space.

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They know have a test for Alzheimer. You used to have to wait for a autopsy.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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whelp… it’s been a while since we had an update.
since about 25 may, abuela had been struggling with infections AFTER getting the surgery that was supposed to stop the infections. she got another infection directly after the surgery, had to argue with the doctor that did the surgery and eventually had to take her back to the ER where they finally admitted her for massive infection. she had gone septic waiting around for proper care. in the hospital, we finally got a good infection specialist that did the proper testing, found out the antibiotics she has become resistant to, and picked an effective antibiotic… which brought us to the next hurdle… insurance didn’t want to pay for it.
round and round we went while abuela got more ill. that got sorted after about 5 days. medication was $650 per dose. she needed 3 doses per day for 12 days. (roughly $30k all in :skull_and_crossbones: )
she stayed in the hospital another 7 days before they wanted to boot her to a nursing home. had a day to sort that out. found one that would work with her insurance. got it set up with the insistence that they had the correct antibiotic. they said “yup, we got it”.
i’m sure you can guess where this went…
yeah. the nursing home DIDN’T have the antibiotic. 2 days of back and forth with them and the insurance company.
antibiotic cycles aren’t meant to be interrupted. if 12 days is the cycle. 12 days it needs to be without interruption.
so… 2 days with no antibiotics, she got sick again.
finally got the antibiotic, finally got the insurance and got her back on. after another 2 days of runaround, got the doctor that prescribed the meds to extend her cycle to make up for the lost days.

my wife and her sister tag-teamed staying at the hospital/nursing home ovenight to make sure the day and night staff were doing the right sh^t because they weren’t.

this entire episode took most of the month of june.

she finally got home after getting all her meds. she was healthy for a bit, but got another infection.
(it never ends) she ended up back at the ER again, but got taken care of a lot quicker this time.
abuela is back home again. we don’t know for how long. our focus is trying to boost her immune system from here on out. not sure how, but we are going to try. wish us luck.

in the meantime, since she has been home, i have just been running her favorites. blue dream / candyland during the day and OG Kush / GDP for afternoons and night.

i dunno about testing at this point. until (if?) we can get all these infections under control, any testing is going to throw skewed results. besides, there are more important things to focus upon. i’d rather keep her comfortable for the time being.

some frustrating sh^t y’all. :frowning:

til next time


But bless you for doing it, for carrying that load. It’s a heavy one!

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